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Video reports from the conference DevConf 2014

This summer, the DevConf 2014 professional web developers conference was held in Moscow. We at Badoo supported the conference, made presentations and made video presentations that were interesting to our developers. Since the speakers were in favor, we share the video with our subscribers.

1. “StatsCollector, or“ Mom! He counted me too! ”
Valery Starynin, PHP developer, BI, Badoo.
A report on how we collect statistics for each user, read each page opening (and not only!), Process 120,000 events per second and plan to expand.

2. "We write a functional, reliable and fast web application on Go."
Dmitry dvyukov Vyukov, developer, Google.

Description and Presentation

3. "PHPNG - a new engine for the old PHP."
Dmitry Stogov, Lead Engineer at Zend Technologies, one of the leading contributors to php.net, leader of the phpng project.

Description and Presentation

4. "Codeception - we test with a human face".
Mikhail Bodnarchuk is the author of Codeception, a web developer from Kiev.

Description of the report and slides to the report .

5. “Pinboard + pinba. How to organize monitoring of hundreds of projects. ”
Ilyas muxx Salikhov, CTO in Intaro.

This report was especially interesting to us, since Pinba is an internal development of Badoo, laid out in opensource. Pinba is a service for collecting and processing statistics from production, which is used to monitor the situation in real time.

Description of the report
Report slides.

6. “Go: Runet analytics in real time”.
Andreenko Artem miolini , engineer, company Openstat (Spylog).

Experience of using Go, RabbitMQ and Cassandra in web analytics problems on the Runet scale in real time.

7. "PHPCI: A continuous integration system for PHP projects."
Dmitry corpsee Chomutov, Corpsee.

Description of the report

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238153/

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