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Organized freelance. Part 3. Product

I continue to publish on the topic of organized freelancing.
Previous publications: Part 1. Head , Part 2. Artists.

What services to provide customers?

The main thing that needs to be understood when working with a client is, why does he need your product, your services. I myself worked in local web studios and always saw the same picture: the web studio made sites, set up a direct, engaged in SEO promotion, but they did not see the big picture and did not understand why the client came to them and why appeals for help. You need to understand the client, at least at the level of his primary tasks. You are not creating a website, but a tool for processing clients, you need to understand the benefits your business will bring.

This problem occurs most often for the reason that the creator, the head of the studio initially worked only in one particular direction. For example, if the creator is a former web designer, then he pays a lot of attention and time to design, he wants his sites to be beautiful, to please the eye. If the manager was originally a coder, programmer, he pays a lot of attention to clean code, interesting new features for the site, interesting scripts. There is a third type - sales people, who initially had nothing to do with the Internet, they pay attention to sales, promotion, etc. The third type is most attractive to customers, but you need to understand that the quality of the product remains low when the manager does not understand all the processes that are behind the creation of the site. This misunderstanding leads to the fact that he can not properly build the work of their performers, as he can not systematically approach the process of creating the site, in this case, many questions, problems arise precisely on the side of the team. I personally worked in all three areas: I programmed and worked for about 3-4 years in web design, then I went into the business, I know what a sales funnel is, roi, conversion and other things that need to be considered when developing a website and also to explain to the client if he does not know them and does not understand. I did all this, I visited all the elements and therefore I want to share it all.

What to develop, where to start?

First you need to understand what opportunities and knowledge you have. It is better to start with something narrowly focused. Further, having already gained experience by typing a team, expand the range of services provided. Personally, I started with the development of Landings, having already had a little experience. These were the first landings for 3,000 rubles to friends, but now we provide a more complete range of services: market analysis, branding, promotion, we do online shopping and business card websites, and we give advice. All these services arose when it was necessary to provide this service to a client or to increase the level of work.
The main criterion for the quality of the product is how accurately it solves the problem set by the client. If this is a landing page, how many clients does it attract and, accordingly, how much does profit increase? If this is a logo - how accurately the essence and mood of the company is reflected. All criteria must be accurately recorded in the preparation of technical specifications.

What tools, products can a web studio use to attract customers?

First of all, if you have not previously engaged in such activities, if you do not have your work, I would advise you now to deal with one-page sites - landing pages. Why landings? The fact is that if you are not well versed in the product itself, its technical side, design, then single pages are a fairly easy product to understand such basic concepts as layout, layout, and design. If, on the contrary, you were a programmer or designer, then working with landings will help you understand how sales work, why you need to analyze the market, why you need a copywriter, what a UTP is, a descriptor, how triggers work on sites and how to attract customers. You will say that all the same can be found by creating an online store. But it is not so. The online store is quite complicated technical part, in addition, it is necessary to work out the design of a large number of pages. Also, if you want to produce a really good product at the output and increase the sales and profits of your customers, then you have a serious job in terms of marketing.

As I said earlier, the manager should have a certain idea about each of these areas. Those. technical issues, creative issues, design problems and, of course, sales, marketing, promotion. In all areas, you must have a sufficient amount of knowledge, for which you will need a few days, but without this nothing happens. All of this, I additionally throw off materials outside of this document, which I strongly recommend to study.

Cost, pricing policy

It is time to talk about pricing and the cost of our services. In general, there are two price layers in the market of web-studios, internet marketing: low check, for landing it will be about 12-15 thousand rubles, and high check is from 50-70 thousand rubles and up to half a million - million rubles. Let it not shock you, there are really experts who justify these amounts and provide a really high-quality product.
Customers who expect a low check, often turn to the web studio for the first time, as a rule, they know almost nothing about the product and, in principle, do not understand what they are paying for. As a rule, it is more difficult to work with such clients, but if you haven’t been involved in website development before, I would advise you to work at least for a month in this price layer, you’ll fill in the lumps, understand the whole process, create a general understanding of the product’s work, team, gain experience. And only then you can move on to the next level, assemble a new team of professionals, with decent pay.

Additional services, improvements

Quite often, when a client just talks to you with the words “I need a landing page”, as far as work, it turns out that he, besides the landing page, needs related services. For example, if a landing check is high enough, you will need to analyze the market, niche in order to understand the scope of the client’s activities, to imagine how best to sell his services or product. Also, branding services are bought quite often, i.e. logos, business cards, envelopes, presentations, marketing whales. All this also costs enough good money and often, in total, exceeds the cost of the landing page itself, which we can use and increase our incomes. Also, much attention should be paid to the promotion of sites, because The client comes for a full-fledged tool that will attract customers for his business. Promotion is not a project activity. Therefore, I prefer to work in this area under partnership conditions, i.e. I find professionals, for example, in contextual advertising, who are engaged in the development of companies, accompanying support and are ready for long-term cooperation with the client. I give them customers and take a certain percentage, for example, from developing a company for direct, thereby removing the responsibility for the long process of website promotion, and move on to new customers. For promotion, you can find specialists in these areas: contextual advertising (Yandex Direct, Google Edward), SMM (creating groups and promoting a company in social networks), SEO promotion (optimizing and putting the site into the top search engine rankings).

After you have created a site, set up contextual advertising, etc., your assistance will be required from time to time. For example, change a block on the site, reconfigure something, etc. In principle, it is possible to conclude an agreement to support the site, but we are not engaged in such practice and are refining the site upon the client’s request, for which we charge an additional fee. You can also earn good money on this with a large customer base.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/237529/

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