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How much will it cost to build a gaming portal?

How much does a site build?

I’m not mistaken and I’d hardly surprise anyone if I declare that every reader of Habra would like to have a profitable project on hand. In the context of the blog topic - a large gaming portal with a huge audience and rich partners. Attracting a huge number of players is possible only if there is (apart from high-quality textual design, which is necessary by definition) a good basis: expensive hosting and a rare, original, custom-made engine. Do not forget about the cost of promotion and compensation of the authors.

So what price will a large-scale game project cost to a beginner moneymaker? And does a high goal justify its costs?

There is no need to dwell on the choice of hosting: it is clear that in the case of a large gaming portal (you want a good website, I understand?), You should stop at renting a server or buying one, and the latter is more promising and economical with prolonged use. Colocation, rent, purchase of a server is not essential, it is important not to be mistaken with the choice of a company, which, in which case, you can present all your complaints and resolve problems at the proper level. Otherwise, after a couple of years of successful work and popularity, you can grow everything in a matter of days.

The main point - the choice of content management system, or simply “engine”. Initially, we should decide on the direction of the gaming portal, the price of the issue will depend on this: we are building a blog platform, a sort of community for writing gamers, or erect a sort of analogue ign.com and “the killer of AGRI”. We will not go far for examples: destructoid.com (I consider this portal as the most interesting and original in the whole modern Internet on game themes) and gamespot.com. In which direction to go and what to choose, we decide ourselves, in the first case we get a more original system and give real freedom of speech to each user, in the second case we follow the classic path of least resistance and have the opportunity to develop on the mistakes of colleagues.

Go directly to the numbers. So, the blogging platform on which destructoid.com - Elephant is built, the cost of a complete set will cost $ 3.995. This amount includes the installed platform and full visual tuning from the creators of the “engine”. That is, at the exit, we get a full-fledged site-blog-community with a minimum number of bugs (technical support is fully available), and all (sarcastically) over four thousand warm American presidents. Students, please do not faint;) If there is a desire to build something like ign.com, then consumers should be guided by about the same price (exact figures, specifically for gaming portals, I, unfortunately, have not seen), or even above, given the complexity of the work and the special wishes of the client.

Although there are some pleasant exceptions: for just 75 conventional units, you can purchase CustomCMS , a management system specially designed for gaming sites. The project is developing extremely slowly, there are no free themes, and the release of new versions and corrections for the system does not appear as often as we would like. An example of the CCMS portal can be found here (note the download speed). So if you want to save money, be prepared to work out the difference in price with your work.

If we consider the cost of an entire gaming site, created at a professional level, a respectable studio, taking into account the investment in the promotion and encouragement of the group of authors, then there is a decent amount that is difficult to collect and for a couple of months a typical Moscow workaholic. And if he can recoup himself, it already depends on the creativity of the creator and his ability to present interesting functionality so that each registered user would be honored to be present at this paradise of the Internet (as on top4top, where blogs of ordinary users are adjacent to the diaries of stars of show business and TV presenters). Dare; success in your endeavors.

Waiting for habrams;)

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23732/

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