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SMS Protected Commander

Most of the system administrators, one way or another, monitoring the equipment of the company, are familiar with the smstools package, often used only for sending SMS messages about the state of the infrastructure. The flip side of the coin is the need to remotely manage the infrastructure of an enterprise when a VPN connection is unavailable or when it is located outside the Internet access area. The previously described methods of management certainly have the right to life, but are designed to control one server and do not provide the ability to safely execute commands. Below, I offer you a working mechanism for securely confirming the execution of sms commands within a local network.

Let's start with "Why is this necessary?"

According to the rule “A properly configured system doesn’t need maintenance” , the correct system administrators do not reconfigure stably working equipment limited to installing updates.
But there are moments in the work of the servers when a thread is hung up that supports the network ball and RPC, say LanManServer (in the server server), and not the process itself, but some branch of it. As a result, we have a server that cannot be restarted through remote control or correctly extinguished.

What can be done with this problem?

Almost all modern servers have on-board IPMI and power management. From here we will build our functionality. If your servers are additionally monitored via nagios or similar packages, then in most cases you use the nrpe - Nagios Remote Plugin Executor , which means you have a server management mechanism that is independent of system services. It is enough to set frequently used commands like reboot, shutdown, stop_server, start_server in the NSClient ++ config and remotely do the necessary actions with the server.
In the old client config, the external scripts call is located in the " [External Scripts] " section, in the new " [/ settings / external scripts / scripts] ". The text in both cases is the same.

reboot=scripts\s_reboot.cmd shutdown=scripts\s_shutdown.cmd stop_server=scripts\stop_server.cmd start_server=scripts\start_server.cmd 

 @echo "Reboot initiated" @start cmd /c shutdown -r -f -t 00 @exit 0 

 @echo "Shutdown initiated" @start cmd /c shutdown -s -f -t 00 @exit 0 

 @start cmd /c net start server @if %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 goto ok @echo Some problem with service start @exit 1 :ok @echo Service started @exit 0 

 @start cmd /c net stop server /y @if %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 goto ok @echo Some problem with service stop @exit 1 :ok @echo Service stopped @exit 0 

This is a basic list of commands that can be used remotely. You can call a stop or raise the service by passing arguments to the same script. For example distort IIS.

Calling a command is usually simple and looks like
 /usr/local/libexec/nagios/check_nrpe2 -H <HOST> -c <command> -a <arguments> 

With nrpe seemingly figured out, now you need to serve IPMI.
For a dialogue with the IPMI server system, you can use the ipmitool package, which is an interface for accessing ipmi management from the command line.

The main set of commands that we need, refers to the section "power", namely
 ipmitool -H <host> -U <username> -P <password> power status -      ipmitool -H <host> -U <username> -P <password> power up -   ipmitool -H <host> -U <username> -P <password> power off -   ipmitool -H <host> -U <username> -P <password> power reset -    reset 

You can also read the temperature sensors, fan speed, but we do not really need it.
With the main set of commands sorted out.

How to ensure the safety of management?

Due to the fact that recently a number of services appeared allowing you to fake the SMS sender number - the usual verification of the sender number has become insufficiently reliable.
Sending a direct password in a message is also unreliable, because interception of the message will allow you to gain full access to your control system. What to do?

The output is surprisingly simple. OTP (One Time Passwords). From the point of view of ease of use and the absence of dependence of the generated passwords on time, the optimal solution is to use OPIE .


If you have several system administrators or engineers serving the server, then giving each password and the initial initialization vector is not entirely correct. For server maintenance it is appropriate to give each a list of passwords from various blocks.

 # opiekey -5 -n 5 5 habrahabr Using the MD5 algorithm to compute response. Reminder: Dont use opiekey from telnet or dial-in sessions. Enter secret pass phrase: 1: JIG RIFT BODE OLGA RICK JAG 2: RIM HIVE BANG LIMA HELL OMEN 3: BULB MOD CARR BANK MOS SET 4: GARB BAWL MANY HAL GLOW FEED 5: FAWN EDGY MEET SHUT LIKE TIME # opiekey -5 -n 5 25 habrahabr Using the MD5 algorithm to compute response. Reminder: Dont use opiekey from telnet or dial-in sessions. Enter secret pass phrase: 21: MAIN HOFF JAM OATH SMOG LIED 22: FUND DENY BYTE BOLT NIBS EASY 23: SLY COAT FLEA CAGE MAE COAL 24: SURE LEFT HULK CLAN SHUN DAR 25: GRAB LIE CLAN FLAK MEL ROSE 

And in the case of using blocks of passwords, it is possible to state with exactly whose hand the server was turned off or restarted. From the point of view of using the “one person” system, for Android phones, it would be more expedient to install the OTPDroid package for online password generation. It is beautiful in that the value of the generated password is immediately copied to the clipboard and three clicks are enough for copy-paste password in sms.

You ask, "But what about double use of the same password?"
The answer is simple: "You just need to monitor and maintain a list of used sequences arrived in the SMS"

How to make it all work together?

