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Anonymization on the Internet and the use of self-hosted services

In this article, I will describe my actions to increase anonymity on the Internet, as well as give instructions on switching from google dependent services to my own.

Table of contents.

Why do you need it

The provider is watching us.

All that is transmitted in unencrypted form can be intercepted and modified (classic MitM ). And our provider can easily identify the request with the accuracy of the MAC address and the client agreement.
Even if your provider does not deal with such things, then in his data center there certainly is an inconspicuous server where the mirror has certain traffic. This is a SORM server. And what happens there is unknown to anyone except SORM suppliers.

We are followed by service owners.

If you use gmail to read work / personal mail or use the chrome browser, it will be very convenient for Google corporation to collect information about where you go and what they write to you.

Russian services do the same, remember YandexCrypt , VK is generally a breeding ground for user information.
And remember hundreds of sites where you can leave comments by logging in to social networks.
Of course, for now this is done only to show us more “correct advertising”, but who knows what will happen in the future.
What got into the Internet will stay there forever

Anonymity on the Internet

Now that we have understood why it is necessary to preserve anonymity on the Internet, let's see how this can be achieved.

Rules for the use of Internet services

Information compiled as paranoid increases

Browser Setup

Setup example for firefox

Go to the address about: config in the address bar to tweak the list of options affecting privacy

Using pgp encryption

If we want to transfer the file securely, then it is highly desirable to use encryption. For example gpg / pgp
A person who has received a letter or file from you encrypted and signed by our pgp key can be 100% sure that it is not fake and only the recipient specified by the sender can read it. Thus, our mail can be significantly more secure and it will be more difficult for intruders to get data even in case of full access to the box during hacking.


You can simply encrypt any file. To do this, simply give the command:

gpg -c file 

The system will request a password twice. As a result, we will get next to the original file with a new .gpg extension at the end. For example, file.gpg. Decoding is also very simple:

 gpg file 

And after entering the password, we will receive our source file.

Asymmetric encryption and signature

A bit more complicated procedure, because 2 keys are involved here. One of our personal, secret, known only to us and to no one else. Another public one, handed out to us by friends in any convenient way. Just this option and the most frequently used, because in the first variant, besides the encrypted file, it is necessary to transfer the password to it and there is no guarantee that it will not be intercepted.

The topic was covered in Runet - one , two

Now we come to the second part of the article, where I will try to tell you what and how can I replace the popular guglopochts and rss readers, etc.

Using self-hosted services

The whole attempt to remain anonymous and imperceptible to the Internet is nothing, if you use the calendar and contacts from Google, keep the correspondence in Yandex mail, write notes in evernote and put the files in the dropbox
To prevent Internet services from spying on us, we need to stop using them!

So let's go

In order to host our applications, we need vps with anonymous payment (bitcoins or something like that) and an encrypted disk (KVM, XEN and other virtualization that will allow it)
External ip address that can be purchased with vps and dns name.
What do we use most often?

post office

You can configure the entire mail binding yourself (for example: postfix + dovecot + antispam), or you can use the iredmail assembly.

About her on Habré wrote here and fresher .


Quite a lot of opensource applications can be considered as replacing dropbox, I will give a small list of them with links to installation examples:

Replacing evernote / google keep

Unfortunately, I did not find a full-fledged web-based replacement for the evernote service.
There is only laverna , but this is still too fresh software. Full of children's bugs and bugs

Replacement of Asechke / Skype / Messenger

This is of course everyone's favorite jabber, configured and running on its own vps.
Installation instructions prosody , lightweight and small server to communicate via jabber.

Using rss

For reading the news, I use the rss reader Tiny Tiny rss, it has a lively community and a rather nice interface.
Installation Instructions

Using vpn

About how to configure vpn on Habrr wrote more than once and not two

Using the firefox sync server

In order for me to synchronize passwords and bookmarks in the browser, I use the firefox sync server.
Setup Instructions

Create rootCA

In order for all our services to work on a secure connection, you must either buy an ssl certificate (wildcard certificate or a few ordinary ones), or create your own certificate authority, integrate it into your browsers and sign their service ssl certificates to them.

Setup Instructions


Additional elements that increase serenity in paranoid

Using lxc sandboxes for unreliable programs

Why is this necessary? For example, we want to launch Skype or a couple of Skype or launch another firefox to view a super secret Japanese movie through a Japanese vpn.
The reasons may be many.
So, the implementation is described in the articles of one of the creators of lxc
Unprivileged containers
GUI in containers

Build a secure OS on your computer / laptop

Setting up an Android phone


How exactly the browser merges information about you is pretty well described on Lurk:
Identification of users on the Internet
There is a great article on wikibooks for using the Internet anonymously:
Protection of confidential data and anonymity on the Internet

Unfortunately, the article does not contain a lot of information security solutions.
I will try to fill in the gaps with links to interesting solutions.
habrahabr.ru/post/120620 - DNSSEC, what is and why
prism-break.org/ru - Project for finding alternatives to proprietary solutions to protect against SORM
www.opennet.ru/base/sec/ubuntu_disk_crypt.txt.html - disk encryption for linux

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/237335/

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