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Patching Linux processes on the fly with GDB

Techniques for intercepting functions in Linux are well known and described on the Internet. The simplest method is to write a dynamic library with “clone functions” and use the LD_PRELOAD mechanism to redefine the import table at the process loading stage.

The disadvantage of LD_PRELOAD is that it is necessary to control the process start To intercept functions in an already running process or functions that are not in the import table, you can use “splicing” - recording the transition command to the interceptor to the beginning of the intercepted function.

It is also known that in Python there is a ctypes module ctypes allows you to interact with the data and functions of the C language (that is, a large number of dynamic libraries with C interface). Thus, nothing interferes with intercepting a process function and sending it to Python with a method wrapped in a C-callback using ctypes .

For intercepting control and loading code into a target process, it is convenient to use the GDB debugger, which supports writing extension modules in Python ( https://sourceware.org/gdb/current/onlinedocs/gdb/Python-API.html ).
The example code is given completely at the end of the article and consists of two files:
  • pyinject.py - GDB extension
  • hook.py - module with interceptor functions

From the GDB side, it is convenient to issue the code as a user command. A new command can be created by inheriting from the gdb.Command class. When using a command in GDB, the method invoke(argument, from_tty) will be called.

You can also create custom parameters by inheriting from gdb.Parameter . In the sample article, it is used to set the name of the file with interception functions.

Connecting to the running PID process and loading the module is convenient to do immediately when GDB starts.
 gdb -ex 'attach PID' -ex 'source pyinject.py' -ex 'set hookfile hook.py' 
The field of this debugged process is stopped and the interactive command line GDB is launched, in which a new command “pyinject” will be available.

Interception can be divided into three stages:
  1. Injecting a Python interpreter into the address space of the target process
  2. Collection of information about the intercepted function
  3. Interception
Points 1 and 2 are easier to do on the debugger side, point 3 is already inside the target process.

Python interpreter injection

Most of the GDB Python interface is designed to enhance debugging capabilities. For everything else, there is gdb.execute(command, from_tty, to_string) , which allows you to execute an arbitrary GDB command and get its output as a string.
For example:
 out = gdb.execute("info registers", False, True) 
Also useful is gdb.parse_end_eval(expression) , which evaluates the expression and returns the result in the form gdb.Value .

The first step is to load the Python library into the address space of the target process. To do this, call dlopen in the context of the target process.
You can use the call command in gdb.execute , or gdb.parse_and_eval :
 # pyinject.py gdb.execute('call dlopen("libpython2.7.so", %d)' % RTLD_LAZY) assert long(gdb.history(0)) handle = gdb.parse_and_eval('dlopen("libpython2.7.so", %d)' % RTLD_LAZY) assert long(handle) 

You can then initialize the interpreter.
 # pyinject.py gdb.execute('call PyEval_InitThreads()') gdb.execute('call Py_Initialize()') 
The first call creates a GIL (global interpreter lock), the second prepares the Python C-API for use.

And load the interception module
 # pyinject.py fp = gdb.parse_and_eval('fopen("hook.py", "r")') assert long(fp) != 0 pyret = gdb.parse_and_eval('PyRun_AnyFileEx(%u, "hook.py", 1)' % fp) 
PyRun_AnyFileEx executes code from a file in the context of the __main__ module.
The above will only work if the target process does not use Python (as the main or scripting language). If this is not the case, then everything becomes seriously complicated. The main problem is that in the process stopped for debugging in a random place, you cannot use any Python C-API functions (except maybe Py_AddPendingCall ).

Hook.py module

The hook.py module contains interceptors and the Hook class that performs the actual interception.
Interceptor functions are indicated by the decorator. For example, for the open function of the standard library, we print its arguments and return the result of calling the original function stored in the orig field.
 # hook.py @hook(symbol='open', ctype=CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_char_p, c_int)) def python_open(fname, oflag): print "open: ", fname, oflag return python_open.orig(fname, oflag) 

The @hook decorator takes two parameters:The decorator registers the function in the class Hook and returns without changing.
 # hook.py def hook(symbol, ctype): def deco(func): Hook.register(symbol, ctype, func) return func return deco 

The register method creates an instance of the class and stores it in the all_hooks dictionary. Thus, after the file has been executed, thanks to the decorators in Hook.all_hooks will be all the information about the available functions of the interceptors.
 # hook.py class Hook(object): all_hooks = {} @staticmethod def register(symbol, *args): Hook.all_hooks[symbol] = Hook(symbol, *args) 

In order to be intercepted by GDB by calling one function, it is convenient to define a static method in the Hook class responsible for intercepting
 # hook.py class Hook(object): @staticmethod def hook(symbol, *args): h = Hook.all_hooks[symbol] if h.active: return h.install(*args) 
In *args , additional information about the function being intercepted is passed here. Which one depends on the method of interception.

