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About work on uncle

Recently, a lot of talk about work / non-work for an uncle. I'll insert my 5 kopecks.
Suppose you are raising your beloved child. Investing the soul in his education. Daily give him a few hours. Question: Can you also raise someone else's child?

I worked in two small companies where dinners were prepared by “Grandma two floors above.” It was evident that the grandmother is good. And know how to cook. And she probably pampers her granddaughter every day with delicious food. She cooked well, but without a soul, and it was obvious ...
Last year I get up at 7 am, I go to bed at 12 at night, the rest of the time I devote to my business. I work on projects that I like, I invest my soul and all possible free time in them. But I never worked for my uncle as much. Why?

The reasons, of course, are in motivation. You always know your place with your uncle, and you know that you can be thrown out at any time, and the project will continue its life without you. You will only experience gained on the project (which is also not bad, of course).

Imagine that you are raising your child ... Investing your soul in his upbringing. Daily give him a few hours. And when the child turns 16 years old they come and take him into slavery from you ... Would you like it? I do not ...

So, when working for an uncle, you should completely turn off the emotional component - remember: you are a professional who sells his time and gets paid for this money. You should not care what happens with the project in the future, your task is to do your job efficiently and on time.

That is why, if your uncle suddenly does not give you a job - do not worry. After all, if he does not have a job for you - this is not your problem, you still need to get your salary.

I once worked in a company that at a certain moment could not find me a job for a month or two: I read news, forums, was engaged in nonsense and got paid. Then I realized that this is a degradation and went to a company that has loaded me by 120%, without at the same time not rewarding these 20%.

But still, I did not have that motivation to work for my uncle, who I remembered from working for myself. And I started doing my project in the evenings. The project grew, and I did more than one day at work in one evening. In the end, I realized that I can no longer deceive myself: after all, I work for my uncle 2 times worse than myself and created my own business.

Over the past year I have done a huge amount of work, which two hired employees would hardly have done, because I work a lot. And I know that if I stop working, at the end of the month, a good uncle will not bring me a salary ... And that no one will pay me a vacation. And that no one will protect me from business risks.
I just build my projects and invest in the future. In your future.

Summarizing all the above:

If you work for an uncle with a soul, and you like everything - you shouldn’t change anything.
If you do something for yourself with a soul (no matter what: repairs in the apartment, a website, dig a bed, etc.), and for an uncle without a soul, i.e. formally, you are fooling yourself. You are either not doing your job, or you need to leave.

Think about how much you lose in life, working for your uncle, although in that very time you could have done a huge amount of work for yourself.

Sweet life OFF:
Frankly, not everyone can work for themselves and be financially successful. An ordinary artist will have to become a marketer, learn to communicate with people, gain leadership skills. And take a chance. And fall. And rise again. Draw conclusions. And do not give up. But most will still be losers. This is statistics, her mother ...


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23816/

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