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The first tests in the open education project in the "Polytech 2.0" format

Good day, Habravchane!


In this post I would like to share my emotions and first experience in creating educational courses in quite complex technical specialties in the author's open education project in the Polytech 2.0 format. Complicated not so much in its essence as in matters of perception by young people. Anyone who is not indifferent to the open technical education - you are welcome under the cat.

To make it a little clear where the roots of this project grow from, I will tell you a little about myself and my activities.
Having worked in several large Russian companies and in one foreign corporation as an engineer, I managed to pull out the baggage of knowledge and experience. However, the constant trips and excessive corporate spirit began to exhaust the pathos a bit and I, like many who are bored with everything like this, decided on their own business. Together with good friends, we organized in our city of Ulyanovsk the Center for Youth Innovative Creativity "Incarnation" . Like and work more at home and the activity is not limited to job descriptions and management personnel. FabLab - he is in Africa FabLab! Creative Lab.

So, one warm spring day, colleagues from one educational institution came to me with a request to help prepare two young children for the WorldSkills workers' competition. The lesson was very interesting. The guys got sensible and the result did not take long to come - they performed quite well. And where do you say the title of the post and all these lyrics?

So! After preparing them, I smoothly joined these contests and movements, and on our site, together with my co-workers, we began to prepare children almost from the age of 14 to 25 years. It is natural to tell everyone the same thing is very tiring, and there are few or no intelligent video materials in Russian. We teach them all complex things: how to program on different CNC systems and work on modern machine tools (we have the benefit of both).

And now, almost a month ago, after the next master class, I had an idea: why not create video courses. The most informative and sensible. Got to the Internet - to study the current state of affairs, and almost everywhere I came across long, tedious seminars and lectures with a material duration of 20-30-60 minutes. Watch such a long material is very difficult. There are interruptions in the transmission of the streaming signal (especially if you look from the tablet via 3G at some distance from the city).

The ideologies of the Curciers, Lectorium, Universarium and other projects aimed at open education were also thoroughly studied. Everywhere the situation is about the same - either in the long-term open access there are long video lectures that are practically no different from university ones or they pre-record for a course that you have to wait for a certain time.

But I need to prepare people now ! Or, if you consider yourself from a student, the phrase is possible: " I want to learn right now! ". This is how I got the ideology of “shots”.

What is "Shot"? This is the most informative presentation of the material, set out in a time interval of no more than 4-6 minutes. Those. we take a complex course, for example, on the basics of basing, and divide it into the required number of subsections - “Shotov”. A complex academic language is, to the maximum, replaced by simple words and practically “on the fingers” we try to explain to the person the essence of the proposed material. A lot of criticism can now be poured into my address, that I am wrong, that university language is correct. I do not want to change anything. I just want to offer people an alternative. Many understand the presentation of material at lectures at the university or in college, and some are not quite - they understand the material in my ideology. Everyone should have a choice.

Why 4-6 minutes? Have you noticed for yourself that you like to watch a video while, for example, drink a cup of coffee, or decided to sit down / lie down to watch a vidosik after a tasty meal? So in this case, the portioning of the material in the short format allows you not to view the guide from your favorite toy (which are often about the same duration) or the next issue of This is Good, but dedicate yourself to something new. Or master some discipline.

In the end, the world is changing before our eyes and global communication and the modern rhythm of life for some does not give the right to a half-hour-hour rest or a break between work. And in this case - the ideology of "Shotov" fits perfectly as possible. I spent 5 minutes - comprehend and move on. An additional factor is the fact that a person could open a video for the first time. Seeing that he is only 5 minutes long - he is more likely to see him through to the end (than 30-50 minutes) and he may be interested in the material. Then he will go to / subscribe to the channel (website) and will learn something new.

So, thank you for reading this place. It was a small theory.

And now an example of a trial implementation in practice.
I was taken for a pilot video course "Basics of the basing of blanks and parts." As I remember now, the course is rather difficult for perception from the lectures of Engineering Education. Especially considering how it is still taught in many universities - it is hard to understand some things without visualization.

The whole course was divided into small sections (shots) and for each section it is planned to make a video on the ideology described above.

I decided to try to do everything myself. Since it's free open education and hiring animators and sound engineers is not exactly affordable. Moreover, it is very pleasant and interesting to feel this process!

The following software was chosen:
1. Blender (for creating 3D animation);
2. Adobe Premeier CC 7.0 (for editing and cutting renders from a blender);
3. Cubase LE AI Elements 7 64 bit (for high-quality processing of the recorded voice) /

The following equipment was purchased:
1. FOCUSRITE Scarlett Studio (studio kit, including all the necessary elements for recording at home);
2. Action Camera GoPRO Hero 3+ black edition (for the subsequent shooting of real video in the machines and other places where I would not want to climb with an ordinary camera).

Frankly speaking, I never did animation, as well as editing. Therefore, Blender and Premier had to learn from scratch. It was hard, but thanks to the excellent blender courses from blender3d.com.ua . And a couple of videos on YouTube had to look at the basics of Premiere. What it has poured into - you can see at the end of the post.
It was easier with sound - I wrote electronic music for 3-4 years and played a lot like a DJ when I was young, so all that was left for Kubeys was to plug in vocal processing plug-ins and twist the knobs a little. I apologize for the small clicks and spitting in the current video - at the time of recording, I have not yet bought a stand for a microphone and a pop filter for spitting. Now it turns out much better and cleaner. Almost home studio.

The result of more than a month's work (you had to do everything in your free time - because the work still eats up a lot of regular time) was this:

Here is a funny and simple video. While I was preparing the following material, I came across a YouTube course for a great course in basing blanks and parts from an adult and experienced foreman from a vocational school. I was a little upset that it was not the first, but I decided to finish the whole course to the end. Moreover, he has just all the materials with a length of 30-40 minutes. And to absorb a ton of material in such a short period of time is extremely difficult even for an experienced person.

I decided to do my next video shots on the basics of CNC and programming in them. Similarly maximally simple, clear and with examples of real processing on the machine. The first courses will be on turning CNC Siemens Sinumerik 840d SL. Then milling Siemens. Everything will be in the format: theory on the computer - practice on the machine.

Also, when recruiting a certain amount, I would like to collect a simple website, where, in parallel with YouTube, there will be an adequate course classifier and video, as well as methodological literature obtained at the end of the course. So that you can not only see, but also read.

And ideally, I would like on the basis of this platform to create a place for people willing to share technical knowledge and experience. In parallel with this - before the end of the year I want to host a series of seminars on the subject of open education and on the subject of software training, which I use when creating video materials. Although specific software versions are not a priori. The main thing that the result was worthy.

At the end of this monologue, I would like to ask you to write in the comments all the comments, suggestions, criticism.
I would be very happy.

If anyone has an interest in this topic and there is a desire to cooperate - let's communicate!

Thanks for attention!

PS Request to moderators - I write in the sandbox, but the subject is so emotional to me that I would like the maximum number of community users to see this post. After all, who, if not we ourselves, will make our education better and of better quality?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/237241/

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