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Startup-Lynch on RHS

While everyone is slowly beginning to digest his impressions of visiting RIT, I’ll share my impressions from one of the parts of the “conference in the conference” Success Story - 2008 . The section with the intriguingly provocative title " Startup-Lynch " was held in the middle of the second day of the forum, just at lunch. Since at that time she was competing for the attention of the participants with only one rather narrow report (not counting the competition from the dining room), quite a lot of people gathered to look at the action in the spirit of the reality show “Chance”.

The essence of the event was as follows: for 3 minutes, start-up owners who had submitted applications for participation had to submit their creations to the jury of 4 representatives of investment companies and 3 technical specialists (all are equal, as for selection, and with them Maxim Spiridonov from Roiber . For another 5 minutes, the jury could ask clarifying questions for the presentation and then evaluated the possibility of continuing the conversation with the contestant with a show of hands and a promising presentation of business cards on the table.

The first person to take the microphone for the RHS organizers was the person who presented the RIT-TV project, whose team is shooting at all ProfyClub events, broadcasting video on RuTube. Actually, the recording from Startup-Lynch itself may soon appear there. Investments to the project were needed to expand the content distribution network. However, exactly how the team plans to spend money and then earn it back, it remains unclear because of the speaker's excitement. Which resulted in the unanimous lack of interest on the part of the jury and Spiridonov’s instructions to the next speakers on how to show yourself.

Two young men, the creators of the BannerMe advertising network, were somewhat more successful, receiving 3 votes for their project. Their idea is to collect statistics about the preferences of a particular user. This can be called a user shadowing, it can be called, in a fashionable way, behavioral targeting, but the fact remains: 1.5 million rubles have already been invested in the project (including half a million - as a sign of interest from the Government of Moscow). Gentlemen, investors noticeably started up when they heard the amounts of already absorbed funds, thus confirming their difference from the so-called business angels - a fundamental unwillingness to invest in something that exists only on paper and is supported only by a glance. This should be remembered before entering the door under the sign of "FINAM" or another, looking just as serious.
The interest of the jury continued to grow with the performance of a clearly enthusiastic person, who presented his company, developed the Megaplan task management system. 4 votes in favor were formed from the unequivocal approval of the speaker's arguments, plus $ 300 thousand of investments already invested in the project. The niche of the company's product is at the junction of the niches of large systems for large businesses and personal organizers. There are not many competitors yet, but the idea is clearly already in work all over the world. The team, which has already put the development of its offspring on straight rails, honestly admits that it needs money ($ 1 million) to accelerate and implement ambitious plans, although they will earn their own piece of bread with caviar without outside help. All this, obviously, is captivating and has investors.

The next speaker, with her idea of ​​the data storage, synchronization and copying service, “ Skrosokod ”, although she did not receive a single vote from the jury, was certainly genuinely supported by all of them in her heart, and, according to Pavel Rogozhin, earned the audience award :)

Well, the most successful was the presentation of the service of video tips, instructions and lessons from Qefir.ru, similar in functionality to Skillopedia . Clear directions for monetization (advertising on a specific video clip, video shooting services for organizations wishing to be displayed on the website), recognition of the important role of competitors and the risks of starting a fight in an already occupied niche, and, again, a fairly high-quality presentation is the key to success. The result is 5 votes and a small crowd wishing to meet, who surrounded the speaker after the section was closed.

As a result, it can be said that although there was not something extraordinary among the projects presented, the Startup-Lynch’s entertainment and cognition was at a high level. Those who were there and saw surely understood some rules of conversation with the investor no worse than after reading a couple of weighty books. But, oddly enough, the most correct would be, in my opinion, the conclusion that there are no universal rules. Every investor wants to see from you personally interesting to him. One needs a brilliant idea, the other - a competent rationale and marketing gloss. Do not worry, perhaps, only those who have both.

They should think about the statement of one of the jury members, which made the hall plunge into thoughtfulness for a while, and then burst into applause: "The main thing is not to get someone else's money, but to return it."

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23667/

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