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Life imitation: our e-friends

Pets are cool. But if you are too lazy, busy, or suffer from an allergy to real Fuzzies, then there is a digital alternative for you. These animals found their home in computers, in eggs, or even roam the floor, similar to living prototypes.

Let their souls be completely digital - this could not stop buyers from caring for these creatures. Let's take a little walk through the history of such gadgets.


Pets in your PC

While in 1989, the game SimCity allowed to build entire cities, the company PF Magic focused on the best friends of man. Virtual Pet, a game called Dogz, was released in 1995. Players could grow their own puppy on the screen, feed him, play with him and train. These creatures could even study host behavior and grow over time.

Dogz was followed by Catz in 1998. On the whole, the company sold 1.5 million copies of these games. People fell in love with virtual pets.

The first was an egg

Who does not know him? Who has not played with him? This creation of the Japanese toy manufacturer Bandai, called Tamagotchi, made it possible to take care of your own pet and never part with it. Now I am writing about it and I smell this plastic.

The release of the toy took place in Japan in 1996, a little later it appeared in the USA and quickly won the hearts of girls all over the world. In subsequent years, many modifications of Tamagotchi were released.

Virtual monsters

Inspired by the success of Tamagotchi, companies began to fill the market with their own versions of this toy. By 1998, customers had a choice of Gig Pets, Nano Pets, Virtual Pets and Rakuraru Dinokuna, filled with babies, puppies, kittens and dinosaurs that were squeezed from each school desk in class.

Bandai released Digimon, i.e. Digital Monsters. Instead of caring for animals, it was now possible to train them to fight in deadly fights. In the video - advertising this game.

Talking Fur Ball

The madness on the topic of virtual pets slowly faded away, moving from tweeters and monochrome displays to slightly more realistic creatures. In 1998, the sale appeared Furbi.

This fluffy interactive robot responded to touch blink, spoke his own language and could even learn human speech. He could also communicate with himself, using an infrared sensor to search for those nearby.

In just one year, millions of these toys were sold. So she became the "toy number 1 in the world." By the way, even in the Japanese ranking of the Top 10 best toys, it took its place, being in it the only non-video game.

The best human person

In 1999, Sony released a limited edition AI copyist, AIBO (Artificial Intelligence roBOt). This puppy could walk, talk, move its tail and head, use different sensors and software to respond to external factors. He could even transmit emotions, such as anger or joy, using LEDs of different colors.

Bionic dog: return

Two years have passed, and Sony has released the second generation AIBO. Now the dog has a wider horizon in terms of transmitting emotions through LEDs, and touch sensors have been added. Another pleasant thing was that the puppy could be programmed so that he would recognize his name and the simplest words.

The most healing robot

Most of the digital pets are made for the game. But you can after all develop such a thing for therapeutic purposes.

This cutie in the photo was created in Japan specifically for such purposes. He even got into the Guinness Book of Records as "The most therapeutic robot in the world."

The kid is stuffed with touch, light, sound, temperature and position sensors, which ensures good communication with the patient. In 2003 and 2004, testing showed that this little robot perfectly helps to relax and calm down.


In 2005, Nintendo released an animal game for DS. Not only did the user could raise and train a puppy on the console screen, so he could also share achievements with other guys in the park using a DS wireless connection.

Rabbit network

What is this pokemon? - you ask. This is a rabbit, not a pokemon. This thing connects to WiFi and can read you mail, newspaper headlines, wake up in the morning and chat with other Nabaztags (yes, his name is Nabaztag) around the world.

In 2011, the service was closed, but the new owner of the manufacturing company released another generation - Karotz.

When the dinosaur goes through your house

Pleo is a dinosaur from one of the creators of Furbi. This miniature monster has a 32-bit ARM processor, a microphone, a camera, and many sensors that allow it to react realistically to external stimuli. For example, he will try to look at his left hind leg if you touch it. And maybe bite your finger.

To Plio was happy, you need to take care of him.


Released in 2007, Chumby boasted a touchscreen and the ability to show photos on Flickr, Google calendar and be an alarm clock.

Home Zoo

Released in 2009, Yuruppy wanted Tamagotchi fame. For more convenient care for the animals, the gadget received a touchscreen display. There were different versions: with a kitten, a puppy and a bird.


Romo from the company Romotive was the fruit of an absolutely simple idea: it is a machine on the control panel that uses your smartphone as brains.

The project successfully raised money for Kickstarter in 2011 and in 2012 (already to expand opportunities). Besides the fact that such a robot shows funny faces on the display of a smartphone, it can serve as a two-way telepresence system.

Keep dancing

Like PARO, Keepon is created for therapeutic purposes. It is designed to help children with developmental disabilities.

An interactive model for the mass market appeared in 2011 - much later than the operator-controlled model for patients.

And the application is there!

Like many other things, virtual pets in the last years found their home in smartphones. In 2013, the application Tamagotchi Classic. Hatchi came out the same year.

Under pebble

We’re not sure if any pets will be letting Apple into their Watch, but Hatchi promises to appear soon in Pebble’s smart watch.

Call it comeback

The original egg is back again. Bandai again released the classic Tamagotchi under the name Tamagotchi Friends.

What did you have from this zoo, tell us?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/236799/

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