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NeuroSky: a generator of software and hardware neurostartaps

DARPA and Kickstarter have already taken hold of the brain, now it's your turn

In 2013, DARPA approached the community of makers and hackers with a proposal to create a budget version of the portable EEG. ( The Verge article , recording performances on fora.tv ). The moment had come which I waited so long for, namely, that many neuroheternums appeared in Moscow. (One of them lives in Hackspace , you can come and test)

I first became interested in neural interfaces in 2011, but in those days there was only MindBall in Moscow (for 60,000 rubles if I am not mistaken), a couple of years later, thanks to Habrastarrózil sasha237 , I managed to test Emotiv (then it cost 15,000+ rubles) and even perform with NeuroSky neurogadget (approximate price 5.000 rubles) is present at all the exhibitions of gadgets at HSE, which pleases me very much, because since Emotiv electrodes were on my head, I waited for the moment when a similar device and begin the development of this industry.
Just as the first computers used to appear in the garages and workshops of IT people and this led to the emergence of a new world, so I really hope that when a sufficient number of crazy intelligent developers take up the EEG, this will lead to something new it's hard to imagine now. (for example, that a person becomes just a peripheral device )

The following steps I am waiting for:
a) the emergence of a community of people who train the brain as a sport
b) the emergence of a community of software developers / hardware

Under the review review of software for pumping the brain and several neuroprojects from kickstarter

The MindWave headset is worn on the user's head and captures data using the electroencephalogram principle (single-channel dry electrode). The software processes this data and sends it to the PC via BlueTooth, where applications can use it through the API.

The neural network interface is built on the basis of a specialized microcircuit (ASIC), manufactured by NeuroSky, supplied as a ready-made TGAM1 module. The module has 3 inputs EEG (electrode on the forehead), REF and GND (electrode on the clip, placed on the ear). All electrodes are connected with shielded cable. The power supply of the module 3.3 V is formed by a DC-DC converter located on the main board. Headset power from a single 1.5V AAA element
TGAM1 Module Description

Description of the neurointerface interaction protocol .

Data visualization

Comments psychophysiologists from the laboratory of Moscow State University:
The development of neurogadgets is in many ways similar to the development of the parent technology itself - EEG. The first encephalographs were rather cumbersome, the quality of the received signal left much to be desired, not to mention the methods of analysis and processing. Modern encephalographs allow obtaining maximum information from the recorded signal, up to localization by analogy with fMRI.
The entry of portable EEGs into the consumer market is a natural continuation of the development of the wearable gadget industry along the lines of new approaches to medicine, psychology and self-knowledge. On the other hand, such technologies allow completely different interaction with various devices. Vyacheslav

“The appearance of NeuroSky and other mobile EEG headsets is definitely a breakthrough. Technology is now closer to the consumer and this gives way to the emergence of "neurostartap" and, in general, develops the industry.
But there is a "but." While the signal can not be compared with what is used in this laboratory. Therefore, the use of NeuroSky is limited to more demonstration projects + this headset is suitable for some types of biofeedback training.
For IT, NeuroSky today can be a window into the world of neuroscience. It is easy to work with this device and using its example one can understand quite a few principles of signal registration. But if you want to do something more substantial, you need to switch to more serious equipment. " Ilya

Already, you can train your brain using both free programs and fully professional paid programs.

Home of attention

(paid professional program)

Unlike free programs aimed at eduntainment, in which the gaming and visual component is strong, Home of Attention focuses on a detailed approach to various rhythms. They are allocated as many as 8 pieces (alpha 2, alpha 2 and three beta are added to standard alpha, beta, delta). This approach allows you to train not only simplified-for-users of the “meditation / concentration” type, but also quite scientifically-correct parameters.
If earlier the trainings that improved the controllability of their psychophysiology were available only to large organizations - dispatchers, pilots, train drivers and others, now ordinary users, freelancers, authors Habra and so on can improve their efficiency.
(Can this program defeat procrastination?)

The course usually includes 10 to 25 lessons and takes 20 minutes a day. Occupation mode may depend on the type of activity. It is possible to select certain trained EEG ranges for a deeper study of the states of “relaxation and concentration”, etc.

You can choose a combination of parameters that we want to control, for example, maximize alpha while holding a certain delta level.

Who can answer the question right now, how concentrated is it now? And if it is possible to measure this parameter, would your “sensations” coincide with real information?
This opinion is widely known that it is necessary to alternate between computer games and beer, work modes and rest mode, but so far everyone has relied on subjective sensations. Now, according to the developers, it is possible to achieve better rest for the brain and better concentration.
How quickly can you return to concentrated work after being interrupted? (An ordinary mortal needs 5-15 minutes)

First, we use audio and video materials to help ourselves in entering certain states. And then, having acquired certain skills, we use files as distracting material that will complicate our task.

There are already several orders from major FMCG companies. They are interested in how to maintain the optimal level of creativity among managers, the efficiency of programmers and the general stress tolerance of workers.

The ideal is practically unattainable, but it is worth striving for it.
super champion for concentration

The NeuroSky project provides tools for developers and encourages projects on Kikstarter.

Scanners Project

"It is true that our rates and rhythms are given to you." Walter Murch , editor of The Godfather, Apocalypse Now, English Patient, etc
June 21, 2014
48 bakers
£ 3,531 (out of £ 3,500)
The essence of the project: an interactive visual installation that combines neuroscience and digital art. Imagine a movie, the flow of which depends on your mood, and the transition between scenes occurs at the moment of blinking.

Project "MindRider Maps"

August 16, 2014
56 bakers
$ 5,552 (out of $ 5,000)
The essence of the project: a helmet that records your emotions while riding and creates a neurogeographic map of the city



Aurora Project

January 21, 2014
1,428 bakers
$ 239,094 (out of $ 90,000)
The essence of the project: a bandage on the head, which gives light and sound signals in the phase of BDG-sleep, which will allow, according to the developers, to achieve lucid dreams.

Project "Throw Trucks With Your Mind"

March 14, 2014
584 bakers
$ 47,287 (out of $ 40,000)
The essence of the project: a game in which "using telekinesis" you need to throw birds at pigs trucks

Project "Puzzlebox Orbit: Brain-Controlled Helicopter"

December 8, 2012
434 bakers
$ 74,799 (out of $ 10,000)
The essence of the project: a helicopter controlled by EEG signals

Russian project "Solaris"

(based on EEG Emotiv)

Volumetric Society of NYC - OpenBCI: Crowd-Sourcing Brain Research & Innovation

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/237761/

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