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CUSTIS Open Seminars: Sixth Season

This year, the tradition of holding open seminars in our company is three years old. At the dawn of this project, we quite reasonably believed that our seminars would be useful, first of all, for young IT specialists - undergraduate and graduate students of technical universities, who are just starting their professional path and are eager for new knowledge about technologies, practices and companies BY. A little later, we unexpectedly discovered that experienced specialists came to some of our meetings, and a couple of times even representatives of customer companies and their children were noticed at seminars :) And we gradually expanded the range of topics and quite successfully conducted several seminars about time management, cloud technologies, teamwork practices and features of the profession of a programmer.

This fall, we will organize six new meetings devoted to various aspects of IT, from architecture management and database design to the legal subtleties of doing business. We are pleased to present the topics and our invaluable lecturers.

Software architecture: managing the most important

September 25, 18: 30–20: 30

Igor Bespalchuk, Project Manager, Technology Development Directorate

For more than thirty years the term “architecture” has been widely used in software development. Without a doubt, architecture is something very significant, complex, and perhaps the most important when creating high-quality software. But to the question of a clear definition and criteria for the significance of the architecture, even specialists with more experience usually respond evasively, multiplying abstractions and not adding clarity to understanding. It is not surprising that without a clear understanding of what architecture is, you cannot say what it should be, how to create it and how to test it, in other words, how to manage architecture. At the seminar we will try to deal with all these questions.

Legal aspects of a startup: an educational program for anyone who wants to start a business

October 2, 18: 30–20: 00

Inna Palamarchuk, leading lawyer

Do you want to start your own IT project, open your business and ask yourself if you need to legally formalize it? Do you have like-minded people who share your ideas, are ready to work with you side by side or just want to help financially? How to do everything "according to the mind" from a legal point of view? This seminar will show that the “earthly” rules also apply to the “virtual” business, and will help you competently bring your initiatives into line with the law.

Big Data: Myth or Information Revolution?

October 9, 18: 30–20: 00

Dmitry Morozov, Lead Systems Engineer

Now Big Data is one of the most discussed topics in IT. But what is it really: just another marketing gimmick or a real revolution in information processing? In recent years, the industry has made significant progress in data storage media, and petabytes of information no longer surprise anyone. What possibilities does such a quantity of practically unstructured data open and is it possible to process them with existing “classical” means? At the seminar, you will learn about Big Data technologies, their applicability and the existing problems of working with big data.

Teamwork Practices: The Use of Written Artifacts

October 16, 18: 30–20: 00

Denis Gavrilov, Project Manager

Nowadays, software is very rarely written alone, and even development teams are working on small projects. And teamwork is inevitable communication: the exchange of information, experience and best practices. In addition, developers are often required to "understand someone else's code," which is not always a trivial task. The seminar will consider practices that will make communication in a team more meaningful and productive. We will pay special attention to written artifacts (documentation, comments), competent management of which will make the current work more transparent and will help future generations of developers to understand your code more easily.

Bank Accounting Automation: A Vital Balance

October 23, 18: 30–20: 00

Alexey Zenin, Leading Systems Analyst

Accounting, balance, reporting, regulations, reserves ... These words are rarely heard in bank advertising. But for any banker, they are much more important than the "income" or "interest" in the bright booklets. Errors in banking accounting may cost the organization a license, so the automation of bank accounting is a task that does not allow errors. What challenges should a bank accounting software developer be prepared for? What pitfalls await him? What are the similar and different tasks in different areas of the bank's business? This will be discussed at the seminar.

Serious Relationships: Relational Storage Design Patterns

October 30, 18: 30–21: 30

Maxim Zinchenko, Oracle Lead Developer

In the past few years, the topic of patterns for designing relational repositories has been regularly raised on thematic resources, but almost always discussions lead to empty controversy and end in nothing. For such patterns, it is almost impossible to find effective literature, unlike design patterns for imperative languages. Why is everything so bad? Are there any patterns at all? Why is the seminar called so strange? At the meeting we will try to deal with these issues, and at the same time we will jointly design several interesting systems and discuss the quality of our design.

Detailed information about the seminars, registration and venue - in our group VKontakte . After each meeting, we traditionally upload media reports, presentations and other useful information. Video recordings of all seminars are available on our Vimeo channel, and presentations are available on Slideshare .

Registration for the first seminar is already open , come yourself and bring friends - we will be happy to see you!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/237201/

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