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3D Sand Printing with Sun

I hope you did not scoff at insects in your childhood by roasting them with a magnifying glass. But you probably know that this is possible. Artist Markus Kaiser is doing something similar, only instead of fried ants he has sand, and instead of the usual magnifying glass there is a large Fresnel lens.

His printer was called SolarSinter. It prints volume objects in the sand.

The concept is similar to a conventional 3D laser sinter printer, but the SolarSinter is much less accurate than a laser. But do not forget, this is Marcus - an artist, not a scientist, and his development was done for the sake of art, and not to create a prosthetic knee or vertebra .

A source.

Yes, this video is already two years old. But Techcrunch stumbled upon it and after that I only today.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238317/

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