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We go around the ban Yota distribute Internet from your phone

Instead of introducing.

I use Samsung Note 3 LTE (N9005). Operator, from recent times, Yota. LTE on this device is not officially supported yet, that's why I decided to make root on the phone today and manually enable LTE.

Root received the instructions from the resource w3bsit3-dns.com. LTE was activated by adding a line to the /system/etc/lteon_netlist.xml file:
whiteLists numeric = "25011" ltestate = "PS / CSFB" operator = "Yota" country = "Russia" defaultMode = "GWL"

Set in the settings of the owner's access point - LTE.
Then we restart the device and in the settings you can select a new LTE mode.


Arriving home, I found that the Internet through the wire as it is, but the pages do not open (the usual behavior of the provider on Friday and Saturday). And then I remembered that I have LTE! Turned on the point mode, opened the browser and:
Big blue picture

How to be?


Attempting to ping before clicking on a button in an ominous blue window was not successful. So it does not cut the ports. So traffic is cut at the 3 (network) level of the AX model.
How Yota distinguishes phone packages from laptop packages, provided that the laptop is connected through the phone? Open the wiki and see what the package consists of ? During the analysis and study of the hardware, the difference between the packages was revealed, this is TTL! From the phone, packages with TTL = 64 reach Yota, and packages with TTL = 63 are already received from the laptop (1 ttl is spent on passing through the phone)!


Since the phone is rooted, we simply write net.ipv4.ip_default_ttl = 63 in the /system/etc/sysctl.conf file. Turn off Mobile Data and turn it on. Go to the browser on a laptop and voa la! Everything opens and the speed is not cut!

Instead of an afterword

Yota, do not be greedy, give normal Internet.

UPD: For those who did not work on Android 4.3, 4.4: go to the file /data/data/com.android.providers.settings/databases/settings.db sqllite with the editor and see the value of tether_dun_required, should be 0.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238351/

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