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When you get a chance, you should miss him ...

This opus can be viewed as a continuation of the melfa revelations. But if melfa considers the psychological aspects of dismissal and attempts to work for myself, I want to consider the steps that should definitely be present before such an important step.
Immediately make a reservation that I do not consider freelancing as a full-fledged work for myself. I see this not as my own business selling myself as a specialist, but as a variation of work as a hired employee, but on more convenient conditions for a person - a free schedule, an opportunity to earn more, etc.

First you need to have the very enterprise that comes from the concept of an entrepreneur. Different dictionaries give different definitions of this concept, for me it is a person who sees the opportunity to earn in everything. This is very important, it is not necessary to rush to engage in every potential opportunity, but it is simply necessary to see them. There are people who have this ability incorporated at the genetic level, and there are people who successfully develop it in themselves. In fact, it is easier than it seems. For starters, you can learn to notice shortcomings in the work of companies and specific people. For example, I was never offered a restaurant to buy a dessert and take it with me. With a dessert cost of ten percent of the average check in any establishment, and knowing that catering services have the highest margins on desserts, I can assume that this small change in the waiter’s communication scheme with customers will raise profits by a couple of percent. Generally without additional costs or labor. In relative figures, two percent is not much, but if you translate it into cash, then for the monthly sales volume of an average restaurant, this amount will be equal to the cost of a weekly trip to Tahiti.
In second place is my experience. How correctly noted in the comments to “How to stop working and start living” is not the best way to try yourself in business after school or university. First you need to understand from the inside what it is and what it is eaten with. The best option I see is classic: from the bottom up - from the shoemaker to the hairdresser :) The manager (including the hired one) should know and understand all the subtleties and nuances of the mechanism called the “business”. Starting from how the courier service of the company works and how it breathes, and ending with issues of lending in the bank. In the army, an officer can do everything that a soldier can, but 10 times better, plus he carries the baggage of officers' knowledge and skills. In order to properly go through this stage, you need to choose small, young, dynamic companies, in which the achievements of each employee are visible, in which there is personnel shortage (not in terms of lack of specialists, but in terms of lack of employees in general). Having come to such a company, you can quickly grow to the head of the department, gain a foothold, and build a career further. Yes, unfortunately, this process unloved by many - building a career will have to go through to get as close as possible to the top and get access to high-level information and the ability to manage companies. Alien companies note. This is very important, because in this case you do not risk your own capital. While you are young, this stage is easy. Work 12-15 hours a day, business trips, a small income is a completely normal deprivation, for a young organism.

Well, a few years have passed, you are in charge of a strategic direction, or you are managing the entire company, constantly making improvements in your work, looking closely at adjacent or completely different types of business. In general, you are full of ideas and strength. Now comes the most important stage - do not miss the moment. I wrote about this in the epigraph, and this will end. At this stage, everything is important - age, experience, marital status, availability of finances, support of close people, self-confidence, finally, damn it, good luck. This list is endless, its length and specific indicators of the values ​​each must determine for himself. Going into your business is necessary in the very dawn of career, strength, desires and opportunities.

But, unequivocally, it is necessary to prepare for this moment in advance, perhaps starting from the age of 16, maybe from 18. Unfortunately, our parents, teachers, older comrades lived at another time, and could not at the early stage suggest a variety of options for adult life. And we, teenagers, did not even ask such questions. For us, everything was predetermined and understandable - school, institution, work, pension, death. What work means, we did not understand, and no one tried to explain it to us. We looked at the parents, bending their backs on the hosts and thought that this was the norm. Now, for example, I have great doubts about the need for full-time full-time study, due to the current situation in the educational system. I believe that it is better to start working and studying in absentia, or independently, than to spend 5 years on walking through lectures, drinking, or, at best, getting outdated information that is not needed in life.

PS Yes, I managed the strategic and mainstream of the company and, yes, I received just an excellent salary. Yes, I quit, and already two weeks officially unemployed. No, I will not show any of my projects, they are not there, I have never been involved in outside affairs at work, and two weeks is a very short period of time to show something ready.

PSS I cannot help but kick commentators on the melfa post, who tried to prove that it is possible and necessary to work for another person, and this can be much nicer, better and more promising than running your own business. I divided these people into three categories. The first ones are just young and inexperienced, it will take several years and, perhaps, an understanding of the true state of things will come to them. Second, these are just losers who do not want to change their lives, and are ready to live it on a pattern and someone else's pointer. Well, third, just trolls :)

Thanks to everyone who helped me with karma!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23829/

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