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RailsClub 2014: Interview with Alexander Balashov

Today RailsClub 2014 has an important day - there are 300 of us! This means that at the conference there will be many familiar faces, interesting communication and there will be no empty seats at all. Have time, only 35 tickets left!

Today our wonderful colleague on Evrone , the author and CTO of the Teatro service (about which we recently wrote a post ) Alexander Balashov answered the questions.

What are you working on right now?

I am engaged in improving the level of web application development process. I study various Continious Integration tools, I look, as they can be applied in specific projects. I am very interested in the topic of tests, in particular, integration testing using capybaras and poltergeist. Due to the fact that they use threads, there are often very fascinating bugs that make it possible to have a great fun with the debugger.

I am also interested in the topic of manual testing. I am developing a Teatro service that allows you to show pull-requests in one click.

What is the best and worst part of your job?

The best part of the job is solving unique challenges. In most professions, most of the tasks are typical, but in programming everything is fundamentally the opposite. If the task begins to be repeated, the code is carried to the library, and this task simply disappears.

The worst part of the job is stupid minor bugs that don't pose any difficulty, but you need to spend time anyway. Although over time I learned to quickly search for causes and spend less time on them.

What do you consider your main achievement in life / career at the moment?

I am now very keen on Teatro, perhaps it is the main achievement, if we talk about the projects created. On the other hand, I am very proud that I was able to pass on my experience to my colleagues.

And in life - I have two favorite children: a girl and a boy. I also managed to visit more than 30 countries and 100 cities :)

In your opinion, in what direction will Ruby and Ruby on Rails develop in the coming years?

Definitely, this is performance. Here spring appeared in rails 4.1, in 4.2 they promise Adequate Record. Ruby will also improve performance. Most likely, the use of full threads will begin.

What, in your opinion, is the most important problem that the Ruby and Ruby on Rails developers community is facing now?

As such, there are no problems, we can say that Ruby on Rails is “heaven on earth”. So I wouldn’t like to talk in terms of problems, so that I could invent and leave myself with such Rails Way. As I said, the main task in the Ruby world is performance and threads in particular, but this, again, is not a problem for most applications.

Is there a heme you could point your finger at and say: “This is how you need to write code”?

In general, most of the known gems are well written. In my time I really liked the spree, as it is written inside. There is also such an opinion among some very cool developers that “the rails inside are such a shit”. I do not agree with this, the rails themselves can always serve as a role model.

What do you read about Ruby / RoR? Blogs, resources, books?

Of the regular sites, only weblog.rubyonrails.org and ruby-lang.org :) Specially I don’t read other blogs, twitter or something, it takes too much time. It is better to spend this time practicing programming or reading the sources of gems. It always happens that the most important thing will find you anyway. Our company has a general chat, where all the important news always appear.

Books are a good thing, be sure to read a few books about ruby, as well as classic books about programming like “Perfect Code”.

In your opinion, is there a competition between Ruby / Ruby on Rails and Python / Django? If it exists, then in what the first surpass the second, and in what are they inferior?

Until recently, I believed that Django and Rails are competitors, but after attending conferences on Python, communicating with people from the community, partially using Python in projects, I realized that this is not entirely true. They solve the same problem, it is true. But still, they are very different psychologically. Python and Ruby can be compared to Linux and Mac. Someone is close to one, someone else, and in fact they do not compete. At the same time, my personal opinion is that Ruby on Rails is much better. Mainly thanks to the community and the leaders behind Ruby on Rails. We have a lot of things defined by stars such as DHH and others, so it’s much easier for us to focus on solving our specific tasks and not thinking about infrastructure things. This is very similar to Mac OS, everything is already out of the box and the standard tools are good. Everyone in the world uses a rail, for example, a bandler and this is standard. There is no such thing in the Python world. There, the situation is similar to Linux, when everyone picks up his favorite tool for each thing, or even writes his own.

Is it embarrassing for the code that you wrote a few years ago?

No :) This is a natural situation that you used to do worse than now. If this does not happen, then you are stuck in place.

What do you like to do when you don't write code?

I love everything where there is a motor. I love to drive a car, ride a motocross bike. I love karting. I love to travel to different countries in my car. It combines the most favorite things: cars and travel. For example, I traveled by car from Moscow to Venice and Istanbul.

Thanks for the interview!

By the way, in the intervals between the reports, it will be possible to set up Teatro for your project together with Sasha - at the conference on September 27, at the Digital October center. Program - on the site RailsClub 2014 .

Registration and payment of participation - here.
35 tickets left!

Our sponsors:

General sponsor - Toptal
Gold Sponsors: Boookmate and FunBox
Silver Sponsors: AT-Consulting and Lookatme

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Organizers: Evrone and Undev

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/237269/

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