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HepyScreen - Helicobacter pylori screener

Based on the Rosstat version, gastrointestinal tract pathologies rank second after heart disease. And, unfortunately, most of the diseases are diagnosed at those stages when it is impossible to recover. Today, an innovative way to address this problem has appeared: HepyScreen - Helicobacteriosis screener.


HepyScreen is very easy to use. It is enough for the patient to breathe into the mouthpiece to get the result, while the whole procedure takes no more than five minutes. The data obtained is analyzed by software, therefore HepyScreen is not just a device, but a whole system of information support for making decisions by a doctor. The system is very easy to use, but at the same time multifunctional. The main functions of the program include a toolbar, the ability to enter a new patient and delete it, work with the calendar, edit patient information, fill out a card, enter the results of the study and store them later. Moreover, the HepyScreen system allows you to print a patient card.

Today, HepyScreen is actually the only way to control the effectiveness of therapy, which reduces the cost and duration of treatment by 2-4 times. It would seem that the use of such a system should be a very expensive pleasure, but according to calculations, with the introduction of the HepyScreen system, clinics receive the possibility of remote maintenance and a profit of at least 77 thousand rubles a month. We contacted the inventor of HepyScreen and interviewed him a little.

Alexander Vladimirovich, hello, how did you come to your invention?

This device is my whole life (laughs). I started to seriously search for new technical solutions for medical technology as a student, I had very good teachers who really infected me with this. Accumulated knowledge and experience to create something really necessary. On the basis of the idea a prototype was developed, then there were years of improvement. My brainchild took all my thoughts and all my time. So I spent my youth (laughs). I think all my colleagues will confirm that each invention is a huge bunch of mental energy combined with a bright dream to make the world a little bit easier and better. I can say that the life of the inventor is difficult, but interesting.
Why don't you consider the HepyScreen doctor's decision support information system as a separate web service from the device?
To some extent, it is still separate from the device. Those. the device carries out diagnostics and without connecting to a computer. But using this software product significantly increases the properties of the device and as a result our help to the doctor. Of course, we plan to further improve the mechanisms for using our “Doctor's Decision Information System”, primarily based on the wishes of doctors.

Is it planned to expand the functionality of the device for the diagnosis of any diseases other than gastrointestinal diseases?

This device is not, it is not technically feasible. But our company has the development of new devices for respiratory diagnosis of other diseases. Conducting experiments in clinics. And I hope that in the near future we will be able to present them in the market too.

We know that you have examined more than 18,000 patients, where did your device undergo clinical trials?

Tests were held at clinical sites of leading medical universities of St. Petersburg, in a number of foreign universities. All patients noted the high comfort of the examination process: “quickly, easily and comfortably.” It is important to emphasize that the desire to increase comfort and maximize the reduction of unpleasant sensations in the process of medical manipulations is one of the most relevant areas of the development of medicine at the present stage. I believe that innovation is not only technical solutions, but also a new level of attitude to the patient of everyone involved in the field of medicine. After all, the main reason for the very high percentage of detection of many serious diseases in the later stages is that people experience unpleasant emotions during diagnosis, and therefore do not want and are afraid to go to doctors and undergo tests. And I implemented in my device a “double care” mechanism, striving for maximum convenience for the user, i.e. doctor and for the patient. Gathering feedback from doctors and patients allows us to constantly improve our device and service, taking maximum care in all the little things.

When can we see your device in district clinics for the most optimistic forecasts?

Oh, I dream about it. I really want the district clinics of our entire huge country to provide their services quickly and efficiently, and this is not possible without modern diagnostic equipment. After all, nowadays a lot of time is being spent on making a diagnosis. I, as a developer, have done everything possible so that the HepyScreen device could be successfully used in urban polyclinics. I really hope that this will happen in a couple of years.

It is worth noting that today there is no direct analog of HepyScreen for primary health care. The HepyScreen system reached the final of Russia's largest start-up competition, GenerationS, will participate in the Open Innovations forum in Moscow and will compete for the top prize in its track, 5 million rubles.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238295/

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