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Panasonic's smart mirror gives tips on how it looks

Household appliances, including refrigerators, coffee makers, microwaves, will gradually grow wiser. Manufacturers equip such devices with new electronic components, write a special software, and as a result, devices can order products on the Web, start making coffee when the owner approaches home, and perform other necessary functions.

Sometimes even things from which nobody expected it become “smart”. For example, Panasonic Corporation is currently working on a high-tech mirror project, the prototype of which was presented at IFA 2014.
The system looks like an ordinary mirror, and the functions are similar. However, an electronic adviser is built into this mirror, which can give a detailed analysis of the skin condition. In addition, the same adviser may appoint a diet, as well as make recommendations on the use of various types of cosmetics.

This device is clearly far from the fabulous "light my mirror, say." Mirror quite honestly answer the condition of the skin of the face, and can show cosmetic devices that will be useful to the owner of this mirror.

In addition, girls do not have to apply different types of makeup to understand which one is going more. The mirror will put a virtual make-up on your face in seconds. In the device database there are many tips from professional beauticians.

Currently, the project is being finalized by the company's specialists, but what is already there was shown at the Berlin exhibition.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238085/

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