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iPhone 6: dismantled in Moscow, we estimate the maintainability and compare with the iPhone 5s

Our colleagues from iFixit have already dismantled both new iPhones. We would not be able to outrun them with all our desire. But in the end, the iPhone 6 fell into our hands on the very first day of sales and was immediately taken apart. Working on this post, we tried not to repeat what iFixit had already said and not just focus on what the device consists of, but analyze its internal differences from its predecessor and evaluate (literally) maintainability in our conditions. We also filmed the process of parsing the camera, and you can see with your own eyes how a skilled master disassembles a gadget from the first time.

It was rather unexpected that the iPhone 6 is de facto moisture-proof, and the company highly appreciates its own engineering efforts, that it decorated all the components of the smartphone with a logo.
I have to say: the praises of the maintainability of the new iPhone should be taken carefully. Yes, indeed, many elements are strengthened and / or simplified, and getting to them is easier. However, this is “compensated” by the fact that more skill and care is required from the master. For example, in the iPhone 6 as many as 60 screws, most of which can be viewed under a microscope. Lose or roll them - a couple of trivia. So the knee workshops, most likely, will return the devices after repair with empty holes. From the outside it can be traced, but from the inside - with difficulty.

What definitely pleases is the simplified design of the loop of the Home button, combined with the Touch ID. In the iPhone 5s, the fingerprint scanner was still a novelty, and its work was ensured by a long fragile loop. He was one of the weakest points of the device, and the replacement of the button assembly, by the way, cost at least 5,000 rubles. Now there is a good chance that Home will live, if not forever, then long enough.

Button from iPhone 5s - left

In general, attention to detail is once again amazing. Here, for example, one of the many antennas. In Asian devices, it looks like another train, only shorter. Apple did this.

That is, there really were sitting, drawing, thinking.

On the lower loop, the Lightning and headphone jacks are significantly enhanced. Why bother with the latter is clear to everyone. We shove the plugs roughly, the connectors break, and the harder the better. But Lightning is also enhanced not without intent: after all, now you can also connect headphones to it, and Philips has already announced the first model. If so - the load increases, and this is no longer charging every couple of days, but constant sticking-poking. We strengthen!

IPhone 5s bottom cable at the top

Sharply increased in size vibration motor. In practice, I will not lie, until I checked, but in terms of size I must break through my pants and fleece. And if you see a strangely bouncing person in light clothing on the subway, don't be intimidated. Perhaps he has an iPhone 6.

Another reason not to miss an incoming call is the new speaker. It noticeably increased in size and became two times louder. Improved and sound quality. Now the iPhone is competing with prolific portable speakers. Moreover, the sound goes directly, without pinching and not spoiling for cheap Bluetooth implementations.

IPhone 5s speaker on the right.

The iPhone 6 camera protrudes slightly from the case, but the module itself has become a bit thinner than in its predecessor.

Camera iPhone 5s on the left.

Please note that Apple first put its logo on the camera. This can be a coincidence (in the iPhone 6, the logo flaunts in general on all components), and evidence of the presence of serious own hardware developments in it.

The battery has increased significantly in size, but the capacity at this time is still modest - 1810 mAh. It is difficult to comment here. Yes, I would like more. But Apple believes that this desire is wrong. You can vote for some other product with a ruble. And you can accept and have fun.

IPhone 5s battery on the left

All buttons are now separate and equipped with rubber pads. And - running a little ahead - I will say that in general everything inside the iPhone 6 is equipped with protection against moisture. In practice, this means a very simple thing: when falling into fresh water, it is very likely that nothing will happen to the phone.

The body itself has traces of machining from the inside, but this does not spoil it, but, on the contrary, gives it brutality. And serves as a secure mount for double-sided tape that holds the battery. The latter can only be removed using a soldering station, and even then - not without difficulty.

The motherboard has become L-shaped. This causes a lot of associations, but we decided that Apple made a knight's move. Please note that there was also a place for the Apple logo on it. He used to decorate only chips.

IPhone 5s motherboard on the right

A few words about the prices of repairs.

Home button and connectors will let us down less often. Buttons - if they suddenly refuse - can be changed individually, and it should be cheaper. The iPhone 6 should sink less often, and this is also good news.

But the screen as a beat, and it will beat very easily. Prices for the replacement is, to put it mildly, inhumane. In the first months, the pleasure will cost at least 10,000 rubles, if not more (the Chinese are now selling seemingly original screens at $ 500 in general, but after a massive start in sales, they should drop the price a bit). So it is better to immediately attend to the purchase of a cover or bumper - from sin.

I am not a supporter of device reviews after several hours of use, so I plan to write a thoughtful text in about a week. But on the internal structure of the device causes great respect. We probably don’t know what the turnover is in the team working on the iPhone. But the engineering philosophy itself remains the same. To make each time easier, safer and ... more beautiful. That's exactly the inner beauty that distinguishes Apple technology from most of its peers. In my personal opinion, only top representatives of the Lenovo ThinkPad family can compare with it. By itself, beauty is, of course, nonsense. But behind it usually there is a deep thoughtfulness of decisions. And this is not the little things.

Parsing the iPhone 6 is fixed on video. It is quite long - 46 minutes. But when analyzing the device, we tried to pay attention to important trifles. So, perhaps, it will be not less interesting for you to look, than to us - to disassemble.

Tomorrow, more precisely today, we will open the iPhone 6 Plus.

The author thanks the online store My-Apple-Store.ru for providing iPhone 6 for parsing and the service center Tech-Town.ru for help in creating materials

Important update: iPhone 6 Plus is already ready . If interested - welcome to read and watch.

PS My review of the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus can be read here .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/237483/

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