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Biocentrism. How life creates the universe

Yesterday we published a new popular science book - “Biocentrism. How life creates the universe . This book has already made noise in the west and gradually captivates our hemisphere.
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From time to time some simple but radical idea shakes the foundations of scientific knowledge. The stunning discovery that the world, as it turns out, is not flat, called into question, and then completely changed the attitude and self-perception of man. At present, all Western natural science is once again experiencing another cardinal change, facing new experimental findings of quantum theory. The book "Biocentrism. How life creates the universe ”completes this paradigm shift, once again turning the world upside down. The authors take the claim that this life creates the universe, and not vice versa.

According to this theory, life is not just a by-product that appeared in the complex interplay of physical laws. The authors invite the reader to a seemingly incredible, but decidedly necessary journey through the unknown Universe - our own. Considering problems from a biological, astronomical point of view, the book helps us to get out of those dungeons in which Western science has completely unintentionally sharpened itself. “Biocentrism. How life creates the Universe "will force the reader to completely reconsider his most important views on time, space and even death. At the same time, the book frees us from the outdated view that life is just the chemical interactions of carbon and a handful of other elements. After reading this book, you will never perceive reality as before.
Opinions of some scholars about the book:

“This is a masterpiece - a truly great piece. Bob Lanza deserves all praise for a fresh and exceptionally intellectual interpretation of the question of the role our senses play in the formation of reality and everyday experience and the perception of this reality. The work of Lanza is distinguished by a deep understanding and wide coverage of the physics of the 20th century and modern biology. Based on such scientific concepts, the author forces us to overestimate the ancient epistemological dilemma. Not everyone agrees with the author’s arguments, but the majority will agree that the book is read in one breath, and the arguments of Lanzi are both convincing and revolutionary. Bravo! - Michael Lysafeth, Professor of Medicine and Medical Technology, Brown University, Director of the Brown Center for Biomedical Engineering

“I am an astrophysicist, the subject of my scientific research is colossal objects located very far away. Earlier, I completely ignored the most important role of consciousness in the structure of our Universe. The book by Robert Lanza seems to make us awaken and realize that even on the greatest scale, the Universe depends directly on how our mind perceives it. The problems of "quantum entanglement" undoubtedly manifest themselves in the macrocosm. Time and space really depend on how we feel them. Of course, we can live as before and continue to study the physical Universe as an objective reality (since we have good reason not to doubt its objectivity), but thanks to Dr. Lanz we can incorporate the basic biological component into our research ”- David Thompson, astrophysicist, NASA, Center for Space Flight. Goddard.

“Robert Lanza, a biomedical engineering specialist, has been doing advanced research in the field of stem cell cloning and research for more than a decade. Therefore, he is not afraid to take up the discussion of ambiguous topics. In his book Biocentrism, the author poses controversial questions in a completely new plane, suggesting that we think that our consciousness can play a key role in the formation of the Cosmos. “Considering time and space as physical phenomena, science proceeds from premises that are completely unsuitable for a correct understanding of the world,” says Lanza. Any hypothesis that space and time are irreducible to cold and hard physics, today often cause only frank skepticism. But many physicists believe that the theory of Lanza fully corresponds to the principles of quantum mechanics and makes us think about what a huge role in the existence of objective reality belongs to the observer. ”—Alan Boyle, scientific editor, MSNBC TV channel

“In this book Lanza does not tell anything fundamentally new. Why does Lanza even write about all this? The thing is that we, physicists, prefer to keep silent about it - at best, we can whisper it one-on-one, blushing from our own words. True? Yes. But, hell, you can not talk about it! ”- Richard Cohn Henry, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, Johns Hopkins University.

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/237965/

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