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Interview in gamedev industry

Although the article about the interview in Zingu already skipped on Habré , I want to tell you about how interviews are held in gamedev programmers and how to prepare for them. Interviews are very different, and what is asked for interviews in Sweden, in Canada or in Russia may differ markedly. So, first things first.


Programming interviews are useful even if you are not looking for a new job. First, you can find out your weaknesses. Secondly (if successful), find out your value. Thirdly, practice before the skill becomes useful. Unfortunately, no one has yet come up with the perfect way to interview programmers, so the skill of passing an interview does not always correlate with the real skill.


So, you decided to pass an interview and even roughly imagine where. Fine! What are the ways to get to the interview?


So, going back to point 2, what are the good and bad external eychary? Let's start with the pros.
Firstly, he has connections within the company, which means that the resume will not fall into spam, but will come to Eychar. Secondly, in the case of delays, he will kick anyone, and the interview will not hang for weeks (months). Thirdly, he can forward you to several companies and try to arrange interviews so that you have time to compare offers. Fourthly, through him you can often get hints on what can be expected at the interview - because his former colleague Haychar works there, he has already arranged someone there, etc. Finally, in the case of Feil, he can try to get a feedback In all other cases, Western companies never give out feedback to avoid risks. Through him, it is sometimes more comfortable to bargain, and often can suggest what is worth asking and what is not.

Minuses? Obviously, the company pays such a recruiter, and a lot. Therefore, all other things being equal, the candidate who came in another way (internal referral, by sending a resume, the nahanti themselves, etc.) will be cheaper. But, usually external recruiters are attracted precisely for hard-to-fill positions, so there will not be a long queue. Secondly, if you have already sent your resume to the office, the recruiter will not work with you - this law has a law under which you "belong" to the one who first regreted you. You can consult with a recruiter, but keep your ear open - external HRN is interested in arranging you for a company as soon as possible under any conditions.

Questions, suggestions, comments in the comments, as always, are welcome. Well, your experience, of course.


So, your resume was attracted to the specialists in the office, the office theoretically agreed to deal with your relocation (to issue a visa, if necessary, to pay for the relocation, etc.), and your name is for an interview. What will happen next?

If the office is western - there will definitely be several phone screenings. The goal is simple - weed out as soon as possible worthless candidates, spending as little money / time as possible. In Russia, for some reason, this form is often neglected - but in vain.

The first screening will always be with HR. It is very difficult to file it. Usually, they will ask about experience in general, the reasons for wanting to change jobs (even if they contacted you) when you can start and the possibility of moving. There may be slightly exotic questions: during an interview from Montreal I was asked how I feel about what they say in French. All obviously need to respond positively. In game devs, technical questions are rarely asked even by technical aid engineers.

If successful, screening with technical experts happens. There may be several screenings, as well as several specialists. They last from 15 minutes to one and a half hours. What questions are there to expect?

Sometimes instead of / with technical screening a test happens. It happens the following types:

With the successful completion of these stages, usually (but not always) you will be called on onsite. But about this - in the next issue, there will be interest among the respectable public.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238205/

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