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Microsoft's first cloud-based technology talk show ended with the start of the contest

On September 18, we held the first fully virtual event about clouds. Here was the announcement of the event, and in this post we close this event with a small reflection and a good competition, the participants of which appreciated not only the prizes, but also the educational value! We read and participate under the cut. A record can be viewed on the event page .

During the event, a lot of people worked in our studio - a team that was responsible for interacting with the social part of the event (Twitter, Facebook, Vkontakte, Skype, and SMM knows what), the director's team that checked the interviewed interviewees, timing the timing, sound and other (in the most tense moments, the director's room maintained the pressure of 11 people) and, in fact, the team of speakers — the presenters, who for 6 hours adjusted to what was happening in the interactive part and comment Judging by this, technical speakers, who were supposed to tell the main idea of ​​the topic in 15-20 minutes and our guests, of whom there were 12 people! 12 people - from Moscow, from St. Petersburg, from Minsk and other cities that you had to connect, check the connection, switch to the main line and not lose in the process.

We did it!
Igor Sugnach from FreshOffice told from the Neva bank how and why to make an office in the cloud.

Dmitry Rudash from Raxel Telematics , who recently did a telemetry superproject for insurance (as you drive, this is an individual tariff), shared his experience in developing projects with the cloud, equipment, and complex processes.

Igor Shcheglovitov from Kaspersky Lab said that load testing is good, but even better in the cloud.

Arthur Baranok , a Vitebsk developer, spoke about Drupal and how to use it (and why) in the cloud.

There was, of course, many, many other things. Sergey Ryzhikov from 1C-Bitrix introduced unexpected savory moments in the best style of the devil's advocate :) And Gaidar Magdanurov from Acronis and Runa Capital, did not forget anything about startups and the industry.

In general, it was beautiful, unusual and difficult, but extremely interesting. And now the most important announcement that needs to be made is to participate in the competition .

For participation:

Activate your free Azure subscription or sign in to your account

Build websites, cloud services, or virtual machines in the Azure cloud that will add meters to your overall construction.

Download your profile file on our page to verify the capacity created and contribute to the construction of the tower.

Watch the towers grow:

If your contribution completes the tower to the specified height, - congratulations, you won one of the legendary Nokia Lumia 930

- 146 meters - Pyramid of Cheops
- 320 meters - Eiffel Tower
- 452 meters - Petronas Malaziya
- 528 meters - Willis Tower
- 828 meters - Burj Khalifa

Remember, the number of meters built increases the likelihood of winning!
Do not stop at one meter built!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238305/

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