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The story of one geek

I'm not an Apple fan, but most of the time I am holding an iPhone.

I had a lot of different gadgets, starting with the legendary Siemens A35 , before the LG Phenom was ahead of its time, and even the Siemens SX1 . Can I call myself a geek? I do not know, but I was interested in smart products. I wanted to understand how they work, how they can improve my life. How they will help solve my problems.

Once life made me change my profession, city and friends. I was suddenly ranked as someone to the nasty “creative class,” but I continued to resist and regularly teased Apple fans. Then they seemed to me flawed, appearing in the office two hours later, people with a paper cup of coffee in their hands and their notorious iPhone.

When Siemens died, I chose Nokia, but also suffered the same thing. So in 2012 I switched to Apple and bought my first iPhone. Yes, I started very late, with 4S. The phone solved the problem, but it was quickly discharged, and I needed to stay mobile and respond promptly to the mail, so I also purchased the iPad2.

One day I come to my senses and understand that I order a Macbook Air at this very second! But at that time I had reasonable arguments: after four cycles of resuscitation, my Asus U5F fell into a long coma, and I urgently needed a very light laptop with a stable operating system that you do not need to reinstall every weekend. Opened - works. That is exactly what happened. Apple has completely replaced third-party gadgets in my life.

At this point, Apple fans began to disappear from my environment. No one else stayed in the office after work to look at the larger screen for the presentation of the latest innovations. No one else had a gossip about changes in the new iOS, for the sake of updating which had to fork out for a developer subscription.

And then I wondered, what is really happening with Apple?

I was truly amazed how they were able to “sell” AirDrop to their customers and the ability to “insert a previously taken photo into the letter's body”. For owners of gadgets on Android, these are absolutely obvious things.

I do not understand how Apple makes users rejoice at such simple things, but it shocks me how a corporation uses literally everything and everyone it can reach out to.

Apple created an interesting infrastructure with its applications, synchronization between gadgets, its own cloud, but are they still innovators? Let's look at least at some changes in the new version of iOS:

Apple - not only makes great money on application developers, but also brilliantly steals the best of their ideas. If an application creates additional value, over time its functionality simply becomes the “native” function of the device. I’m sure this approach will eventually be revealed and this experience will be called one of the most vivid examples of system crowdsourcing!

Is Apple the same spirit of discoverer I don’t know, maybe he left with Steve, or maybe all Apple genius is now focused on marketing innovations. Maybe it really doesn’t matter what product you have and the brand decides everything? And with the consumer you just need to play correctly, luring him into more and more exciting quests.


Or maybe the company has corrected, shifting the portrait of the target consumer from the early followers to the late majority, because this is just a business where the measure of your success can only be revenue in the quarterly report.

I hate how Microsoft Word works on the iMac, idiotic restrictions and a missing cellular network signal on the iPhone 5S bother me, if I take it in the wrong hand. I still don’t like Apple fans, but I’m fascinated by how Apple holds people.

I dream one day to rage and become an engineer again. I dream of making great products. And I really want people to love them as much as fans love Apple. Like those crazy that take place in stores a few days before the premiere. And despite the opportunity to buy in online stores, they literally fight for the right to become one of the first owners of the new version of the toy.

When Siemens died, I switched to Nokia, and when she died, I chose Apple and at that moment Apple ceased to be an innovator, because I already chose the device not to study it, but according to the principle “turned-on”, for that I even resigned to specific limitations. Apple has become a mass-market product, where the typical buyer is a middle-class couch potato.

PS: Anyway, but I wrote this article at the very moment when my gadgets were updated to iOS 8.

UPD: After the update, I found out that the pre-installed Health program included significant features from many third-party applications for tracking the status of the owner: height, weight, heart rate, physical activity and nutrition.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/237203/

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