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The main marketing chips in the SaaS project

There are certain patterns in the design of SaaS projects. We were convinced of this when we decided to develop LPCloud , a SaaS platform for working with sales pages.

Having studied the famous projects, we came to certain results. Many ideas flow from one project to another: video, a free trial period, a call to action, etc. We decided to share the main conclusions with the community.

Pass a value proposition in the title

Correctly choose a value proposition, perhaps, this is the most difficult thing you have to do. What is the value of your offer? What makes your business unique?
Take some time and think about positioning the project with your team. Make a list with suggestions and cross out those that you think are not suitable. Remaining sentences begin to check in the audience with the help of A / B tests. Find the best and stick to it throughout the entire advertising campaign. Here is an example of how DigitalOcean does this.

Form a call to action

Come up with the right call. Depending on your goals, you can focus on either one action or add a choice, as Salesforce does (for example, demo, pricing, solution).

It was important for us to focus on a specific action, so we took the path of Zendesk.


About what to write on the target button also matters. There is even a theory that if you place an action in a button aimed at solving a person’s problem, this can increase the conversion.

Post product image

Have you ever bought a product without seeing it? Most will say no. That is why many services post screenshots of their product on the start page.

At first, we also went down this path, but for this case there is a certain risk, since the image can focus on itself all the attention of users and conversion can fall. That is how we did it. Be careful with this and remember: the picture should complement your value proposition, and not focus all attention on yourself. Now we have removed the screenshots from the main one, and the conversion has grown by 7%.

Record a video

Video is a powerful motivating tool. It is possible to convey the essence of the product in words. And sometimes only the video can explain the essence of your product. The most famous example is Dropbox, which used video on its main for a quick increase in the number of registrations.


But the video has a flaw - at work you will not always listen to it with sound. Maybe that's why, now there is a trend towards the visualization of the work of the service through HTML5, or a demonstration of looped videos without sound.

Post contact information

Not everyone who comes to your site will spend time searching for the "Contacts" button. If a person cannot quickly find your contacts, then there is a high probability that he will simply leave your site. Placing a phone is very common among online stores. We didn’t place it on our main phone, because we simply don’t have it in the office, so we cannot say anything about the effectiveness of this element.

Submit a demo version

Some visitors want to try your product right away. In this approach, we really liked the Optimizely approach. Just enter your website address and immediately start working, they transferred registration to a later stage.


The demo allows you to quickly familiarize yourself with the product and draw the user into the service. Therefore, the demo version should be just a click away.

Give a free trial period.

The user is always interested to check how the product works, how it copes with its tasks. Therefore, most companies use the trial period from 14 to 60 days. This is also characteristic of almost all well-known SaaS companies. And some companies post information about the duration of the trial period right in the target button. True, recently, many have replaced the information about the duration of the free period with a simpler β€œTry for free”.

Configure help desk

Very often you can hear disgruntled reviews about bad discussion from the business. And this situation is observed both offline and online. Everyone knows the support service Zappos - you will hardly find any bad reviews about it. Therefore, if the operational support service is your advantage feel free to talk about it. Here is an example of SquaSpace.


Some conclusions on this:

Tell us about the team

It is likely that the team is not so much influence on the decision to purchase. Nevertheless, it would be nice if visitors will have an idea about the people behind the product. Who is the CEO? Who are the developers? Remember that your team is part of the product. If you post photos of the team, then watch out for those who leave / come. Some companies still post a list of their investors - sometimes this can cause trust from users.

Convince in safety

If legal entities and individuals trust you with their data, then take care of their safety. Violation of security rules can lead to user dissatisfaction and loss of their trust. Tell customers what you are doing for safety. They do not need to know every aspect, just tell them about the general principles and technologies so that they are convinced that their data is safe.


All of these listed features are the most common elements in a SaaS project. Some of the ideas we have already tested, some are only planning to use. Many of them affect the conversion and profit level of the company, so we hope these ideas will help you improve your project.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238089/

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