The first step in the smsd configuration file is to add a call to an event handler.
 eventhandler = /usr/local/etc/smshandlers/smsevent 

The processing program is an ordinary shell script.

Next comes a lot of smsevent shell code
 #!/bin/sh NRPETOOL="/usr/local/libexec/nagios/check_nrpe2" IPMITOOL="/usr/local/bin/ipmitool" FPINGTOOL="/usr/local/sbin/fping" PARAMFILE="/usr/local/etc/smshandlers/param.list" OPIEKEYBIN="/usr/bin/opiekey" OPIESEED="HABROPIEProc" OPIEPASS="StrongOPIEPassword" OPIEUSEDSEED="/var/tmp/used.opie" SMSDOUTSPOOL="/var/spool/sms/outgoing" if [ ! -f ${OPIEUSEDSEED} ]; then echo "#USED SEEDS FILE. Do not EDIT" > ${OPIEUSEDSEED} fi if [ ! -w ${OPIEUSEDSEED} ]; then echo "file ${OPIEUSEDSEED} is not writable" exit fi if [ ! -r ${PARAMFILE} ]; then echo "file ${PARAMFILE} is not readable" exit fi IFS=" " FOUNDNUM="" NUMBER="" # search any properties search (){ # $1 - section [name] from param.list # $2 - search string in section SECTION=$1 SEARCHSTR=$2 shift shift OLDIFS=${IFS} IFS=" " [ "X"${SEARCHSTR} == "X" ] && exit for i in ${PARAMS}; do # search section definition if [ `echo ${i} | grep -e "^\["` ]; then CURSECTION=${i} continue fi if [ "${CURSECTION}" == "["${SECTION}"]" ]; then if [ `echo ${i} | grep -e "^\b${SEARCHSTR}\b:"` ]; then echo ${i} break fi fi done IFS=${OLDIFS} } cut_message_body (){ # split sms file to parts # BSD buggy "grep -m 1 -A 10 -e '^$'" replacement # FILE=$1 NULLSTR=0 for i in `cat -e $1`; do if [ "X"${i} == "X\$" ]; then NULLSTR=1 continue fi if [ ${NULLSTR} -eq 1 ]; then echo ${i} fi done } process_command () { CMD=$1 shift CMDPARAM=$* oIFS=$IFS IFS=" " for host in ${CMDPARAM}; do HOSTACCOUNT=$( search hosts "${host}" ) if [ "X"${HOSTACCOUNT} != "X" ]; then ACCOUNT=`echo ${HOSTACCOUNT} | cut -d ":" -f 2-` LOGINPW=$( search logins "${ACCOUNT}" ) if [ "X"${ACCOUNT} != "X" ]; then if [ "${ACCOUNT}" != "null" ]; then USER=`echo ${LOGINPW} | cut -d ":" -f 2` PASSWORD=`echo ${LOGINPW} | cut -d ":" -f 3` else USER="USER" PASSWORD="PASSWORD" fi else echo "ACCOUNT ${ACCOUNT} NOT FOUND!" break fi else echo "HOST ${host} NOT FOUND!" continue fi opierequired=$( search commands_template "${CMD}" | cut -d ":" -f 2 ) commandtemplate=$( search commands_template "${CMD}" | \ cut -d ":" -f 3- | sed \ -e "s@\%HOST\%@${host}@g" \ -e "s@\%FPING\%@${FPINGTOOL}@g" \ -e "s@%IPMITOOL%@${IPMITOOL}@g" \ -e "s@%CHECK_NRPE%@${NRPETOOL}@g" \ -e "s@%USER%@${USER}@g" \ -e "s@%PASSWORD%@${PASSWORD}@g" ) if [ "${opierequired}" -eq "1" ]; then if [ "${OPIERES}" == "True" ]; then echo "OPIE Success" res=$( eval ${commandtemplate} ) sendsms ${NUMBER} ${host} ${res} else echo "OPIE Failed" sendsms ${NUMBER} ${host} "OPIE Challenge failed" fi else res=$( eval ${commandtemplate} ) sendsms ${NUMBER} ${host} ${res} fi done IFS=$oIFS } sendsms () { NM=$1 shift TMPFILE=`mktemp ${SMSDOUTSPOOL}/smscmd.XXXXXX` || exit 1 echo "To: ${NM}" >> ${TMPFILE} echo >> ${TMPFILE} echo "$*" >> ${TMPFILE} } opiecheck () { OPIESEQ=`echo $* | cut -d " " -f 1 | sed -e 's/[^0-9]//g'` OPIESTR=`echo $* | cut -d " " -f 2-` if [ "X"${OPIESEQ} == "X" ]; then echo "OPIE SEQUENCE FOR NUMBER ${NUMBER} IS NOT SET!" OPIERES="False" break fi if [ `grep "^${OPIESEQ}$" ${OPIEUSEDSEED}` ]; then echo "USED OPIE SEQUENCE ${OPIESEQ} DETECTED" OPIERES="False" sendsms ${NUMBER} "OPIE SEQUENCE ${OPIESEQ} ALREADY USED" exit 1 else echo ${OPIESEQ} >> ${OPIEUSEDSEED} fi OPIEGEN=`echo ${OPIEPASS} | ${OPIEKEYBIN} -5 -a ${OPIESEQ} ${OPIESEED} 2>/dev/null` if [ "X"${OPIESTR} != "X"${OPIEGEN} ]; then OPIERES="False" else OPIERES="True" fi } parse_commands () { for command in $*; do command=`echo ${command} | sed -e 's/\$$//g' -e 's/^\#//g'` CURCOMMAND=`echo ${command} | cut -d " " -f 1` CMDPARAM=`echo ${command} | cut -d " " -f 2-` case "${CURCOMMAND}" in "OPIE") opiecheck ${CMDPARAM} continue ;; *) if [ `echo ${FOUNDNUM} | cut -d : -f 2 | grep "\b${CURCOMMAND}\b"` ]; then TMPMSG="ALLOWED COMMAND FOR NUMBER "${NUMBER}" - COMMAND: "${CURCOMMAND}" ARGS "${CMDPARAM} echo ${TMPMSG} process_command ${CURCOMMAND} ${CMDPARAM} else TMPMSG="DISALLOWED COMMAND FOR NUMBER "${NUMBER}" - COMMAND: "${CURCOMMAND}" ARGS "${CMDPARAM} echo ${TMPMSG} fi ;; esac done } PARAMS=`cat ${PARAMFILE} | grep -E -v '^#'` if [ $1 == "RECEIVED" ]; then FILENAME=$2 NUMBER=`grep 'From:' ${FILENAME} | sed -e 's/^From\:\ //g' -e 's/[^0-9]//g;'` FOUNDNUM=$( search phones ${NUMBER} ) if [ "X"${FOUNDNUM} != "X" ]; then commands=$( cut_message_body ${FILENAME} ) parse_commands ${commands} fi elif [ $1 == "SENT" ]; then echo $@ else echo "UNKNOWN STATUS $@" fi 

