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Why people do not grow: the more growth options, the worse

The previous article, “Zeroing the Expertise of a Programmer While Enhancing to Managers,” despite the lump in comments about the terminology “expertise” and “experience,” nevertheless received its share of attention and discussion on the case: then we continue.

Today, let's see how we make decisions, how our brain behaves depending on the number of options, with which solutions we have the most problems.

What solutions do we have the most problems with?
And we're not talking about something simple and easy to make: pancakes or a sandwich for breakfast, coffee with or without milk at work. We are talking about decisions behind which, apart from significant changes in life, there are still quite substantial efforts that need to be made.

From this point of view, decisions that concern the choice of profession and the direction in which we build a career are quite substantial: for at least several years, or even decades, we determine what we will do most of the work time, what tasks we will face what problems we will deal with and whether it will be pleasant to choose what you choose to do.

There are a number of purely “technical” or even “mechanical” problems in decision-making: these are, so to speak, the features of the structure of our brain, which is trying to protect us from problems associated with changes in state. Now everything is more or less understandable, controllable, and therefore the brain is good, and how it will be in a new state is not clear, therefore it is bad. One of the basic functions of our brain is to protect us from the incomprehensible, so that it does not become worse.

So, the "mechanical problems" with the decision-making can be divided into three parts:
  1. We are hampered by the decision if we do not know the number of steps to the goal and the time on the road : let's you lose weight ... - to what weight? How long will it take? How do I understand that you need to stop if something goes wrong? How do I know that everything is going right and with the right dynamics? And we are not thinking about how to start, but about how to get answers to our questions.
  2. We are slowing down the decision making process if we don’t know how to roll back the changes : this is just an example from the previous article with a return if something doesn’t work in the manager’s position.
  3. We are slowing down, if we have too much choice, there are many options : I want to go the best way; I want to go the right way, but there are so many of them; I want to somehow compare the solutions and find out who has already used what solution, or at least discard what does not work or works poorly

Let's go in order.

Problem: an incomprehensible number of steps to the goal and travel time

"Well, come on in there, this ... grow! And then we will somehow appreciate you and ... if everything goes well, you will suddenly become a whole manager! ”


“Some qualitative / systemic changes should happen in the project so that it becomes immediately clear that this is your test and we have a rationale for your promotion ...”

So, or almost so, taking into account our cynicism or experience, we often perceive the answer of the management or HR-s to the question: What should I do to become a leader?

Unspecific; it is not clear how to measure "Doros I already or not yet?"; it is not clear what to do; how to show it, so that those who appreciate understand that this is due to the fact that I grew up, and not due to perseverance at the fifth point or coincidence of circumstances.

You can experiment with any project in terms of processes, technologies, methodologies, hiring / firing people and managers themselves, and most interestingly, no one, not even the special kind of very smart consultants brought out in secret laboratories TOP4 of global consulting companies, will say exactly what will lead to quality system changes.

Repairing something that obviously does not work is understandable. If the project has a certain list of problems and a friend who wants to grow, has charisma and pressure to change anything, it is reasonable to start with that: take and repair. And DO NOT ASK: "And if I put out this particular fire, then what will happen to me for this?", But just take and extinguish it, because it burns and it hurts everyone. If you ask at this moment, most likely neither the authorities nor the customers will be happy: there is a complete ... problem with the project, and he walks and asks!

In problem projects, people grow very rarely. Legends about Project Rescuers go, but I personally know one thing: a crisis works as a manager, as a samurai wanders from company to company, from portal to portal, and generally happy with his samurai fate. But he doesn’t care about his questions of increase: he came - he slashed his sword, someone overboard, to throw something out of the scope of delivery, to launch regular shipments of versions to the Customer and go and go, and then to the side - let the project be managed by the one who is respected and not the one who is afraid. But no, I lie - two! The second one recently changed its directorial position in one large bank to a similar one in the next one. Up to 1 year in position, not more. Not for all the script.

Supermen and samurai - not for all

How to talk to the chef; which words and constructions lead to agreements, and which not; how to check the sustainability agreement and other issues are left out of this article. We are now talking about the mechanics that prevent us from making decisions and the circumstances that help this mechanics ottormazhivat before turning.

All that is incomprehensible, incomprehensible, not decomposed into a plan of action, can be perceived by us as a deception (especially if at the previous place of work you have already voiced something of the same and nothing happened), letting in a dense type of precipitation, shading a special kind of protective constructions.