Splicing interception methods

Splicing is globally divided into two subspecies by the method of calling the original function.

In a simple hook, a call to the original function consists of several steps:
  1. the beginning of the original function is restored from the saved copy
  2. made a call
  3. the beginning is overwritten again by the instruction for switching to the interceptor
The disadvantage is obvious, in a multi-threaded program it cannot be guaranteed that another thread will not call a function during its rewrite. In part, this is treated by stopping other threads while calling the original function. But firstly there is no standard way to achieve this, secondly, you can catch a deadlock if you fail to call a function like malloc

In the trampoline hook, the beginning of the original function is copied to a new place and after it the transition to the body of the original function is recorded. In this version, the original function is always available at the new address.

Trampoline hook works in multi-threaded programs, but much more difficult to install. It is necessary to rewrite an integer number of instructions, for which the disassembler is usually used. The arrival of the x86_64 architecture added even more problems due to the ubiquitous distribution of memory addressing relative to the %rip register (address of the current command).
Let's look at the beginning of the open function in GDB:
 0x7f6cc8aa83e0 <open64+0>: 83 3d ed 33 2d 00 00 cmpl $0x0,0x2d33ed(%rip) 0x7f6cc8aa83e7 <open64+7>: 75 10 jne 0x7f6cc8aa83f9 <open64+25> 0x7f6cc8aa83e9 <__open_nocancel+0>: b8 02 00 00 00 mov $0x2,%eax 0x7f6cc8aa83ee <__open_nocancel+5>: 0f 05 syscall 

If we rewrite the first command " cmpl $0x0,0x2d33ed(%rip) " to another address, then the relative address 0x2d33ed(%rip) , which now points to 0x7f6cc8d7b7d4 , will point to another place (hello SIGSEGV).

To make a trampoline hook of this function you need:
  1. determine the size of commands at the beginning of the function
  2. allocate memory no farther than 2GB from the target address of the cmpl command (offset 0x2d33ed(%rip) signed 32-bit)
  3. copy the beginning to a new place and patch memory access relative to %rip in cmpl
On top of the picture, the transition command should be shorter than 9 bytes, since this function with two entry points and at 0x7f6cc8aa83e9 already __open_nocancel . This means that our springboard should be no farther than 2GB from the beginning of the open to allow a 32-bit transition (all 64-bit transitions are longer than 9 bytes).

In principle, with all the power of GDB behind you ( gdb.execute() ), nothing prevents you from correctly implementing a trampoline hook, but for the sake of simplicity, this article will use a simple hook.

In a simple hook, the only limit is the length of the transition instruction.
There are two (main) options:

The article uses the second method.
 # hook.py class Hook(object): @staticmethod def get_indlongjmp(srcaddr, proxyaddr): s = struct.pack('=BBl', 0xff, 0x25, proxyaddr - srcaddr - 6) return map(ord, s) 
get_indlongjmp returns the code for jumping from the address srcaddr to the address stored in QWORD at proxyaddr

Now you can finally write the missing methods of the Hook class. The install method gets the address of the original address function and the address of the proxyaddr secondary zone. After that, it rewrites the beginning of the function (after saving it in self.code ) by switching to an interceptor
 # hook.py def install(self, address, proxyaddr): self.address = address self.proxyaddr = proxyaddr proxymemory = (c_void_p * 1).from_address(self.proxyaddr) proxymemory[0] = Hook.cast_to_void_p(self.cfunc) self.jmp = self.get_indlongjmp(self.address, self.proxyaddr) self.memory = (c_ubyte * len(self.jmp)).from_address(self.address) self.code = list(self.memory) self.patchmem(self.jmp) self.pyfunc.orig = self.origfunc() self.active = True 

patchmem overwrites the beginning of the original function with data from src
 # hook.py def patchmem(self, src): for i in range(len(src)): self.memory[i] = src[i] 

origfunc wraps the function call in a code that removes and sets the transition to the interceptor.
 # hook.py def origfunc(self): ofunc = self.ctype(self.address) def wrap(*args): self.patchmem(self.code) val = ofunc(*args) self.patchmem(self.jmp) return val return wrap 

Finishing touches

Python is loaded into the address space, hook.py is loaded into Python. It remains to call Hook.hook(symbol, address, proxyaddr) on the Python side of the GDB module.

