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Forge iron without departing from the cash register. Branson's method in action

If, in search of an elusive consultant, you wander around the store with the goods in your hands for too long, the result is predictable - after a while, spitting on both the product and the store, you simply leave. The marketing formula "Dead seller = abandoned buyer" works. On the online market this happens much more often than you can imagine. According to SaleCycle, in the first quarter of 2013, 73.6% of customers did not complete the purchase, refused reservation or for some other reason did not reach a climax during the purchase, compared to 70.7% in the fourth quarter of 2012.

“Hello, my name is Richard Branson, I am the owner of Virgin Atlantic. Currently, all operators are busy ... "
How is this a misunderstanding to fix and not let go of the client, came up with one Russian startup, having developed a simple and effective widget that, having appeared on the market relatively recently, scatters among selling sites like hot cakes.

Let us examine the essence of the problem on the example of a single online store. The choice of goods, basket, purchase - yes, it happens that the buyer is limited to this simple chain of actions, successfully reaching the moment of payment. But, according to statistics, most people need to talk with the sales assistant - to clarify the details ( “Do you have exactly the same, but with mother-of-pearl buttons?” ) Find out about availability ( “Do you have a Slavic cabinet for sale?” ), In the case of special equipment and electronics often raise technical questions, but who knows - someone is just quieter from communicating with a living person.

At this stage, in most cases, delays begin: "Fill out the feedback form and our consultant will contact you shortly," "Leave your number and we will call you back." And nobody answers the direct call to the support service. The client is a creature that is so vulnerable, sometimes unnecessarily nervous, and even when you have to hang on the wire for a long time, waiting for the operator to respond, then feeling unnecessary and abandoned can easily turn into a psycho and go to your competitor. Another part of the clients leaves at the stage of filling out the form, if there are too many questions, another may simply not wait for the chime, because he calls several shops at once, and the next one after yours will be more efficient. What happens next? Conversion of the site, already low, inevitably tends to zero.


As an example, we can cite the well-known massacre, which has already become a textbook case. “Hello, my name is Richard Branson, I am the owner of Virgin Atlantic. Currently all operators are busy. This is a mess. Let's do this: if after 18 seconds no one answers your call, you will receive a 450 pound discount. So, I start the countdown - 18, 17, 16, 15 ... "

These golden words of the billionaire and entertainer Richard Branson recorded on the answering machine spread around the Internet in due time, becoming a reception classic to increase customer loyalty to the company to which the customer uses the telephone. The head of Virgin Corp, which unites more than 400 companies, is sensitive to every little thing concerning business. He took into account that it would be much more pleasant for the caller to hear the voice of the airline owner himself than the electronic answering machine, and he will be eagerly counting down those 18 seconds in the hope of the promised discount. As a result, he waits for a response within a specified period and, although he does not receive a discount, remains satisfied.

Good seller - "Live seller"

In the end, so here - with examples, digressions and jokes, we got to the hero of the celebration. The Russian startup Perezvoni.com somewhat modified Branson's approach in the context of the functionality of a modern online store and revealed the original B2B solution for online sales in the form of “Live Salesman” technology. At the same time free trial. The idea is to contact the seller on the site in 28 seconds while the customer is still hot.

To do this, the Perezvoni.com widget is installed on the selling site. It represents a client catcher in the form of the Active Invitation window, which is unobtrusive (once for each new site visitor) offers to receive a callback from the consultant in 19 seconds (plus 9 for entering phone numbers) ).

Then the widget immediately calls the store’s phone, which, depending on the tariff plan, you can enter up to 10 pieces, and as soon as the store responds, it is connected to the customer on the line (if the first phone does not answer, the widget connects to the second one and so on).

In addition, the widget connects the store with the customer, it records all conversations between the manager and the client, which you can then listen to in your account, where call statistics are also available. Communication without interruption is carried out throughout Russia without restrictions, loss of quality and delays. The functionality of the widget can be customized for yourself - insert a photo of your employee, change the text, time and frequency of the window.

The widget is installed on the site to work in test mode for free. This provides 11 minutes of conversation and several clients caught. To increase their number and expand the utility functionality, customers are offered the Start and Business tariff plans, with the help of which, in fact, the startup is monetized.

“The essence of the project is to increase the number of calls from the site, thanks to technology that catches the client at the“ right moment ”. Today, the number of registrations is growing at times, and for us this is the main indicator - the widget works and brings results. In the near future - updating the service and developing new functions to improve work efficiency.

The domestic market does not offer similar solutions yet (for the West it is allbackhunter.com) and we see this as an advantage of the pioneers. The project has just started and is rapidly gaining momentum, we are looking for investments mainly in order to reduce the time to attract new customers. With or without investments, we will somehow make our service number one in Russia, but we will be grateful to investors for participation in the project and we can guarantee fast results , ”says Vitaly Yagodkin, CEO of Perezvoni.com .

Anyway, our debt - the collective investment platform VCStart, on which the Perezvoni.com project is placed for the co-financing round - help him with this. You can become a co-investor of a startup on his personal page on our website .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238293/

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