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Pirate Bay News: All your cops are belong to us!

Today I noticed that the TPB again changed the logo. Having decided to find out what was the matter, I distracted myself from my dirty pirate affairs, and visited the blog of TPB , where I saw yesterday's post:

As we learned, Warner Bros has hired a police officer responsible for conducting an investigation into The Pirate Bay.
Without a doubt, this is illegal, and it smells of at least a big scandal. We have issued a press release. Click on the link below to read the full story.
Press release [eng]

PS: By the way, the new logo is an allusion to the well-known English-language Internet meme "All your base are belong to us"
PPS: I would be grateful for the translation of the press release, very lazy = (

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23813/

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