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Is it possible to consider the intellect artificial in the film "Superiority"

The other day in the company of developers discussed the topic of artificial intelligence in the feature film "Excellence". During the discussion, we were divided into two groups:

The article is not the object of continuing the dispute and the search for truth, on the contrary, I would like to hear the opinions of other people about a more advanced model of understanding artificial and non-artificial intelligence and a definition, albeit thin, but the line between these concepts.

I propose to start from my own point of view in this matter.

What is intelligence?

I do not see much point in deepening, so I will start from the wording in the same Wikipedia.
Intellect is the quality of the psyche, consisting of the ability to adapt to new situations, the ability to learn from experience, to understand and apply abstract concepts, and to use our knowledge to manage the environment. General ability to know and solve difficulties, which unites all cognitive abilities of a person: sensation, perception, memory, representation, thinking, imagination.


We now turn to the concept of "artificiality"

I did not find a clear formulation of the term “Artificially”, so here we take the synonyms for support: man-made and unnatural ( which are most suitable for this situation ), and antonyms: natural, natural, natural.

What do we get?

Artificial intelligence is a “mechanism” created by man or a group of people ( possessing all the qualities listed above ), which by its nature is NOT natural, NOT natural, and NOT natural.

In the film, the intellect, formed naturally in the process of a person’s life, was simply transferred to a computer. Thus, it turns out that scientists have created only a platform for loading into it already naturally-formed intelligence, but have NOT created this intelligence artificially.

Based on this, I do not quite agree with the wording of AI in the "Wikipedia":
Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) is the science and technology of creating intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs. AI is associated with a similar task of using computers to understand human intelligence, but is not necessarily limited to biologically plausible methods.

Thus, if people suddenly create a platform for loading human intelligence into it, then this intelligence will NOT be artificial, although it falls under the wording
"Creating intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs"
- yes, such programs will be intellectual, BUT the intellect in them will not be artificial. And I would call it, for example, Non-Artificial Machine Intelligence.

Why I do not agree with the wording of AI in the "Wikipedia"?

Because you can get an intelligent machine or an intelligent computer program without creating artificial intelligence, but simply downloading it directly from a person.

Yes, I agree that the platform will digitize human intelligence, but it will NOT be created, it will NOT be artificial, it will only be digitized or compiled and put into operation, and interact with computers through the created platform.

I believe that the human intellect remains the human intellect regardless of the physical body.

but on the other hand

We now turn to a different point of view, which is a familiar, for many people, idea of ​​artificial intelligence.

One of the main arguments we were offered to consider the process of converting human intelligence into a software model with a bias on the fact that after converting the intellect will become artificial, i.e. after integrating consciousness into a computer, look at the result obtained from a technical point of view.

It is also considered one of the important factors that it will cease to be the intellect it was in the human brain. And since the model of intelligence changes, they suggest that it should be considered artificial.

One of the specific definitions of intelligence, common to man and “machine,” can be formulated as follows:
“Intellect is the ability of a system to create ( primarily heuristic ) programs during self-study to solve problems of a certain class of complexity and solve these problems”
- this process is summed up by the process of subsequent learning ( after loading the intellect from the outside into the computer ), when the intellect continues to develop, but by means of another physical body.


What do you think, will intelligence be considered artificial if it is transferred from a person to a computer, and why?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238161/

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