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Do you also have a lot of tabs open with the thought “I will read this later”?

You also like I leave open tabs in Firefox to read them later?

I recently stumbled upon the Australian Lifehacker on a note about the Firefox add-on - Taboo . This addition adds the ability to save the tab along with the meta information - the scroll position, the data entered in the forms, etc. For each saved page, a screenshot is made.

It’s like bookmarking a page, but it’s just a priceless gift when reading great articles and blogs. Suppose I now read a note by Max Krainov about how to sell toys to children. In parallel, I am writing this note, look through the analytics of site traffic and gradually read my Habralent. And the time is poorer, and I want to eat more and more :) After dinner, it is likely that you want to sit with your family, lie down, go for a walk in the park. So, with the help of Taboo, I calmly save the missing tabs and close the browser. When I come back from dinner, I can calmly finish reading the unread articles.
Enjoy your meal.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23840/

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