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Automotive medicine in the service of computer equipment: another way to clean the contacts

The situation is familiar to everyone. You are watching a favorite movie. At the most interesting place the TV screen goes out. Instead of a picture of the message: “Check the signal cable”, “No signal”, “Check the power of the connected devices”, etc. Diagnosis in this case is simple:

  1. several times remove and insert the cable from the connectors at both ends;
  2. if not working, try another cable;
  3. if another cable does not help, try to figure out at which end the problem: connect the TV instead of the monitor to the PC; connect the monitor from the PC to the media player, etc.

If after such an experience nothing has changed, the majority of users go to the store to buy a device that has turned out to be faulty: a TV, monitor, media player, etc. There are also solutions “middle for half”: for example, instead of HDMI, connect a device by composite, DVI, VGA - who has what. But still, these are half measures: the idea that the device is defective, that something else is going to burn, etc. will not give you rest. Anyway, soon it will have to be changed.

Or maybe not?

Suddenly it is normal?

Experience shows that 99% of such cases arise from the oxidation of contacts, not in the cable, but on the device itself. (This happens especially often when it’s already cold outside, and the batteries haven’t been turned on yet - it’s damp in houses, everything rusts especially quickly). Yes, you once bought a high-quality wire with gold-plated connectors. But the manufacturer of the monitor, perhaps, did not take care of this. What material he used for making contacts cannot be verified. Well, do not pay the same because of this 15 thousand for a new monitor?
A simple and safe way to clean absolutely any contact. No cotton buds, no alcohol or cologne required. Everything is so simple that it's embarrassing to even describe it somehow.

Need to:

  1. Turn the device connector up;
  2. Take a can of WD-40, insert a tube from the kit into the dispenser, stick the tube against the connector and press the head. It is necessary to splash plentifully, it is not necessary to be afraid, if something gets inside the case. He will do nothing;
  3. Immediately, while the lubricant fluid has not yet leaked, take the mating part of the connector and insert / remove it several times in a row;
  4. Repeat paragraphs 2-3 times another for loyalty;
  5. Repeat paragraphs 2-4 for the second device and for the second end of the cable;

After that, we collect the system and check whether it will work.
If earned, do not rush to put the equipment in place. Turn the connector down, put a napkin on it and let the remnants of the “medicine” drain.

How it works?

It is worth getting acquainted with this drug in more detail. Its composition is very simple: 50% white spirit, 15% mineral oil, carbon dioxide and some "inert ingredients." Nothing conductive means no danger to the electrics. Since the materials are combustible, you only need to take care that there is no open flame, no spark and no overheating. White spirit evaporates over time, and the oil forms a thin film, which subsequently slows the oxidation of the contacts. In addition, if dust gets into the connector, it gets wet and also becomes conductive, which can lead to equipment failure. It is not always possible to remove these particles, but if they are oiled, the likelihood of a short circuit becomes much less.

Is it dangerous?

Theoretically, I will not say anything. But here are some experiences.

Of course, I did not invent it myself. The first time I ran into such an “electronics repair”, when in my car the ignition suddenly failed right on the track. A call to a familiar electrician, advice: clean all contacts with a wesh card. In 15 minutes I am going further.

Some time later (just before the start of the heating season), when I turn on the computer, I hear a disgusting squeak: memory problems. Mac Mini computer, Kingston memory, two 4 GB modules. Replacing the modules of the problem did not solve, it means problems with the motherboard, but it is not cheap there. With despair, he decided to repeat his road experience: he sprinkled all the banks of memory into the waddish, put / removed modules several times. Turned on the machine - cheers, earned! Naturally, immediately memtest all in single user mode - no problem. Since then, the year works without complaints.

DVI connector in Acer monitor stopped working at work. They temporarily connected via VGA and started asking the authorities for a new monitor. Where there ... And again this simple procedure solved all the problems.

And finally - the case that opens this article. Samsung TV, BBK media player interconnected via HDMI. In 10 minutes we watched a movie.


It turns out that the simple fluid that everyone is used to using for lubricating locks, bicycle chains, loosening rusty nuts and the like can actually prolong the life of a complex, expensive technique. Of course, this can save money to the owners of this very technique. But more important, perhaps, is how much pleasure this can give to different owners of crazy hands.

Important addition

Especially for beginners electronics - all manipulations with multiple removal / insertion of connectors need to be done only by disconnecting both devices from the network. This also applies to those interfaces for which the standard allows connection “to the hot” (for example, HDMI, USB): one thing is to plug in once, another thing to pull under the current.

And, of course, do not do this with devices that are under warranty - let the service center change everything for free. A "traces of foreign liquid" may serve as a basis for withdrawal from the guarantee.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/237989/

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