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Output video from multiple webcams on one page

Once I was depressed, I didn’t want to do anything, and then I remembered that as a child I strongly wanted to have a video monitoring console like some villain in a movie who sits in a dark room and laughs watching helpless people who are trying to find a way out. Well, having refreshed my childhood memories, I decided to bring them to life, well, that part with the monitoring console, without the little people. And here my friend was HTML5 leaps and bounds, or rather the Stream API .
Since I had previously used getUserMedia to capture sound from a microphone, I thought that there would be no problems with the video either, but they still got out into the light. Those. There were no problems with the capture of the video stream, but with the simultaneous output of data from several sources on one page it turned out to be not so simple as we wanted.

So, let's start from the very beginning, namely from capturing and outputting video from one source. For this we will use the getUserMedia function , which is supported in all normal browsers of older versions ( Stream API ), well, of course, except for IE.




To access the webcam, you need to request permission from the user, and then getUserMedia comes on the scene, it takes three arguments:

As a means of output, we will use the video element, in the src attribute of which the URL element in the Blob format from the LocalMediaStream object will be passed.
As a result, the simplest function for capturing a stream will look like this:

//   navigator.webkitGetUserMedia({'video': true}, function (stream) { var video = document.createElement("video"); video.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(stream); video.controls = true; video.play(); angular.element(document.querySelector('body')).append(video); }, function (e) { alert("    !"); }); 

Here the following happens:
  1. We create a video element;
  2. With the help of f-and createObjectURL from the LocalMediaStream object , we create a URL element of type Blob, which we transmit as the source to the video element;
  3. Allow autoplay;
  4. Insert our created item on the page.

The task is at least solved, we brought the stream from one camera to our page. Now we need to output streams from the rest of our cameras.


Of course, in trying to solve my problem, I turned for help to the object MediaStreamTrack , which is an interface for working with streams from all multimedia devices that the browser could reach. MediaStreamTrack is still quite a rare beast and is found in the latest versions of Chrome , Opera and Firefox . So why do we need him? And then, to get information about data sources.

In general, we groped the clue to solve our problem. Only I felt the joy of a dream coming true, as I realized that I could not get all the sources at once for their withdrawal. After a hysterical search for a solution, it was found that in Chrome and Opere, the object MediaStreamTrack has the function getSources , which is our salvation. As the name implies, this function returns an object that contains information about all sources of audio and video.

Well, let's find our cameras:

 getMediaSources: function () { var mediaSources = []; MediaStreamTrack.getSources(function (sources) { an.forEach(sources, function (val, key) { if (sources[key].kind === 'video') { mediaSources.push(val); } }); }); } 

The sources object provided to us by the getSources function is an array of objects with information about data sources. Each of these objects contains the following information:


Thus, to summarize what we can now do. We can get a list of all sources with source identifiers, as well as we can intercept data from them and output. It remains only to put it all together, and we get what we wanted.

We will have the following sequence of actions:
  1. When you load the page with the help of f-and MediaStreamTrack.getSources, we determine all the sources of the video signal;
  2. We list the sources on the page. We do this so that we still have to give permission to access each camera. This can be avoided if the page works through https
  3. When you click on any source from the list, we intercept data from it using GetUserMedia , create a video element for it and display it. (If we select the same source several times, then a copy of the stream will be simply made)

Before giving the final working example, we’ll go back to the f-and webkitGetUserMedia , namely its first constraints argument. The documentation says that source types are transferred there in the format:

 {"video": true,"audio":true} 

This is obviously not enough for us, because we need to at least pass the source identifier. It turns out that instead of the standard object you can pass the so-called restrictive object. Thanks to him, we can adjust quite a lot of parameters, such as frame rate and resolution.

 var constraints = {}; constraints.video = { mandatory: { minWidth: 640, minHeight: 480, minFrameRate: 30 }, optional: [ { sourceId: sourceid } ] }; 

Our facility is divided into two parts:

Of the parameters that can be customized, I found these:

Now everything is ready to write the final version of our module:
Module code
 /** * Created by abaddon on 11.09.14. */ /*global window, document, angular, MediaStreamTrack, console, navigator */ (function (w, d, an, mst, nav) { "use strict"; angular.module("camersRoom", []). value("$sectors", {}). directive("ngVideoSector", ['$sectors', function ($sectors) { return { restrict: "A", link: function (scope, elem, attr) { $sectors[attr.ngVideoSector] = elem; } }; }]). directive("ngRoomPlace", ["$room", "$sectors", "$compile", function ($room, $sectors, $compile) { return { restrict: "A", controller: function ($scope, $element) { this.createViews = function (html) { var videoBlock = $sectors.rec, content; videoBlock.append(html); content = videoBlock.contents(); $compile(content)($scope); }; }, link: function (scope, elem, attr, cont) { if ($room.support) { var mediaSources = [], html, count; $room.getMediaSources().then(function (sources) { an.forEach(sources, function (val, key) { if (sources[key].kind === 'video') {/*find only video devices.    */ mediaSources.push(val); } }); count = mediaSources.length; if (count) { html = $room.createSourcePreview(mediaSources); cont.createViews(html); } else { scope.error = { show: true, text: "       !" }; } /*create video block views.*/ }); } else { scope.error = { show: true, text: " ,      .  Google Chrome" }; } } }; }]). factory("$room", ["$q", "$sectors", function ($q, $sectors) { var Room = function () { var methods = { get support() { return !!this.media; }, set support(value) { this.media = value; } }; an.extend(this, methods); this.support = mst.getSources; }; Room.prototype = { _createVideoElement: function (stream) { var video = d.createElement("video"); video.src = w.URL.createObjectURL(stream); video.controls = true; video.play(); $sectors.place.append(video); }, getMediaSources: function () {/*get all media sources.    ,  */ var defer = $q.defer(); mst.getSources(function (sources) { defer.resolve(sources); }); return defer.promise; }, createSourcePreview: function (mediaSources) { var htmlString = '', i = 0; an.forEach(mediaSources, function (val) { i++; htmlString += '<button class="video-preview" ng-click="startBroadcast($event)" id="' + val.id + '"> ' + i + '</button>'; }); return htmlString; }, addVideoPlace: function (sourceid) { var constraints = {}; constraints.video = { mandatory: { minWidth: 640, minHeight: 480, minFrameRate: 30 }, optional: [ { sourceId: sourceid } ] }; nav.webkitGetUserMedia(constraints, function (stream) { this._createVideoElement(stream); }.bind(this), function (e) { alert("     !"); }); } }; return new Room(); }]); }(window, document, angular, MediaStreamTrack, navigator)); 

I will not give the code of the html template. Everything can be viewed on the demo and on github .

That's all, thank you for your attention, and I hope that this article will be useful to someone.

Well, of course, the list of references:

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/236699/

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