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How to become managers: 4 career stories with analysis and conclusions

In the previous article “Why people do not grow: the more growth options, the worse,” we agreed to continue the preparation of this topic and move on to the answer to the question “But how to grow?”

Especially, apparently, the question hooked those who are now working the most and are beginning to suspect something ...

So that there is something to push off from, and the conclusions were not taken from the air or from another source deserving attention, we dissect 4 different career stories under the watchful eye of an inquisitive reader and try to draw some conclusions.

Story 1: not pofigicheskaya

It is necessary to start with yourself, although this is how to make yourself appendicitis: it is scary and entertaining. Although I already told you something about my career discoveries in the two previous articles, so I flinched.

How it all started

Slava Pankratov, business coach, managing partner of the Stratoplan School of Managers.

My scheme for obtaining the first managerial position is “Career Elevator”: my manager became the director of a new company and called me to the position of head of software testing department. I studied at the 4th year of the institute (the first tower), hospital, 22 years old.

When I asked my new chef six months later, why did I, after all soberly judging that by knowledge, that by skills I clearly did not reach at that time, he took a sip from his glass (it was on the New Year corporate party) that he decided to take me as manager department, for two reasons:

  1. When we worked with him, I always looked in his eyes as a rather stubborn person who tried to do his job "until it stops", and if I could not do something, I got up and "walked with my feet" to negotiate with the people with whom it was possible to decide instead of whining and using it for excuses (and there were more than enough reasons, but who does not have them?)
  2. He also cited the example of one situation when he drew attention to my attitude to work. The situation is banal: we swore quite loudly in the corridor with the development manager - and I wanted him and several other developers to stay after work and still roll out the promised release today, not “tomorrow morning or for dinner”.

My position was very different for him at that moment from the position of many testers in the company - they roll out tomorrow, tomorrow, and we will start testing, for us that this development delays the delivery of the version to testing.

To be honest, I hardly remembered this situation - it happened that they were fighting, not without it, but that case was really a bit special.

We returned from a business trip to the customer, where, in an informal conversation, we found out how difficult it is for people who used our system at the implementation stage now - they, in fact, worked in two systems at the same time: they kept duplicate records in their work system and in that we introduced. A man of 40 people, remained after work for several hours to finish the work day. Each week of project delays poured out to these particular living people at many hours away from home. Yes, with a frightened something?

Against this background, talks about the fact that developers “by methodology” should not be reworked, and we will compensate for the delay with planning, “transferring the functionality to the next iteration,” sounded wrong for me. In my head it was arranged differently: whoever nafakapil, he rakes. Each our transfer or errors poured out to very real people in the hours and days of double, unnecessary work. Not an abstract "customer business", but quite specific living people in the neighboring city.

Much later, already working for myself, I adopted the formula for hiring people, which described the logic of my first boss: hiring for attitude and training for skills — hiring people with the right attitude to work and teaching the missing skills.

With a clearly insufficient level of knowledge and no relevant experience for the position of the head of the department - and I didn’t know anything about how to select and interview people, how to set and control tasks, how to coordinate time with customers and neighboring departments - I got my first managerial position, thanks to the fact that I just didn’t care about the result and the users.

Later, already interviewing people, selecting people for my projects, teaching managers how to conduct interviews, I was convinced that this approach, this method of selecting people for a company and the choice of people who can be promoted to managers - works.

Story 2: constructive

Alexander Orlov, business coach, managing partner of the Stratoplan School of Managers.

Author's comment: on the other hand, on whom else to experiment, if not above a business partner?

4 reasons why I became a manager
I became a manager all of a sudden. One morning, the director of our company came to work and said something like this: “I'm tired, I'm leaving.” After that, he deleted his account and left the company. Why this happened, I still do not know, but like this, exactly one day the company was left without a director.

The team managers gathered and, as a result, with a joint powerful effort, they decided that the manager of our team, Igor, would play the role of director. And the manager of our team appointed me. My salary immediately increased by 1.5 times, I felt like a boooolshim head (there were two more people in the team), and cheerfully jumped around to fill all the manager's bumps that could be stuffed.

After some time, I was very much puzzled by the question: “Why was it that he was appointed manager?” There was an engineer in the team, much more technically intelligent, and he had better English ... With communications, however, he didn’t but all the same - why me?

Faced with Igor over a beer a few years later, I asked him a simple question: “Igor, why me?” The answer was very simple: “Well, who else? ..”

Damn it, it didn’t clarify the situation much. But it showed that managers themselves are not always able to clearly define the criteria for appointment.

Only a few years later, when I started training, when I talked to a hundred or two directors, I formulated the answer to the question why I was appointed manager.

Reason number 1. I did my job well. If you are not doing your job well, then you will never be promoted. Because there is a risk that you and the new (managerial work) will do badly. And the level is higher, hence the damage will be more.

You may have a lot of reasons for what you do little or badly (you are not interested, no one listens to you, it was not your decision that was taken, your boss is a mutant, and the customer just got out of the underworld). But on the scoreboard they write the authors of scored goals, and not excuses for those who did not succeed.

