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Is it possible to improve contextual search in the browser?

Suddenly, someone does not know. I suggest to try to combine the context menu in browsers FF / Chrome:


With their search engine listings and expand these listings:

As a result, you should get a "cross-site" search without copy-paste in the shortest way. This is not an ad for a contextual search plugin (I'm not the author of the plugins mentioned below) , but rather an advertisement for a new habit.

Setup for Chrome

  1. Install the Context Menu Search plugin
  2. For example, add to the list of search engines search service on Habré:
  3. Check that the search engine has been added to the context menu:

Setup for FireFox:

  1. Install the Context Search plugin. ZoomZoomZoom found a more interesting search engine selection plugin in the FF context menu: Quick Context Search
  2. For example, add to the list of search engines search service on Habré. Without installing plugins, this can be done here .
    xHR and dkiyatkin advised a good plugin add to search bar .
  3. Fill in the fields:
  4. Check that the habr search engine has been added to the list of search engines (the habrahabr-base64 icon is made separately):

Let's try the new features in action

I hope that this small trifle will make you more comfortable work.

PS About [search on the Internet] have already written on Habré:
How do you use search?
Simple search extensions for Firefox . However, the component mentioned in the article in the latest versions of FF does not save the settings, and it is a pity, there would be more comfort.

If you don’t want to search, here’s a service for converting images to base64: www.askapache.com/online-tools/base64-image-converter

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238133/

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