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TK on design: whether and how to write. Example criticism

When creating an object, there are two ways to describe the requirements: “what should an object be able to / do” (description of the goal) and “what should the object be” (description of the implementation). I apologize if the wording is not accurate, I don’t know the source of this thought, I formulate it myself. Next, we will discuss the second way to describe the object - site design.

There are two questions: do you need a formalized design specification for design and, if so, how should it be written? My opinion is that TK is necessary, but how to write it ... I like the attached example. I propose to consider and criticize. Naturally, not the essence, but rather a form of presentation and a list of issues addressed.
Interested in the opinion of project managers, art directors and designers.

The design is subject to the design of the AA company site (site name AA-company.ru)
Initial materials: logo, business card, booklet, examples of the company's products, photographs of works, text content (15 pages in doc).

The company specializes in the production of promotional, souvenir and printing materials, stamp products.

The site is created with the objectives:
- informing customers about the company's services,
- promotion of the AA brand as a successful, reliable and developing provider of advertising services,
- popularization of the positive image of the company,
- increase in sales,
- attracting new customers for the company's services.
- entry into the market of sovereign products.


- Competitor 1
Advantages: an unusual, albeit strange, collage in the cap, a lot of different content, literate written.
Disadvantages: the style of the site is not maintained on the pages, the menu produces an impression of the crooked person hanging,

- Competitor 2
Advantages: extensive portfolio.
Disadvantages: site design is extremely primitive, as well as navigation.

- Competitor 3
Advantages: bright, though not very impressive, graphics. Many well-written texts (there are errors).
Disadvantages: the catalog of goods and services is not illustrated with photos and prices. You have to download price files.

Additionally considered:

- Competitor 4
Pluses: quite interesting classic design
Disadvantages: the internal pages, in particular for souvenirs, are not worked out. lots of weird links and scary photos

- Competitor 5
Advantages: no.
Disadvantages: boring design, primitive design of pages

- Competitor 6
Advantages: good design with the use of flash elements. Characters everywhere. Applied reasonably. Many different content.
Disadvantages: the site does not stretch, which spoils a good design (half of the screen is white), inside the problem with the structure of the pages.

- Competitor 7
Advantages: non-traditional design in everything: structure, fonts
Disadvantages: fonts are difficult to read, photos are inconvenient for downloading, inside the style of the first and second pages is not respected.

- Competitor 8
Advantages: bright and simple design with the use of flash animation. Easy navigation.
Disadvantages: page fonts are low contrast, poorly readable.
Good design and concept spoiled content.

- Competitor 9
Advantages: well-designed design, many illustrations
Disadvantages: there are no photos inside the site, the texts look blind

- Competitor 10
Advantages: bright design, high-quality content, successful flash animation.
Disadvantages: no

- Competitor 11
Pluses: lovingly and diligently filled
Disadvantages: some strange design decisions and flaws in filling
In general, very worthy

- Competitor 12
Advantages: bright pages, simple and well-structured catalog.
Disadvantages: eyes get tired.
The site is absolutely classic, on a solid 4.

- Competitor 13
Pluses: beautiful flash drive.
Disadvantages: extremely unpleasant colors, filling made strange.

Key features of the company that should be reflected in the design and structure of the site navigation:
- own production
- a network of branches and representative offices
- confidence in the company from numerous customers and partners

The target audience is the owners and managers of organizations of medium and small businesses who want to get high-quality comprehensive services in the field of advertising services and products from stamps to interior and facade design. Young socially active people of moderate means.

Wishes to visual image:
1. conformity to company symbolism and stylistics
2. the use of interesting decisions in design or navigation that does not interfere with the perception of the site as a convenient tool for obtaining information
3. informative, convenience, ease

Slogan for use on the site:
the main value of our company is our customers

Sites , the style of execution which should be paid attention, because Customer likes them:
www.driada-pr.ru - did not open

Samples can be considered:
alfa-suvenir.ru - yes
www.viveska.info - yes, the construction of the cap, the style of design of texts and menus
www.vremenagoda.biz - yes, page structure. can be used as a sample with raw materials to create collages. creating illustrations is not included in the development of the site

Main menu items :
About company
Of services
Good to know (articles about advertising)
To order

Paid modules and graphics:
- static design - yes
- animation - no
- text page system
- service catalog
- work tape
- customer tape
- news feed
- feed articles (useful to know)
- Order form

On all pages - header, menu, logo.

The first proposed solution to create a website design.
The site is created as stretching to any page width.
1. Start and internal pages have different structure. common colors: white / cream, orange, gamma blue, black letters.
2. Start page:
- contains a large logo (up to 25% of the site height) and, as a header, a color bar (maybe of irregular shape) with blocks illustrating the company's activities (or specific works)
- has a structure assembled from information blocks: about the company, our advantages, what we can do, it is useful to know, recent works, our services, news, a banner for switching to a form, maybe something else (arranged according to the principle www.ra-alterego.ru /? id = manufacture ). Each unit is built on the principle of making the main or the most modern. All blocks are the same size. In the future, the site may be expanded and updated by replacing one block with others.
2. Main pages (portfolio, clients, news, services):
- the logo and the cap have a lower height (10-15%), the cap contains a collage of works or an illustration (if available)
- have a three-column layout (logo, header, vertical menu, additional information field). In the field of additional information, small blocks of information are displayed that may be interesting when viewing a section (in new stories, portfolios, in client-services, etc.) or blocks similar to those on the main one.
3. Internal and text pages have a two-column view: header + menu + text page.
4. It is necessary to come up with a visual solution to highlight the wide range of services provided and its own production base.

The second proposed solution to create a website design.
The idea of ​​the solution is to use in the design as a frame symbols of printing (stamp), souvenirs, other examples of the company's products. The site will have a fixed width. On the perimeter there are graphic elements created on the basis of the company's product graphics (prints, booklets, souvenirs).
The height of the site is stretched either by adding white space to the left and right around the perimeter, or by repeating the pattern.
1. Start and internal pages have different structure. common colors: white background, background graphics with muted gray-blue-yellow tones, headers in the range of blue, black letters.
2. Start page:
- contains a large logo (up to 25% of the site height) and the left text menu with graphic markers (like on www.viveska.info )
- has a structure assembled from vertically the following information blocks: about the company, our advantages, what we can do, it is useful to know, recent works, our services, news. Each unit is built on the principle of making the main or most modern. All blocks are the same size. In the future, the site may be expanded and updated by replacing one block with others.
Under the menu you can place the tape works.
2. Main pages (portfolio, clients, news, services):
- the logo has a lower height (10-15%), the left column contains a collage of works or an illustration (if available)
- have a two-column layout (vertical menu logo).
3. Internal and text pages have a two-column view: header + menu + text page.

TK is written based on the results of the brief study, two conversations with the manager and studying the customer’s products.
I chose the names of the customer and competitors. If someone shares their samples or requirements for TK for design (from freelancers), it will be great.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23805/

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