What solution can there be? Only clarify by asking clarifying questions:
  1. Chief, how do I know that I’ve grown up?
  2. Chief, how do you understand that I’ve grown up already?
  3. We can try a lot of things in the project: A, B, C - something will work, something won't, but in order to make D and F you need authority and your formal approval - I correctly understand that if I do that is one thing and it works, is that enough? Or do you need to do research and sort out all the ways to make the project good?
  4. By what actions or results will it become obvious that I am ready?
  5. The department will grow to 9 people - that is, the current manager will be able to convince the customer to hire us two more programmers - is it enough to select a project team from the department and put me as its manager?

Think, write questions, put it on the specifics, which you can touch and measure.

And here a legitimate security question often sounds to the head: “And if the bosses do not give answers to these questions? Dat clear - does not name. What to do - clearly does not say. He advises to act on the basis of the situation on the project or in another way avoids the answer? ”

Often there still follows the conclusion that the proposed advice does not work, the author of these is a charlatan (naturally), and the carrier of the problem and the author of this “devastating” question is the only one by nature with a unique and non-recurring situation in life.

I don’t really want to go into the details of the world order of people who prefer to have an “unresolved” problem here than to heed advice on how to solve it or simply look around and understand that others are somehow growing and moving. Although, of course, I want to fool anyone, but I restrain myself :)

The mice cried and injected

Let's take a closer look at this question, because it is actually far from idle. You came, asked what to do to become a manager, and the bosses "neither mumbles nor calves."

If the authorities do not do something or do something differently from what you expect from it, there are always 4 reasons for which we have already written:

1. He does not understand the goal: why should he, the boss, be in the position of manager, especially if there is no such position now, and it will have to be opened - what problems and tasks will you solve? What golovnyak with chef will remove? You have now come to ask for an investment in the form of your boss’s time for some kind of decision - why does it need the world, that is, your company and your boss?

2. Can not: it would seem that for ...?! How so, can not raise people? He took it and raised it, what is there to think about. But in fact, "can not" is just that easily. If your manager in this company has not promoted anyone yet, now you have brought him a new task: the rationale for writing; defend your candidacy on HR-advice, if there is one; to prove to his boss or customer that the project needs an organizational change in your face; think through a plan of retreat, if you do not pull or in the project will begin an allergy associated with your appointment.

Raising a person is not an easy process, not only for a person, but also for an organization. And if your boss did not raise anyone before, then he will need your help, your energy, your pings and reminders - in general, everything that you can offer from your side.

3. Can not: this is when there is no resource. Most often banal time. See previous paragraph. We estimate the time cost? Lot. Plenty of time for your boss. Allocating time to a particular task is almost always a matter of priorities and understanding what will give your boss the solution to a particular issue. Resolving the issue with your promotion should be profitable for him: think about what kind of smut you create by moving up, and what kind of smut on the contrary are ready to solve for your boss in order to return the time resource invested in your transition.

You and I are simple creatures: if something is important for us now or is definitely profitable in the long term, you do it. And if you came to Ponyt "I want to be a manager - develop me, I can come in handy to you, maybe ...", then you brought a smut, which there is no desire to do. And you dangle with your promotion in the stack of tasks somewhere on the 15th line, all so smart :)

4. Does not want: it is already more interesting. If all 3 previous points are closed, that is, your boss said in an explicit and unambiguous form - SAID, and not you thought it out and decided - that he can raise you, because he understands what benefits you will bring to him and the project, and possibly the whole companies; if you know that your boss has already promoted someone working in this company - that is, you have seen how this happened; if he puts some activities in the calendar, but they do not lead to a result; for your part, you are doing what you agreed on, but he doesn’t: there is reason to think about whether he wants this increase. Ponder and calmly voice: chef, look, somehow it does not work as you and I have outlined.

The most difficult thing in all 4 reasons is to understand what your boss wants. And here you can be assisted by comrade M.Ye.Litvak with his typology of superiors (“Command or obey”) and, for example, the DISC typology, which suggests which words and arguments the supervisors listen to. If you work with a chef who left the engineers himself, most likely you have a boss who listens to the facts and arguments than to your “internal throwing” and talking about what you are “tired of your current position.” Dig, prepare conversations in advance.

