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Results of the education reform in Belarus

I think that those who study and are going to enter the Belarusian university are not very pleased with the conduct and the Central Testing system (hereinafter referred to as CT).

The problem is this: CT is more like CT scan - Kolkhoz testing. After visiting the Rehearsal Testing (Trial in common), I had this opinion. People 150-200 stand near the audience and hope they will get there or not. The juice is when all this “brain-mass” rushes into this poor audience and begins to occupy space. That very action begins in which the whole point of this testing is concluded - to take place in time. Has taken and started. Distribution of tasks and their subsequent solution.

The whole essence of CT is not to test the student’s knowledge, but to show how worthless it is. Forgive me all compatriots, but I hate this system. Every year tests become more and more complicated, such tasks are selected that are not passed in the basic program at school. They are worked out separately with a tutor and at all kinds of extra classes in school. The main reason for the complexity of the tests - shortages in vocational schools. I will quote one very influential person in our country who has already managed to bother all the neighboring countries: “We have shortages in vocational schools, we lack labor. Why do we need a hundred foremen for one worker? We need precisely labor. ” Consequently, after the signing of bureaucratic papers, places on the budget form of education began to decrease sharply in our country and paid places appeared. Yes, this is all because of the energy crisis and “all that”, but the fact remains. I do not deny that such a concept as “Brain Drain” is flourishing in our country. And all because a person with good brains will receive pennies, and abroad, “over the hill”, with the same education, you can receive at least 3-4 times more.
The results of CT are evaluated on a 100% scale, usually in the common people, as a percentage. The very essence is this: it is necessary in the amount of three exams and a certificate to score a certain number of points and enroll in your chosen university and faculty. As the situation with the exam.

My personal opinion is the exam. I, personally, do not understand the essence of this CT, because on the exam, and so it is clear whether it is a smart person or not. How many cases were there that the cleverest heads simply overwhelmed these tests and did not pass with their points on those faculties for which they had wanted to enroll. And not everyone wants to stomp their boots right after school, you know, you want to And on the exam people are sitting, they will understand, if necessary, they will help, and here, on the test, a person is provided with a computer - guessed or not. There is no room for blots or errors. Take the same test for Chog'u - a friend in the word "dealer" made a mistake and wrote a "dealer" in the " B " (complicated) part. And the computer did not count the answer, respectively, the friend did not receive 2-3 percent for this task, therefore he did not enter and went to stomp his boots. At the exam they would be considered as a blot, but they would not particularly lower the score and he would have entered. There are just such moments when it is wedging or forgetting about the simplest, it would seem, things.

So, I, if I were in power, would return the form of admission, which was before the introduction of the "European standard".

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23663/

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