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Why I wrote a plugin for Maven


It all started when I changed jobs and immediately got on a big project. Big for me are several vendors, a dozen systems, a 5-step release cycle, 1000+ engineers in different locations. Sources "lived" in several svn repositories with a large number of maven modules, each of which could be used in one or several systems. Each module was connected to the main system through a binary dependency. At the end of the release cycle, it was necessary to release new versions of the modules and systems assembled on their basis. Under the cut, I will describe the problem of the effectiveness of this process, with which I tried to fight - and what came of it.

By the way, regarding the basic kitchen of the versioning of modules and the release of the release I found a very suitable article , for which I am very grateful to the author. I highly recommend a preliminary review, as this will help to understand the problem I am describing, and I really don’t like to copy-paste, which I don’t recommend.

An example of how everything worked on our project:

  <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>B</groupId> <artifactId>B</artifactId> <version>1.1.0</version> </dependency> 


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238087/

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