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How it all began, or your own startup

For more than three months, Web Optimizator has been living and working. I hope that its main task - to change the idea of ​​the speed of loading and operation of sites - is somehow achieved. More and more web developers are using “advanced” technologies to create their products. The users' consciousness starts to get used to the idea that “fast” is when the site loads in 2-3 seconds, and not in 10-20.

I want to talk a little bit about what lay in the background of the project, about the appearance of the very idea of ​​how the world can be made better (= faster), and its materialization in that form. About how you can find ideas for creating technological projects and services. About how you can grow. Maybe someone podcherpt from this story of confidence and optimism, and someone - just practical advice.

So, it all began, in fact, a year ago. A year ago, RIT 2007 passed, terribly advertised and announced. Now, as I understand the passage of time, it was just another crazy idea - to turn the world of web development in Russia. And she succeeded. The society began to sway, tilted and gave a crack, from which the flocks are actively sprouting new shoots and tendencies.

RIT 2007

A year ago, I got to RIT only as a member. I considered myself a fairly advanced webmaster, but as it turned out, I did not know anything about CSS Sprites , nor about semantic layout , nor about microformats , nor about “unobtrusive” JavaScript , nor about WCAG or ATAG . And also a couple of dozen fashionable words and abbreviations, trends and people who stand at the head of them. In general, I did not know anything.

Tag One: Follow the trends and activities in your area . Some of them can and should be visited.

Web Standards Group

First of all, after RIT, I registered on the Web Standards Group ( Russian wing ) (yes, I already knew that, apart from IE, there is Firefox and Opera, but I did not think that the movement to introduce standards was so common). The main source of information has become thematic newsletters.

Tag two: stay tuned to professional news channels . If in the last month you have not learned anything interesting from the channel, you can safely unsubscribe from it.


Three months passed before I decided to register on the habr, because it was (and probably remains) the most massive and informative source of IT knowledge in Runet. However, the first pancake is lumpy: after several unsuccessful (= unprofessional) user comments, they were warned, and publishing something under it became problematic. Well, okay, let's start from scratch. And created a second user .

Label three: do not be afraid to start several times . Sometimes starting from scratch is much more economical than restoring the lost.

Self development

So, in August, Habr was blown up by dozens of translations . I translated everything that seemed to me at least a little interesting. Sometimes it was really interesting, sometimes not. But readers voted and raised the rating karma. Every now and again. You say: fi, spend your time creating content for Habr. However, while this is still my content (I can at any time remove it from the resource). And I gained invaluable experience and knowledge in the translation process. When translating any article, I had to be well versed in the subject in order to present it in Russian more or less clearly.

Translations, in fact, gave a lot (not counting, of course, 15 places in the ranking at the beginning of September 2007). They gave a good idea of ​​the world of client technologies, plunged precisely into the area that I liked the most. They helped me to determine my interests and gave me exactly the information that was not yet on the Runet and which I wanted to receive. A simple reading of articles (in Russian or English) still does not give the same effect. It was like a theoretical course and practical tasks on it.

Fourth mark: study your subject area as deeply as possible . If there are not enough materials in RuNet, do not hesitate to learn languages ​​and read them in primary sources. Try to work through the resulting material, otherwise it will give only a superficial presentation.

Client Side 2007

In November, held ClientSide'2007 . By that moment, I already had a couple of serious translations (for example, On having layout ) behind me and had healthy ambitions to get in as a speaker. As a result of negotiations with the program committee, the field of the report was changed dramatically, the time was shortened to a minimum (generally got by some miracle), and I had to study a lot of additional material to at least imagine what my partner was going to report. Once again, I realized that I did not know anything :)

We were lucky. The report was recognized as the best , I received in absentia the status of a guru and another vector for development: this time it was client optimization, reducing the load time of the site. The new theme was extremely interesting and promising. And narrow enough to focus on it.

Mark five: do not be afraid to try . Even if the result is that you do not know anything, at least you will know about it and understand what you need to do to find out. Also, any attempt gives invaluable experience, and experience is always a plus.

Web Optimizator

It has been literally a month since I started optimizing a small social network and realized that I was terribly lacking a tool to automate the measurement of dozens of small things to understand what can and cannot be done for optimization. It was December 2007. And in January, the first version of the webo.in project was posted .

Next time I am going to tell you what happened in recent months and how the initial idea was transformed, and as a resume I would like to say that each of us can always launch a startup of our own professional development . And for this you need only desire. The desire to grow and strive for more.


Over the past month, three key features have been added for Web Optimizator : visual optimization (you can apply a large set of possible technologies and see how each of them will affect the time and process of loading the site), checking an arbitrary URL '(no comments :) and image analysis for a possible reduction in their size (bmp2png, gif2png, pngcrush, jpegtran).

Many thanks to all users who are actively involved in the development of the project and share their wishes. Without your help, we could not have done a tenth of the current functionality.

To be continued ...

PS Looking for a flasher to develop a simple plugin for API vkontakte. If anyone knows how to more or less prog on a flash and wants to help - please write in private.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23659/

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