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"Langfang: Silicon Valley in Chinese?"

Langfang - not too large by Chinese standards (about 4 million) a city far from the coast, located in the north-east of the country. It is this city that experts predict to become the information hub of northern China, where in the near future, according to the plan, an inconceivable data processing center will be located.

For years, not too specious industrial city, which lies between two metropolitan areas - Beijing (50 km) and Tianjin (90 km) - did not have the opportunity to compete with their much more promising neighbors. But now, thanks to all the same neighborhood, the city has a chance to become a major IT center for the entire region.

Depressive region

In recent years, funds that flow into the development of the high-tech industry have grown many times, and now account for about 20% of the city’s GDP. The roots of this state of affairs lie in the past decade. Then a special program was developed for this territorial unit at the government level to transform the county into a Chinese "Silicon Valley".
Prior to the fateful decision of the government, the population of Langfang was involved in the extractive sector, the primary processing of minerals and the industry serving this business. But due to intensive human activity, not too rich deposits of gas, oil and brown coal were exhausted, which led to the curtailment of production and massive layoffs. This could plunge a densely populated region into a state of permanent depression.

Founded in 2009, the company Range Technology Development (RTD) with its headquarters in Beijing has become a real “engine” for the development of the high-tech industry of Langfang, which was noted by the main participants in the process.

IBM does not sleep

In 2011, RTD, together with IBM, began to build the largest data center in Langfang, not only in Asia, but throughout the world. The main capacities of the future mega-data center will serve to create on its basis a giant cloud service. The area of ​​the object is incredible - it will be 585,000 square meters, which is comparable to the area of, say, the Pentagon! The facility will be fully commissioned until 2017.

The budget allocated for the construction of the data center is no less exciting. The initially announced figure of $ 1.6 billion, according to the assistant president of the company RTD, has already been revised upwards.

“The scale of the task that confronts us, the attention paid to the project by the central authorities of the PRC, after all, the very size of the budget makes our enterprise very interesting for many business people, and we receive both financial and political support at all levels."

The place for the construction of such a large and modern IT center was also not chosen by chance. A company representative described the selection process in the following way: “We visited many places and cities and, nevertheless, gave our preference to Langfang. The main factors in the end were his extremely favorable geographical location (ed. Between the cities of Beijing and Tianjin) and the preferential regime that is valid for this territory. On the one hand, the low price (in comparison with Beijing) of the land allotment provided to us for the construction of the complex, on the other - the five-year tax amnesty applicable to us under the current legislation here. ”

IT Corporation's Pilgrimage to Langfang

Langfang has recently become a true “Mecca” for major IT players. Following IBM, the second largest telecommunications equipment manufacturer in the world, Huawei Corporation announced plans to expand its computing capacity in Langfang. As PR manager of Huawei noted: “Langfang is already known in China as a large computing center, and besides it is close to Beijing, where our scientific and production facilities are located.” The company refused to disclose the budget of the future project and its at least approximate computing power.

Also in 2013, one of the leaders of telecommunications services in the PRC, China Unicom, began implementation of plans to build a communications infrastructure in Langfang with a total cost close to $ 2 billion. This will be their third such project for the construction of large data centers in northern China. Two other projects are already operating in Beijing and Hohhot (Inner Mongolia province).

According to a report by the Industrial IT Alliance of China, the total market for the provision of services by PRC data centers in 2013 amounted to slightly less than $ 20 billion. In terms of the computational capacity of data centers represented in the PRC, the country went back to first place in the region in 2010, surpassing its regional competitor, Japan. The growth rates of all new and new computing centers here are only increasing, if the celestial will ever reach the leader of this market, the US is not clear, but it is clear that with such realities it becomes obvious - the authorities opened a new, colorful page in the history of the provincial city and its inhabitants .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238419/

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