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Yandex launched a service ordering service in Moscow and St. Petersburg

Today, Yandex has laid out in open access a beta version of its new project: a service commissioned by household services - repair, cleaning, relocation, etc. - " Yandex-master ". Now 43 companies are involved in it, providing services in Moscow and St. Petersburg, partners are being sought in other cities.

Screenshot of the Yandex Yandex Wizard Home Page

He has no competitors - the well-known YouDo project is more focused on the selection of performers working privately as an analogue of freelancing. Yandex Master also works with partner companies. The service, therefore, can be considered an analogue of the Yandex-Market - not only in the trade market, but in the service market. By the way, YouDo eventually became one of the partners of Yandex itself, helping it to launch the Wizards, as was told at today's presentation.

Instead of self-searching in issuing the same “Yandex”, the user is now enough to select the type of services and leave a request - the implementing company will contact him further, and Yandex will monitor the quality of work and resolve the conflicts that have arisen. A bit like the already successfully working Yandex Yandex Taxi scheme - get ready for the five plumbers asking for a request in the application :) At the same time, all calls go through the Yandex call center, so companies will not be able to bother you with extra advertising (and dodge the commission " Yandex ", I suppose).
I already wrote that a similar project in the US plans to launch Amazon . The concept of the project is about the same: Amazon adds to the basket of goods also a set of services in several cities:

Amazon has already held talks with representatives of local service companies in Seattle and San Francisco, and the launch of the service in these cities is possible before the end of the year.

As you can see, “Yandex” started earlier. Surely Amazon will notice this: the launch has already been reported to CNN, for example. By the way, it will be interesting to hear in the comments of representatives of the company - for example, Anton Habrayuzer about who was the first to come up with the idea to go to the services market.

via leonid239

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/237871/

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