Find the address of the function " open "
 line = gdb.execute('info address %s' % "open" False, True) m = re.match(r'.*?(0x[0-9a-f]+)', line) addr = int(m.group(1), 16) 
In general, before running to rewrite the code of a stopped process, you need to make sure that it is not stopped in the middle of this code (or is going to return to it). It is easiest to do this by parsing the output of gdb.execute("thread apply all backtrace")

We allocate memory nearby from addr
 prot = PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC flags = MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS maddr = gdb.parse_and_eval('(void*)mmap(0x%x, %d, %d, %d, -1, 0)\n' % (addr | 0x7FFFFFFF, 4096, prot, flags)) maddr = (long(maddr) & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF) | (addr & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000) 
The last line is to bypass the bug in GDB, which eats the most significant bits of the result. The argument (addr | 0x7FFFFFFF) uses the undocumented mmap property to (addr | 0x7FFFFFFF) memory with the address less than the desired one.

Without tricks, the right one is slightly longer: you need to parse the output of gdb.execute('info proc mappings', False, True) , find the hole closest to addr in the address space and wipe out mmap with MAP_FIXED . And of course it is not necessary to allocate a whole page of memory for each intercepted function.

Allow rewriting of the original function (otherwise SIGSEGV)
 gdb.parse_and_eval('mprotect(0x%x, %u, %d)' % (addr & -0x1000, 4096*2, prot)) 

Call Hook.hook via PyRun_SimpleString
 pyret = gdb.parse_and_eval('PyRun_SimpleString("Hook.hook(\\"open\\", 0x%x, 0x%x)")' % (addr, maddr)) 

Done! Now the call to " open " in the target process will be intercepted and sent to python_open from hook.py.

Sample files

Full sample files (with a little more checks, but without taking into account many nuances)
 # pyinject.py import re import os RTLD_LAZY = 1 PROT_READ = 0x1 PROT_WRITE = 0x2 PROT_EXEC = 0x4 MAP_PRIVATE = 0x2 MAP_FIXED = 0x10 MAP_ANONYMOUS = 0x20 LIBPYTHON = 'libpython2.7.so' class ParamHookfile(gdb.Parameter): instance = None def __init__(self, default=''): super(ParamHookfile, self).__init__("hookfile", gdb.COMMAND_NONE, gdb.PARAM_FILENAME) self.value = default ParamHookfile.instance = self def get_set_string(self): return self.value def get_show_string(self, svalue): return svalue class CmdHook(gdb.Command): instance = None def __init__(self): super(CmdHook, self).__init__("pyinject", gdb.COMMAND_NONE) self.initialized = False CmdHook.instance = self def complete(self, text, word): matching = [s[4:] for s in dir(self) if s.startswith('cmd_') and s[4:].startswith(text)] return matching def invoke(self, subcmd, from_tty): self.dont_repeat() if subcmd.startswith("hook"): self.cmd_hook(*gdb.string_to_argv(subcmd)) elif subcmd.startswith("unhook"): self.cmd_unhook(*gdb.string_to_argv(subcmd)) else: gdb.write('unknown sub-command "%s"' % subcmd) def cmd_hook(self, *args): self.initialize() if not self.initialized: return pyret = gdb.parse_and_eval('PyRun_SimpleString("print Hook")') if long(pyret) != 0: hookfile = ParamHookfile.instance.value if not os.path.exists(hookfile): gdb.write('Use "set hookfile <path>"\n') return fp = gdb.parse_and_eval('fopen("%s", "r")' % hookfile) assert long(fp) != 0 pyret = gdb.parse_and_eval('PyRun_AnyFileEx(%u, "%s", 1)' % (fp, hookfile)) if long(pyret) != 0: gdb.write('Error loading "%s"\n' % hookfile) return for symbol in args: try: line = gdb.execute('info address %s' % symbol, False, True) m = re.match(r'.*?(0x[0-9a-f]+)', line) if m: addr = int(m.group(1), 16) except gdb.error: continue prot = PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC flags = MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS # | MAP_FIXED maddr = gdb.parse_and_eval('(void*)mmap(0x%x, %d, %d, %d, -1, 0)\n' % (addr | 0x7FFFFFFF , 4096, prot, flags)) maddr = (long(maddr) & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF) | (addr & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000) gdb.write("mmap = 0x%x\n" % maddr) if maddr == 0: continue gdb.parse_and_eval('mprotect(0x%x, %u, %d)' % (addr & -0x1000, 4096*2, prot)) pyret = gdb.parse_and_eval('PyRun_SimpleString("Hook.hook(\\"%s\\", 0x%x, 0x%x)")' % (symbol, addr, maddr)) if long(pyret) == 0: gdb.write('hook "%s" OK\n' % symbol) def cmd_unhook(self, *args): for symbol in args: pyret = gdb.parse_and_eval('PyRun_SimpleString("Hook.unhook(\\"%s\\")")' % (symbol)) if long(pyret) == 0: gdb.write('unhook "%s" OK\n' % symbol) def initialize(self): if self.initialized: return handle = gdb.parse_and_eval('dlopen("%s", %d)' % (LIBPYTHON, RTLD_LAZY)) if not long(handle): gdb.write('Cannot load library %s\n' % LIBPYTHON) return if not long(gdb.parse_and_eval('Py_IsInitialized()')): gdb.execute('call PyEval_InitThreads()') gdb.execute('call Py_Initialize()') self.initialized = True if __name__ == '__main__': ParamHookfile() CmdHook() 

