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Monitoring the availability of servers from Infobox

We recently launched our own server availability check tool. It allows you to perform periodic requests to the server (ICMP, FTP, SMTP, HTTP, HTTPS, MySQL) and assess the availability of servers for the required period of time. The main task that the tool is currently solving is the collection of accessibility statistics. At the moment, the tool is at the testing stage and we are happy to hear and implement your feedback and suggestions.

The tool is available to users of the cloud infrastructure InfoboxCloud and VPS from Infobox on the main control panel page:

Add the necessary servers to the monitoring, specify the method of checking availability and the period of checking:

After that, you can view availability statistics for the entire time or for a selected period of time:

At the moment, the tool does not replace complex monitoring systems, but will help to get an overall picture of the availability of your sites and services.

You can try the tool right now. To get the trial version of cloud VPS, register here (button "Test 10 days"). For a classic VPS, use the freevps promo code when ordering any VPS from the Infobox of the Start line in Amsterdam.

UPD: Access to the trial version of cloud VPS is temporarily restricted. Order is still available. We are testing a new technology to make the service even faster. Follow the news.

In case you can not leave comments on Habré - write a comment on the article in the InfoboxCloud Community .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238109/

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