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Hazelcast 3.3 - what's new?

The day before yesterday, September 9, a new version of Hazelcast was released - 3.3 .

In short: Heartbeat for clients, session clustering for Tomcat 6 and 7, new Replicated Map, improved WAN Replication, improved Data Aggregation, EvictAll functionality and LoadAll for IMap.

- Heartbeat for customers. With this functionality, clients can periodically poll cluster nodes and thereby quickly respond to their disconnection;
- Session replication for Tomcat 6 and 7 (Enterprise license). P2P and Client-Server session replication styles are supported. Tomcat Based Web Session Replication ;
- Implemented Replicated Map. Unlike IMap, this is not distributed storage. All cluster nodes have their own copy. Add and receive data very quickly. The price for speed is asynchronous update of information in the repositories on other nodes of the cluster. Links to documentation: Replicated Map , For Consideration , Technical Design , In Memory Format , EntryListener ;
- Improved WAN Replication mechanism (synchronization of several clusters). Added the ability to set queue size (WAN Replication Queue Size) (Enterprise license). WAN ;
- Improved data aggregation mechanism (add-on over Map Reduce to perform a number of common operations such as summation, finding the average and others in a more convenient style). Aggregators ;
- Added EvictAll and LoadAll functionality for IMap.

A source

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/236485/

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