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Adaperio means "reveal the truth." The story of creating a startup in two hardcore monologues

Let me tell you about myself. My name is Alexey, in a month I will be 30, behind is a posh career in a bank. When I was 25, I was already the director of retail business for a branch of a TOP-20 bank. To understand how cool it is, I can only say that for such posts, after various checks, the most important guys from the Central Bank of Russia claim. Then I had an enviable job in a large law firm with an excellent salary, democratic schedule and free internet (and also coffee). And emptiness. Emptiness from the fact that you will not leave behind him or anything else.

At work, if you do not have new interesting problems, and everything is debugged to automatism, you gradually turn into a hypnotope. Moreover, if you have enthusiasm, brains, and lucky with interesting work, then you realize someone else's dream and it puts pressure on you from the other side even more. Therefore, one day I decided to leave and start something of my own. So begins the story of Adaperio.
# What for?

Let us estimate the advantages of the employee and the advantages of the “stopdown” (wait, do not rush to call Cap, it is not obvious to some).

### Employee

1. Stable salary
2. Guaranteed vacation and less (as a rule) workload.
3. Interesting highly specialized tasks.
4. Career growth - in 5 years you can become a boss.
5. It is important to rotate the mustache, telling how cool we are.

### Stopdown

1. Unstable salary, but potentially more.
2. Unstable vacation, but potentially after 5 years I am in Thailand (in the Canaries) and with a laptop.
3. Not very interesting tasks (as a rule), but we will potentially hire Vasya to do the warmup, scripts and tests.
4. But then I am the boss right away (but see section 5).
5. The gourmet home is more delicious.

# Wave of horror

Suppose you decided to go "to Doshirak", told the HR department everything you think about them, stole a working flash drive and went home. Turn on the louder heavy music, lock the door, and get ready for the waves of horror ...

Firstly, it is generally accepted that business on the Internet is much easier to conduct than in real life. Standard scheme: I wrote down a super-geo-socio-photosharing, it has come to users ’stymilenov, and you are rich! Not. Nobody will come to you right away. And you will definitely fall into the "valley of death", in which users no longer become over time.

Secondly, customers will get you. Virtually every client at first has to individually talk to YOU, explaining how and what (does) work. Prepare for the fact that you will be a "deceiver and a crook." In this sense, a tent with shawarma or a stall with vegetables at the corner is a super stable, predictable and scalable business. For example, in the case of Adaperio, we are creating a relatively new product for our market (despite the fact that there is Carfax in the USA). Many people just do not believe that you can find out some reliable information about the car, sitting at the computer and poking the buttons.

Thirdly, it is difficult to develop at your own expense. You have no more margin for error. At the start, you have to explain to relatives why you practically don’t get any profit in this rich Moscow, where if you have less than 100 pieces, then you are a sucker.

Your hungry children will come to you (well, that only one of us has a child), you will be haunted by the constant torments of choice. How to do pivot? Now or not? It's only Eric Rice who makes the pivot easy. And can wait "another week", and the situation will improve? Do not immediately merge from the idea? Let's wait another week! No need to talk about clear goals and KPI. If people did pivot right away, as soon as something went wrong, there would not be many products.

Not enough of their horrors? There are more investors with their own. Their knees are shaking. They need a ready-made business with a turnover of a couple of million rubles a month in order for them to think about investing 100 thousand dollars in a project for a share of 50%. No venture exists in Russia. Most likely, in other countries too. Nobody is ready now to give you money for a really risky project. Do not believe. They would give Zuckerberg or Brin money only by relationship. That is, would not give.


I'll tell you a story. In fact, my first undertaking was a complete bundle - an information portal, the development of which spent a year and a half and money to buy a BMW X5. He was not so in demand by users, as was seen in my dreams. In short, if you are a masochist like us, you made the right choice. Keep reading.

You know, this experience taught me a simple rule. If you want to reduce the likelihood of project failure, increase the number of users and simplify the product itself. Therefore, our current project - Adaperio - is aimed at one of the largest audiences - motorists and those who plan to become them. Yes, we are not ideal and not a magic pill for solving all problems, but the information we find helps in the initial selection of options. After that, you can go to the station and carry out detailed vehicle diagnostics.

