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Visibility of comments

There was an idea about dim comments, there was an idea about refusing comments rating ... There is a lot of things.
But about autofiltering, by analogy with zahabrennymi / otkhabrennymi topics, I have not seen.

The bottom line: in the account settings habrachelovek optionally indicates the range of visibility of comments. For example, [0..N]. This means that all comments from 0 and above are visible. The rest do not even load. The default setting is [-4..N].

How to deal with threads? And just as well. One comment can be -5, and the answer to it is +10. If you want to see what the answer was + 10, change the filter and look. Therefore, it is also a good option to make a “quick filter” for each topic (show all / only plus / [- 5..N] / only negative). This filter should not reset the basic settings, but be applied temporarily to the current topic.
1. When time is short, I want to watch only the best comments. And you have to scroll a lot.
2. I (and as the survey showed, not only me), when there is a slow Internet connection, and there are a lot of comments on the topic, they don’t even load up to the end. By the way, because of this, the “Comment” button is also unavailable. We have to turn off the pictures and press "Refresh".
3. It is known that very many reveal hidden, mined comments. These people now do not have to make unnecessary movements.

Total: for all parties winning in time. In insult there will be only those whose comments are minus =).

We are looking wider: it would be nice to be able to specify your own range of visibility for Habratopic. For example, I would look in the tape all habratopiki with a rating above -3. Now, when there is time for Habra, I look all new, where there is also spam / outright nonsense with a rating below -10.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23839/

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