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How to create and make money on SaaS (Part 11 / Cloud Services Reviews / UX and usability testing)

Over the past six months I have written 10 articles on SaaS issues - all turned out to be relatively readable and interesting, but all the topics have been exhausted and there is a desire not to stand still and "be in the subject." I thought for a long time that it could still be interesting on the subject and just decided to write about cloud services - relatively new services created in the SaaS paradigm. Another important criterion for future articles is the services that I plan to talk about, or they are not committed by me - I find them, they are interesting to me, I use them or I plan to use them in my work, and I objectively write about their advantages and disadvantages.

I will also try to devote less time to classic business automation systems (I’m tired of them), and I’ll focus on cloud services and platforms that a) potentially solve the tasks of developers, including b) working for a business not inside the company, but helping, for example, to better sell, build affiliate programs or make payments.

In general, I made the framework myself and will start and distribute the stars today to the guys who solved the problem of remote testing in the development of interfaces, websites and content by creating the Usability Factory service www.fabuza.ru . I want to warn exquisite readers of a respected resource, opposed to direct advertising, that all the services I plan to write about are using or trying for myself.

Usability Factory - UX service and usability testing / www.fabuza.ru

In Microsoft BizSpark partner projects, I recently found a user testing platform for Usability Factory and I had the task to conduct A / B testing, but the site had some organic traffic.

According to the announcement on the site, it was clear that I could do a survey on the usability of the sites, but it was not clear how (the site of the service is minimalist and the description of the functional is completely missing, which caused a lot of confusion).

The platform on the developer's site is positioned as follows: Usability Factory is an online platform for self-conducting remote user testing of websites and content (illustrations, videos, logos, banners, etc.). OK!


The mechanics of working with the platform

After the request, the developers have become clear mechanics of the platform. I compose a test of 4 types of questions -> I buy testers through a platform or send a link to my testers -> they pass tests -> z I get reports. It is important that the types of questions are formed specifically for testing content. A unique type of question "Test site" and on it a bit later.

Before compiling questions, I think through test scenarios based on an understanding of problematic bottlenecks, or simply put a script of user behavior on the site into a survey — for example, buying a ticket — and catch implementation problems.

For the test, I was recommended to use at least 30 testers. At the same time they suggested that I describe the target audience of my product for the selection of respondents. Testers cost
ranges from 250 rubles to 3,000 rubles. The latter amounts were requested for the plant manager. I stopped at 15 tested and this was quite enough.

Technology and Analytics

I contacted the developers and asked them a few questions about the implementation. In the answers I was surprised that during the testing of the site, the tester loads the plugin and, during the survey, sends it from the service environment to the site to complete the task. This turned out to be a pleasant surprise - that is, I work not just with a questionnaire, but really with a technology platform, which also writes video of how the respondents pass the tests. Again regretted at this place that the guys could not describe it on the site. Rescued in the end, my language, a fairly complete manual for working with the service, placed in your personal account and the Jivosayt service, integrated into the LC.


As for analytics, it is there, but for the time being “semi-automatic” - after testing the interfaces of my service and site, I had to watch video watches to identify bottlenecks. According to the developers' assurances, over time they will include in the road map the platform’s capabilities to record the video of the person being tested, expand analytics and implement behavior analysis algorithms.


For whom and prices

For myself, I found a good alternative to A / B testing and Eye-tracking technology. Once again I will say why - the first one requires traffic to the site and using it I don’t understand who is evaluating the option, the second one is simply not available to me.

At prices, my project cost me 5,000 (asked for a 50% discount) activation of the test and 3,750 rubles - 15 testers. Against the background of the fact that, as a result, I had to redo a lot on the website and in the interfaces I think that spending was previously justified. The developers also offered to use the tool on the SaaS model and asked for it 15,000 rubles per month for the possibility of conducting an unlimited number of tests.

In my opinion, the service can be used internally without the presence of usability specialists - the service is very friendly in terms of simplicity and use. In addition to companies, the service will be a good alternative to the expensive services of specialized design companies (UsabilityLab). In the course of communication with the developers, I was offered the services of experts on the company's usability - the price for them is 10,000 working days for a specialist. For this, they promised to help me with compiling surveys and compiling a report - I kindly refused. The service may well be used by companies operating in the Digital market, web-builders, developers of SaaS services, designers, advertisers offline.

During the conversation, colleagues offered to try two more products - a free questionnaire without the possibility of testing sites (not yet needed, but offered to the marketing department) and the product from the Improve Site widget and platform. In the bundle, site testers become its visitors who are offered a discount or bonus to be tested. An interesting idea, but so far refrained from it.


In general, the interfaces and Landing are all ours and we must take care of their quality even before starting the service. The concept of usability turned out to be exactly the platform that a) implements the customer development approach at the design stage b) is available “here and now” and requires a minimum of time to study and launch. I do not like to evaluate, well, since I decided to qualify for the Michelin stars in SaaS,

The benefits of the service www.fabuza.ru - 5
Ease of use - 4
Landing - 3
R & D road map - 4
Technologies (by the way, guys on Azure) - 5
Prices - 4
Service potential - 5

Blog author http://www.bootstrap24.ru/

Materials series "How to create and earn on SaaS"

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/236991/

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