# Buns

# Begin, not because you CAN start. Start because you CAN'T not start.

If you still dream of launching your project, but dreams have remained dreams - here is a little motivation for you:

1. Have you seen at least one “businessman” who has returned to his regular job as a developer?
2. You probably already have everything you need! There is a car. Sell ​​it! Expensive to live in Maaaaaskve? Drive home, you will live on the money from the sale of the car for two years. Is there an expensive iMac for 100 kilorubles? And if you find?
3. By 45 years old, you don’t really want to, and you’ll not really be able to keep up with new technologies. Who do you want to go to 45? Super File System Specialist? Yeah not bad. But understand - you do not scale! If at 20 you can plow 7x15 hours a week, and at 45 you can do 5x8, then this cannot be compared to the “productivity” of people like Elon Musk or Kaspersky (which is several thousand people x 5 x 8 hours a week). If Elon Musk can try to make 5-6 stories, then you will have only one for the rest of your life - your file system.

4. After 15 years, each yard dog will be able to secure the landing and even fix the next layout in IE32. You will be constantly distracted by your children and grandchildren (and you will really be happy to have the opportunity to communicate with them, and not with the computer), and the brain will not work faster.
5. Not necessarily leave their work. Write code in the evenings / on weekends. Have a vacation? Select it to create MVP.

Remember - most likely you will not become like Musk or Kaspersky. Stupidly according to statistics. But you need it? You can be a very decent middle peasant, about whom you don’t write in newspapers, in the evenings riding Porsche in your yard and spending a few months a year traveling around the world.

Understand - your own “cheburechnaya in the center” - this is also really very cool. You just need to pull yourself together, fix the "steel eggs" and take the first step.

Anton: I have long wanted to write something intangible on Habré about technologies, colliders, neural networks and other caches with monkey patching. But since most of all I like to read “sci-fi” books about IT and business - today my story is rather not about technology, but about the inner experiences of a man of about thirty who left behind a long ruble to stopdown, and what came of it.

... 8 (or 9) years I worked as a hardcore C / C ++ developer. At the very beginning of my career I was very interested in drivers and low-level / system programming. I wore glasses, comfortable T-shirts, came to work by bicycle, did not recognize Apple, had only rare successes among the female population of the country. I hated the web, hated this mess, these ugly technologies and languages ​​... As a result - I never learned how to write drivers, but I clearly formulated my desire for the next 5 years - “I want to do something useful for people”.

I didn’t want to do only the “engine”, I wanted to develop a whole “car” if this analogy is suitable. I wanted to be closer to the client, I didn’t want to sit in the basement, where golden CD-R discs occasionally went down (if you remember these). Well, how can a conditional “driver” develop some really useful service, where knowledge is needed in width, not in depth?

My tasks became more high-level, and I had girls. Houses had to do different absolutely “light” projects, to take courses in all kinds of Anglular.JS and other Nodes. Sometimes I was thrown into a cold sweat, and during the day I had to wipe away the tears. What a nasty and uninteresting. But gradually I left the main job and switched to my projects.

I even learned to enjoy the web. All for the sake of victory! Sometimes, of course, I really want to “jump up at night” and do something great. But it happens less and less.

Yes, not often I need to remember about quick-sort or binary trees. But then I can twist right here with my own hands, do this here ... and in an hour a concrete person will be better and more comfortable to live! I no longer want to spend a lot of time to dive deep. For it practically does not move me closer to “I want to do something useful for people”. Have I become more mature or tired of doing something “empty”? I do not know.

About the authors:

Alexey Danilov - CEO, founder Adaperio.ru:

Over 7 years of experience in creating and developing a business, building and automating business processes within MDM Bank, Cliff law firm, and the information portal ProOfshori.ru.

“Perhaps our mistakes will help someone to make the right decision at a certain point (although everyone prefers his own rake, of course).”

Anton Akentev - CTO, co-founder Adaperio.ru:

Over 7 years of experience in programming applications for Windows, Linux, IOS, Android, including in the lead-developer position.

“In general, I highly recommend relying only on your own resources. It mobilizes and strengthens. Of course, an investor is needed, but if you can’t put the project into orbit yourself / don’t believe in it - the investor will not help here. ”

Adaperio is a service for checking the history of used cars. We decided not to dwell on the project, but to tell more about what is connected with the decision itself to do it. We think that if someone is interested in a story, they’ll go to VCStart and there they will read more about it .

Recall that the Adaperio project is placed on the VCStart collective investment platform for the purpose of collecting investments. You can help the project (and dozens of other startups) and become its co-investor here:

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/237963/

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