If you have closed all 4 reasons in a conversation with your superiors, and the answer “What to do so that I become a manager” is still not received - the conclusion is rather disappointing: the company where you are now or the boss you are working with now most likely will not allow you to change position. OK, your company is not the only department and not one project, most likely. And if the company is small, then most likely it is not alone in the market. In addition, it has already been noted in the comments, there are companies where the technological ladder of growth is not inferior to the managerial one - a matter of choice.

Problem: irreversibility of the decision and misunderstanding how to roll back the changes back

We considered some particular solution in the previous article “Zeroing the Expertise of a Programmer When Enhanced as Managers”.

The decision may well be applied to other situations: success depends on how to formulate in front of the boss; Does he understand that the project from this decision will be better; is he ready to do anything for you personally? are you ready to do something to help your boss and give him justifications for your promotion and support in the future, if he remains your boss, etc.

And in order to summarize, we’ll repeat: break the task into two - first take responsibility, take authority and solve the headaches de facto, and then support changes de jure (new position, new position), if everything worked out.

Problem: too many options

The smartest people linger longer than others. This was understood and described by David Allen, the one who gave us the Jedi technique GTD.

“Who will hesitate with the affairs of the longest? Naturally, the most creative, sensitive and intelligent people! Their impressionable consciousness allows them to clearly create nightmarish scenarios of project implementation activities and clearly represent all the negative consequences of its incomplete implementation! They immediately begin to worry and give up.

Who does not give up? Often it is the thick-skinned bumpkins, who get down to business and stubbornly move forward, unaware of all sorts of dangers. And all the others tend to hang their nose for any reason. "

Building a professional career is often a unique question. Career engineer, as well as the career of an athlete, artist, stock broker or entrepreneur, almost always - as unique as fingerprints. This is a combination of opportunities that throws us a professional life; dating or networking; personal goals / plans / hake; examples that are before your eyes; read and heard; sometimes, just in time words spoken to those you trust.


Short lyric, if I may

For 7 years I have grown from a database administrator and testing engineer to the head of the regional office and the director of technology at Yandex.

Did the case intervene? Definitely. Repeatedly. I was uniquely lucky with the bosses and the opportunities that the market opened. I was also born very much on time, yes.

Whether I was always ready for the opportunities that life threw at me — no, I'm smart too, I was also sure that this alone was enough to be noticed, promoted, noted, and now I am sure that I work BETTER than my average colleague - I look at the market of trainers and put a rather high price tag for my work :)

But I noticed that when I was ready: that is, I knew and knew more than 75% of my profile specialists on the market, plus wiggled my ass in the direction of growth (I dug, read, wrote, spoke, studied, consulted, tried, walked through interviews) come across 3-5 times more often.

Or maybe I just could see them? Maybe just the "frame" became wider.


Let us return to what helps to decide on the choice of strategy, course of action, if you decide to build your professional career - and it’s not the managers that you decide to move or you will grow and develop in the engineering line.

We need some kind of intelligible, understandable, step-by-step formula, or algorithm, according to which people have already walked and, most importantly, they have walked and have achieved their goal.

I myself have been looking for some ONE recipe for myself. The very “bullet”, which is exactly the target and still tracer, so that you can see how it flies. But the experience, that is, what was happening around ( an example of the same Dima, about which I told you earlier ) suggested that in this place, there is no definite answer and can not be:

Another bike, which, perhaps, will push us not thinking that the solution for growth must be sought in another plane.


Drivers on the mechanics example will be more clear.

What do I, the driver-maker, do when driving on a dirt road before turning right?

What does a rally driver do to make a turn on a dirt road?

Car in a controlled drift

We do diametrically opposed things at all: I brake and the steering wheel to the right, and he turns the steering wheel and the steering wheel to the left. His results on speed, and also on controllability, what to hide, are higher.

Counterintuitive solution.


It may well be that your suspicions that growth methods "Take more, throw further, rest while flying" do not work, are not so baseless.

The answer to the question “What should I do to become a leader” does not lie in this plane.

What to do then? How do people grow?

Looking critically at the volume of this article, I decided not to dump everything and put the question “How people grow” in a separate publication. However, if you have your own thoughts and observations about this, share their comments, I will try to answer either immediately or in the next article.

Thank you for all this time literally “on the same page” (on the same page, thinking about the same thing) as many Americans dislike :)

Good luck to us and see you soon!

Slava Pankratov
Managers School Stratoplan

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/237233/

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