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Are you writing a blog? You will have problems!

- Now it is fashionable to have your own blog, to communicate in social networks, in forums to express your own, not always positive, opinion. Now, many people write on the Internet, but few understand that "everything you say can be used against you." One recent example, when a sharp statement in the forum about police officers, led the blogger to the dock. But this is an extreme case. Your seemingly innocent information published on the Internet can harm you in the future. How? Read on ...

Point one: your activity on the Internet can hurt you in finding high-paying jobs . You write your blog, or speak in the forum. Typically, comments use an email or site address. Now, many employers, before inviting an applicant for an interview, simply type in the search query e-mail and phone number, which is indicated in the resume . When I consider someone else's resume, I do it first of all, even before making a decision on inviting an applicant.
It's amazing how many interesting things you can find out about a “crazy” job seeker at email addresses that are easily found on the net. For example, the fact that several years ago this person was engaged in the distribution of products such as Herbalife and gave his home phone number in ads. (And we know that those who distribute this product are obliged to consume it themselves). Or he leads an active controversy on certain sites, promoting a sect or radical views. This job seekers usually do not write in resumes, and employers are not happy with this information.

Do not chat It is enough to read the applicant's messages in the forums and personal blog and many views on life are already clear, and conclusions can be drawn about how people will relate to the new work. In fact, the messages found are used as a correspondence interview. Therefore, do not be surprised that a few harsh statements with unflattering and obscene expressions that you wrote in the forums a few years ago will haunt you for the rest of your life.

The imprudent girl or boy decided to undress for the phone and the photo got on the Internet. Or the girl herself decided to post her photo (I am always surprised by such short-sighted actions) It is not surprising that in a few years a large company will not take such a person to work, because the information that once got on the Web is stored in search engines on hundreds of other sites that simply copy it . You have already settled down, you have stopped participating in questionable promotions, you have already forgotten that you were exposed in public for several thousand rubles, but this information can be easily found by your future employer a year later and after five. In this case, the change of e-mail does not always help. Your old e-mail is easy to find, and the chain can be used almost to the first e-mail that you used in your life.

Point two. Information from the network can be used by fraudsters. Do not expect that your friends view your photos on classmates. There are people who make money on information. You have published your photos, photos of your relatives and friends. On another site you posted your resume with a mobile phone, now everything is ready for the scam. They call you on your mobile and say in a worried voice that a close person (you yourself gave the list in the photo captions) had an accident, police, hospital, etc. and unwind on the money (you need at the mercy of the police, the mercy of the victim, or just pay with a card talk).

Chatterbox - a godsend for the enemy It may be a scam and more serious, because scammers know you by sight. They know a lot of other details about your life, where he studied, where he works, where he went to rest and with whom. Now you can invent a story about studying together, working in neighboring departments, etc. Address by phone is no longer a problem to calculate. Now there are bases where it is possible to determine the owner with the address or by phone number (even mobile) by the car number to find out the address of registration. And then there is the matter of technology and the imagination of a fraudster. You never guess that the cute man with whom you “accidentally” got into conversation in the queue and who “turns out” was resting in the same place where you lived in the next room, and whom you yourself invited to visit, is preparing a robbery of your apartment.

Point three . Information from the network can be used by law enforcement. There is a wonderful English saying “do not write on the Internet what you cannot tell the policeman.” Many people forget that we are not anonymous on the web. There are IP addresses, there are providers, there are domain registrars. You can always find exactly the computer from which you made an entry in the blog. If you just curse, the police are unlikely to do this, but if you break or have already broken the law, then the traces left on the Internet, and on the file that you yourself kindly laid out in My Circle, My Place, Classmates, LiveJournal, Habrahabr etc. You may be found by people you would not want to meet at all. For example, there is a case when bailiffs found a debtor through the site of classmates.

So think about what you can write on the Internet, and what you can not. And do not write what you can not tell the police.

PS Used illustrations from the site http://www.davno.ru/cards/

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23684/

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