Few comments about the smsevent handler file

At the beginning of the file, the main variables about the location of the configuration file, the verification and management programs, and the OPIE parameters for checking passwords are set.

Some configuration file param.list
 # --------------------------------------- # # ALLOWED PHONES # PHONENUMBER:COMMAND,COMMAND,COMMAND # --------------------------------------- [phones] 79030000000:RESET,PWROFF,PWRON,REBOOT,SHUTDOWN,STOPSERVER,STARTSERVER,ALIVE,PWRSTAT 79160000000:ALIVE,PWRSTAT 79020000000:PWRON,STARTSERVER,ALIVE # --------------------------------------- # # HOST LIST # REAL_IP:IPMI_USER # --------------------------------------- [hosts] # --------------------------------------- # # IPMI LOGINS # IPMI_ACCOUNT:IPMI_NAME:IPMI_PASSWORD # --------------------------------------- [logins] ADMSM:ADMIN:PW1234 ADMDEF:ADMIN:ADMIN ADMIBM:USERID:USERID # --------------------------------------- # # COMMANDS TEMPLATE # COMMAND:OPIE_CHECK:COMMAND_TEXT # --------------------------------------- [commands_template] RESET:1:%IPMITOOL% -H %HOST% -U %USER% -P %PASSWORD% power reset PWROFF:1:%IPMITOOL% -H %HOST% -U %USER% -P %PASSWORD% power off PWRON:0:%IPMITOOL% -H %HOST% -U %USER% -P %PASSWORD% power on PWRSTAT:0:%IPMITOOL% -H %HOST% -U %USER% -P %PASSWORD% power status REBOOT:1:%CHECK_NRPE% -H %HOST% -p 5666 -c reboot SHUTDOWN:1:%CHECK_NRPE% -H %HOST% -p 5666 -c shutdown STOPSERVER:1:%CHECK_NRPE% -H %HOST% -p 5666 -c stop_server STARTSERVER:0:%CHECK_NRPE% -H %HOST% -p 5666 -c start_server ALIVE:0:%FPING% %HOST% 

In the configuration file, you specify phones and a list of commands available to them, a list of server addresses, IPMI logins and passwords for various hosts, templates for commands being executed.

In the command template block, the second argument is 0 or 1 and either skips the OPIE check for the command or checks the OPIE.

The simplest SMS request will send 2 sms back in turn with the results of checking the availability of hosts:


The view request will send the host to reboot by emulating the RESET button, and the host will turn off in the regular way:


All actions performed via sms are written to the extended smsd log.

In general, everything. You edit the config for yourself, configure the server to receive commands and you can go on a holiday with your phone. If something suddenly hangs, a direct fire shot via sms will do its job.

PS: The script is a bit damp, but as they say "there is no limit to perfection!"

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/237909/

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