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10 reasons to learn ITIL and implement ITSM solutions

Where to start? From learning the basics of ITIL or from the introduction of ITSM practices (service approach) and their automation? Such a question arises in almost every organization and in most cases the answer to it is incorrect - in favor of choosing an automation tool and starting the work in a “new way”. Today, ITIL and service approach is the primary language for managing IT services. Processes, services, incidents, problems, SLA, CMDB, etc. - this is all the terminology of ITIL, which is used by IT shniki who have never studied the service approach. You can implement ITSM tools without going into the subtleties of the methodology, but if you understand what you are doing and why, then the probability of success increases significantly. Let's understand how to increase the success of the implementation of ITSM solutions?

"If you automate chaos - you get automated chaos"

Many are confident that if you only implement the ITSM product and processes, they will become more efficient. The problem is that implementing an ITSM solution is not enough, a prerequisite for a successful ITSM project is to align the work of the IT service in accordance with the ITSM approach.

Implementing ITSM tools alone will not improve the performance of your IT service and will not solve your problems. Of course, some improvements you will notice in any case. The ITSM tools already have terminology and some principles of a service approach to IT organization. Using such tools, you voluntarily or involuntarily follow some elements of the best practices. For example, starting to use the ITSM solution for registering and collecting requests from users, you thereby create a single registration center for applications, stop losing users' requests, can track the execution of all registered applications, etc. But all this does not work, as long as the registration of applications is not a mandatory element of the work on each appeal, each user. Any improvements to IT service processes with ITSM solutions always relate to changes in the organization of work of employees and users, and to the ability of people to accept such changes.

And now we will implement the entire ITIL !

If desired, in the books ITIL you can count more than 40 different processes . Typical ITSM solutions offer to automate a much smaller number of processes. For example, ITSM365 automates 10 basic processes. However, even among these processes, not everyone is able to show immediate results. Many companies should not implement and automate much of the ITIL process at all. Starting from the wrong process, you may not get a positive result. Do not expect immediate returns from change management, capacity management, SLA, CMDB, etc. All these processes require, as a minimum, a basis of functioning and automated processes at the operational level and the necessary functions, roles, etc. It is very easy to be disappointed in the ITSM approach by starting with the wrong one and without achieving results. Knowing where to strike is often priceless .

The whole company benefits from ITSM , not just the IT service.

The work of any modern company is tied to IT systems - sales, manufacturing, accounting, warehouse, logistics, marketing, correspondence, telephony, etc. etc. In varying degrees, all key processes of companies are automated. How the IT service handles various incidents in these systems directly affects the work of the entire company. In many cases, every minute of idleness of a critical IT system turns into quite tangible numbers of lost profits or direct losses.
ITIL / ITSM promotes the introduction of the best IT practices into the company, which are guaranteed to work in a variety of companies both in Russia and abroad. The fact that the IT service identifies and implements ITIL processes in its practice already contributes to the improvement of IT work.

ITIL / ITSM offers a model of interrelated processes. Mastering each new process involves changes in the IT service, the emergence of new IT systems and an increase in IT maturity. However, in order to move in the right direction, it is necessary to know this direction. By the way, ITSM-tools are great for organizing the work of other service departments of the company that are not related to IT.

Previous failures often cause critical ITSM solutions.

Many have already tried to implement some ITSM tools. Moreover, there are many free solutions on the market. But many ITSM-tools are not ready to use out of the box. It is necessary to attract consultants who adapt the solution to the needs of the company or need a thorough independent study of the product. If your previous ITSM project failed, then you will be critical of similar projects in the future. Learning the principles of the ITSM approach, as well as choosing a ready-to-use solution, such as ITSM365 , will help you overcome negative experiences and evaluate the effectiveness of the service approach.

People need to understand what they are dealing with.

New ways of working often seem illogical, inconvenient and incorrect to employees. Abandoning the usual ways of working is hard and learning will help adopt a new organization of IT service.
Your specialists should understand why it is convenient and important for them to use ITSM solutions, why processes are organized in this way and what is behind it. Without an understanding of the terminology and fundamentals of the ITSM approach by all or at least some of the IT staff, the efficiency of IT automation is significantly reduced. Look at typical user questions for technical support . How often they are caused by the fact that the user does not understand the logic of the program and the principles of organizing information in the operating system of his computer or on the Internet. When an IT person does not understand the logic of the programs, he is no different from a typical user.

Too little attention to the ITSM solution

The ITSM solution is the central component of IT management in your company. Once you start implementing ITSM solutions, you will never return to the previous state. Your employees need to get used to the new ways of working and learning provides an excellent opportunity to understand and accept the new principles of IT organization.
It is impossible to change the usual methods of work in one day. But you can gradually accustom users and employees to new rules for the work of technical support. That's just to abandon the usual methods of work is necessary, it is necessary that the company's management would support these changes. Long training courses for IT staff is a good argument for the seriousness of the approach.

Without understanding the meaning of your actions, you are trying to do too much at once.

47, 34, 15 and even 10 are too many processes to start with. There are many examples of companies with successfully using only 4-5 ITSM processes. It's not about the number of processes, but how effectively each of them is used.
ITIL / ITSM practices were created based on the experience of large and very large companies. These are hundreds of employees in IT services and thousands of processes managed by IT. Where there are 5-10 IT employees in a company, there is no need to single out such a number of processes and roles. Most likely, your company and your IT service are simply not ready for this.
And yet, the fact that you do not control the processes does not mean that there are none at all in your company. Mastering the process model that ITIL offers allows you to consciously highlight the processes that you should manage in your company and temporarily ignore the fact that it does not have a significant impact on the operation of your IT service.

For one scientist give two unlearned, and even then do not take

For many IT professionals, the opportunity for professional growth is important and a company providing them with the conditions for development can count on their loyalty. Training allows you to get new and systematize existing knowledge, make new contacts, rally the team, etc. Having an idea of ​​all the processes of ITIL, in the future, the employee will be able to cope not only with the usual incidents, but also with something new. It is not surprising that studying ITIL, and even more so obtaining an ITIL Foundation certificate, increases the value of a specialist for the company and its value in the labor market.
Companies often save on specialist training. Lack of budget is a problem, but we have a solution!

Master ITIL in theory and practice with ITSM 365

We are well aware of the risks of introducing an ITSM solution by unprepared specialists and the difficulty in obtaining budgets for training in small companies. Therefore, together with IT EXPERT, we offer a unique campaign on the market: until December 15, when paying for a subscription to the ITSM365 service , you will have the option of internally or remotely passing from one to four ITIL courses from one of the market leaders in teaching ITSM to IT Expert. If you have already completed training in one of the courses in IT Expert for courses announced in the promotion (and received a certificate of completion), then you will receive a discount on the ITSM365 service subscription up to 20%.
Courses as a gift:

Subscribe to ITSM365 now and receive from 1 to 4 courses of training as a gift.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238097/

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