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Data centers are advancing in Southeast Asia

After the latest research conducted by IDC (International Data Corporation), a report was prepared that clearly identified the most promising sites with favorable conditions for increasing new data processing and storage facilities in the entire Asia-Pacific region. Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan took the lead in the list.

The analytical work done and, as a result, the publication of the report was the result of the keen interest that the global players in the IT industry have recently begun to show in the Asian region. In turn, such giants as Skytap, Google, Digital Realty and Sawis, have already announced plans for the construction of new data centers, which indicates their intention to continue expansion in the region.

The index specially developed by IDC includes many parameters, the main ones being the price of electricity and the presence of telecommunications channels. Thus, the index indicates in which country in the region it will be more efficient to conduct business in the field of data processing and storage. However, Simon Peef, IDC Vice President for Infrastructure Research, noted that most countries in the region are very promising for this type of business. An exception may be only those few areas where development is hampered from political motives or because of the obvious technological backwardness of the region.

Hong Kong

At the end of last year, Digital Realty Trust and Sawis announced their cooperation on a new project for the construction of a data center near Hong Kong. According to the stated plan, the construction site is located just 19 kilometers from the very center of the metropolis, in the Tseung Kwan-O industrial council. The data center will be built according to Tier III reliability standards. The design of the data center is based on the modular principle, its hardware component, and the entire data center as a whole will be a response to the ever-increasing demands of telecommunications companies and cloud service providers in this densely populated part of the world.

The Hong Kong platform has become highly sought after for a reason. There are a number of reasons for this. Of course, the most important factor was the functioning of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, one of the largest in the world, which, in turn, required a low level of network latency for comfortable work of traders, as well as the availability of broad communication channels (at the moment there are three underwater and seven land telecommunications systems). In addition, as shown by the research conducted by Digital Realty, 87% of the participants in the consumer IT market of the region's services feel the need to increase the capacity of the data centers already located here.
“The specificity of Hong Kong data centers is a high percentage of servers hosted in them according to outsourcing schemes, as well as a higher percentage of cloud services. According to our forecast, until 2015, about 80% of the existing facilities can be used for the above services, ”a company representative was told at the presentation of the report.


Over the past few years, Singapore's data centers have experienced the greatest expansion of IT giants, including Amazon WEB Services, IBM, Google and Salesforce.com. Consumers of services both visited existing sites and directly participated in the construction of new ones, which speaks eloquently of the importance and long-term prospects that the leaders of the IT world see in this location. According to experts, it was Singapore that took the greatest “blow” to the intervention of international companies in the region, providing about half of the data storage and processing resources they demanded in all of Southeast Asia.

Due to the heightened interest of transnational companies in the telecommunications infrastructure of Asian countries, in January 2014, Skytap announced the launch of its first data center in Singapore with an eye to the international market. First of all, the data center is planned as a platform for interaction with users from Australia and China. As Skytap Vice-President Bryan White noted: “The new data center will help to meet the growing needs of both multinational companies that already operate in our part of the world and small customers who need a platform in Asia to develop and test their projects. It is for the latter that it may become critical to get hardware resources right here, resources with a wide bandwidth capability and the best channel latency. ”


At the end of last year, a sum of 600 million US dollars was announced - this is how much Google plans to invest in its second data center in Taiwan, an oasis of technology not far from the most densely populated territories on the planet that are currently experiencing unstoppable economic growth.

The convenient geographical location of the island and political independence from not too liberal-minded to the free distribution of information of China in many ways have become decisive factors for the development of new infrastructure projects of the island.

When Google decided in 2011 to build its first Asian data center in Taiwan, very few people counted on such a rapid growth in the number of boarding school users in the region. It is already clear that the existing capacity is not enough. As stated in the official press release, timed to coincide with the announcement of the construction of a new Taiwanese data center by the corporation: “The growth of Internet users in Asia is phenomenal. In the two years that have passed since the introduction of our first Asian data center, the number of users in India alone doubled, from 100 to 200 million. More than 60 million people in Asia have become active users of the mobile Internet in just three summer months of 2013, and this population is almost like in two Canada or three Australia. And the growth trend in the number of subscribers does not decrease. ”

The planned $ 600 million data center will be the largest data center among existing corporation facilities in Asia. Also, taking into account the specifics of climatic conditions, in the construction of the center non-standard engineering solutions will be applied for its more efficient cooling. According to Google Corporation Vice President Joe Kawa: "This data center will combine a number of energy-saving technologies that will make it more economical in the process of operation."

Google has become for Taiwan a significant factor in the development of this interesting country, in many sections of the country, which was particularly noted by its leadership. Deputy Taiwan’s Minister of Economy, Laing Kuo-shina, spoke about the cooperation: “Google has chosen Taiwan as the place to create the largest cloud-based data center in Asia, and this decision will definitely become one of the milestones in creating a successful cloud industry in the region.”

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/237821/

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