 # hook.py import struct from ctypes import (CFUNCTYPE, POINTER, c_ubyte, c_int, c_char_p, c_void_p) class Hook(object): all_hooks = {} @staticmethod def cast_to_void_p(pointer): return CFUNCTYPE(c_void_p, c_void_p)(lambda x: x)(pointer) @staticmethod def register(symbol, *args): Hook.all_hooks[symbol] = Hook(symbol, *args) def __init__(self, symbol, ctype, pyfunc): self.symbol = symbol self.ctype = ctype self.pyfunc = pyfunc self.cfunc = self.ctype(self.pyfunc) self.address = 0 self.proxyaddr = 0 self.jmp = None self.memory = None self.code = None self.active = False def install(self, address, proxyaddr): print "install:", hex(address) self.address = address self.proxyaddr = proxyaddr proxymemory = (c_void_p * 1).from_address(self.proxyaddr) proxymemory[0] = Hook.cast_to_void_p(self.cfunc) self.jmp = self.get_indlongjmp(self.address, self.proxyaddr) self.memory = (c_ubyte * len(self.jmp)).from_address(self.address) self.code = list(self.memory) self.patchmem(self.jmp) self.pyfunc.orig = self.origfunc() self.active = True def uninstall(self): self.patchmem(self.code) self.active = False def origfunc(self): ofunc = self.ctype(self.address) def wrap(*args): self.patchmem(self.code) val = ofunc(*args) self.patchmem(self.jmp) return val return wrap def patchmem(self, src): for i in range(len(src)): self.memory[i] = src[i] @staticmethod def get_indlongjmp(srcaddr, proxyaddr): # 64-bit indirect absolute jump (6 + 8 bytes) # ff 25 off32 jmpq *off32(%rip) try: s = struct.pack('=BBl', 0xff, 0x25, proxyaddr - srcaddr - 6) return map(ord, s) except: print hex(proxyaddr), hex(srcaddr), hex(proxyaddr - srcaddr - 6) raise @staticmethod def hook(symbol, address, proxyaddr): h = Hook.all_hooks[symbol] if h.active: return h.install(address, proxyaddr) @staticmethod def unhook(symbol): h = Hook.all_hooks[symbol] if not h.active: return h.uninstall() def hook(symbol, ctype): def deco(func): Hook.register(symbol, ctype, func) return func return deco #int open (const char *__file, int __oflag, ...) @hook(symbol='open', ctype=CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_char_p, c_int)) def python_open(fname, oflag): print "open: ", fname, oflag return python_open.orig(fname, oflag) 

Run example (better with absolute paths)
 gdb -ex 'attach PID' -ex 'source /path/pyinject.py' -ex 'set hookfile /path/hook.py' (gdb) pyinject hook open (gdb) continue 

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/237575/

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