Doing your job well is necessary, but not enough for an appointment. In addition to normal working results, there was also:

Reason number 2. The skills needed by the manager were developed at an adequate level. I was not the best in English or technically, but was adequate both there and there. If the skills that a manager needs specifically in your company are not, assigning you is dangerous. Do you not enough this skill will not grow, or you will not find time to grow it - what then to do? ..

In addition to this reason, there was another one, which, as I understand it, distinguished me among my colleagues:

Reason number 3. I normally constructively communicated with all my colleagues. At that time, I had two colleagues on the team and they argued with each other quite often. Sometimes with mats, emotions and other sabotage.

It is quite risky to appoint a person as a team manager if he has a conflict with someone within the team. Any appointment causes allergies to the team, and in this case, allergies can lead the team to the terminal stage. What bosses usually do not want.

I had normal relations (both workers, and human) with both my colleagues. Maybe because of my general non-conflict, I do not know. But in fact, we communicated normally.

For a long time I thought that these were the three main reasons for my appointment. But then, on reflection, I realized that there was another one:

Reason number 4. I supported the boss. Not so long ago, for our new program “How to become a manager,” we recorded interviews with my good friend Lech Duhnyakov (VP of Engineering and co-owner of TBricks). I asked Lech a simple question: how to build a relationship with management?

The answer was very simple: “I support him. I work for my boss, I work for my boss. Everything is very simple".

These words brought me back to the distant 2002, when I myself became a manager. Did I really support my boss Igor? Igor was my boss then for 4 years and it was always easy for me to work with him, but did I support him? Perhaps that, yes. What was it expressed, you ask? A few things.

If Igor asked to do something, I did. Even if the task seemed boring. Then I thought about how to automate it, but these are details.

I did not enter into a public confrontation with the boss. I didn’t like to argue at all then, I liked to ask questions: “Why?” You may disagree with something, but you can clarify your disagreement with the questions: “What will happen if ...”, “How would we ... " etc.

I never discussed him behind his back. At the same time, I repeatedly heard others discussing it, but I never discussed it myself.

That was my support. Perhaps there is another. Surely a lot depends on the type of your boss. But he needs your support. Grow those on whom you can rely.

Perhaps these 4 reasons were the main ones. Why am I all this? If you are thinking about becoming a manager, now you have a simple checklist for self-examination:
  1. Do you do your job well?
  2. At what level do you have the skills needed by the manager?
  3. What is your relationship with colleagues?
  4. Do you support your boss? What does this mean?

And if you are already a manager, and someone will come to you with the question “How would I get it?”, Then you will have something to give him to read :)

Story 3, the shortest

In fact, in other people's stories, you can’t just rummage so easily, it’s with my friend Orlov that we can subject our brains to a reverse retrospective analysis, while other people also have a job.

Alexander Balabanov, the founder and director of TestLab2:

“I never sought to manage people consciously. It just happened that at some point people turned to me for advice and tips on work, and after a while my boss formally fixed the “organic” effect that I achieved on my own. So I got the first 5 people into submission. ”

A seemingly simple case. That's why we decided to bring it here. It would seem that a man was sitting and became. Only others are sitting and not becoming, and here somehow the stars are lined up in a special way.

Here, in fact, the case when technical and human authority was converted into obtaining a position : de facto taken responsibility not only for their work, but also for the work of their colleagues, was converted de jure into a managerial position.

In addition, in order to go to you to consult, it is necessary, in addition to brains, to have a developed skill to talk and explain . Like any other skills, this too is developing.

Story 4: simple and indicative

Andrei Radoselsky: a year from team lead to a second level manager

“If you look at the results, then for the year of study I went from team lead with an additional burden in the form of managing my projects, to deputy. Head of the department of development, implementation, maintenance. Now, in my submission, not just a few employees, but also project managers. ”

Remembering the other reviews of students of this set, I would like to note a simple thing: against the background, against the background of people who “sit on the pope exactly”, a person who learns something and tries to implement the received, albeit simple skills to do their work better. stands out immediately.

Just an example: almost all the students who listened to our advice, made a development calendar for a year and hung it on the wall above the workplace, wrote in a review that their colleagues and chefs studied this calendar with interest and asked questions about it. This is useful and simple, it works as an external highlighting feature and works in your favor.

Stand out and continue to do business.

Listening to our students, analyzing our joys and failures, we formulated for ourselves a few simple principles on which professional and career growth is based, added a minimal set of skills, without which it will grow well, generally difficult, and also collected a simple step-by-step formula, following which Build your way from Engineer to Managers.

This is the picture we got:

Tree and formula

The map is actually much larger, but we need to understand the basic scheme here, but the meat will increase.

An unexpected such swim came out, with three articles and a bundle of opinions. Thank you for being with us.

Good luck to us.

Slava Pankratov
Managers School Stratoplan

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/237511/

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