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Reasons for failing to achieve goals

We all want to be successful, and we hope that we are unique snowflakes. What is somewhere in the depths, a genius slumbering in us, who only needs to be awakened.

That is unlikely. And the point is not that genius is not related to success, but that people are successful because they cannot be distracted from what they are doing.

Self-discipline, perseverance, and so on - this is all clear, we all read in books like “Geniuses and Outsiders , ” “Great On Your Own Choice,” and others, written as if to find a magic formula. But the truth is that the so-called "geniuses" no one and nothing can distract from work. "Bonus" to this stubbornness attached problems with society, friends and even loved ones, but it is not customary to discuss.
Tarantino will make films, even if he will not pay for it. Stephen King will write books, even if no one will publish them. Ilon Musk will build rockets, even if no one buys them. Need proof? Read the biographies of "geniuses".

We at SmartProgress decided to analyze the causes and consequences of this behavior.

Neurochemistry mediocrity

Everything is clear with geniuses, how can we be a mere mortal?

You probably know the term dopamine. For a long time it was believed that dopamine is a neurotransmitter responsible for the pleasure that a person receives from food, drugs, sex and social contacts. In other words, the pleasure of receiving an award.

However, as a result of the study , a new theory emerged - dopamine is responsible for the pleasure not of receiving the award, but of the desire and anticipation of its receipt. In simple terms - dopamine makes us want (rather strong simplification for the sake of brevity, those who wish can study the report themselves).

The original report describes an experiment, as a result of which, rats with suppressed dopamine production lost interest in food, they had to be fed artificially so that they would not die of hunger. That is, anticipation and curiosity are directly related to dopamine and to the feeling of euphoria.

Rage Against The Machine

Dopamine naturally helps a person to survive and evolve, stimulating his desire to move, to interact. But what nature was not ready for is the fact that with the advent of computers, “infotainment” and social networks, this model will cause human inertness. Because the reward is not only food, sex and drugs, but also “everything new,” including information. Thus, dopamine motivates a person to learn and develop.

While everything is fine - dopamine is produced in the process of obtaining interesting information, so knowledge is obtained, right? No not like this. Because if a person has a choice between useful information, and interesting - guess what he chooses? Of course, information can be both useful and interesting, but more on that later.

Jolts per minute

On foreign television, there is a term Jolts Per Minute , literally: shocks per minute.

Previously, the dynamics of American television shows and television films was estimated in terms of this indicator - how many times a minute there are dramatic changes. It can be a change of music theme, volume, new event - anything. Thus, television maintains a spectator interest, based on dopamine, and the desire it causes to know what will happen next.

Need for approval

From an early age, a direct relationship between approval and security is established in the human brain. The baby seeks approval from his parents for his actions, the child from school teachers, friends, or other authorities. Thus, in a person at the subconscious level the dependence on approval is fixed, approval becomes an indispensable condition of comfort and safety.

However, our dependence on approval is explained not only by psychological reasons, but also by physiological ones - every time we get approval or even just attention, especially from strangers, we get all the same dopamine injection. I think it is now clear where the roots of Internet addiction are growing from. If earlier, in order to get someone's approval, it was necessary to do something, then today it is not at all necessary. It is enough to pretend and photograph your salad.

By the way, “geniuses and outsiders” have practically no need for approval.

I am a unique snowflake

So, the picture gradually begins to emerge. Successful people succeed because their main drug is what they do. And no dopamine will replace it.

We are in the grip of the simplest conditioned reflexes — the stimuli that act on us form clear reflexes, like Pavlov’s dog, which has gotten the teeth and teeth. Remember your feeling when you see an alert about unread messages, or hear the sound of an incoming message.

What to do

First, you need to find your "drug". Unfortunately, or fortunately, this is the only way to turn useful information into interesting information.

Secondly, you need to regain control. In other words, you need to learn awareness in the management of resources, the main ones being time and emotion.
How to do it? Someone enough to remove unnecessary people from life. Here we have in mind not only from social networks, but literally - to stop communicating with those with whom there is nothing in common except the distant past.

If your case is more serious than simple absentmindedness, time tracking can help you. If this does not help, try mastering the time control system, for example, Pomodoro . In addition, it will be useful to turn off all signals - incoming message counters, alert signals, social network applications on the phone, and so on. Do not be a dog Pavlova. But the most important thing, of course, is to keep your goals under control.

Why is studying in the university for many more effective than self-study? Not because the university gives you some kind of magical knowledge, but only because the university controls your time, you can't forget to go to class, or not, because you don't want to. So why should we take self-education and self-development less seriously?

Third, clearly formulate your goals, put them into tasks and set deadlines. For large and large-scale goals, SmartProgress is able to help; for strategic ones, make a schedule for yourself, set your own homework for yourself, set tasks for yourself with clear deadlines.

If you do not control your life, it means someone else does it.

SmartProgress - achieving goals

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/236685/

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