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How to go to hackathons if you have problems with alcohol, overweight, communication and, in general, if you are an IT specialist

Delayed by 15 minutes

Who does not know, hakaton - this is an awesome way to work more and on weekends. Only one 48-hour day, only work, one project and one result, a sea of ​​new experience and a bunch of new connections, plus knowledge-knowledge-knowledge.

Tomorrow in the evening, 45 identical ecology hackathons will start all over the world. We spend our Russian # hack4good in #tceh coworking, because it's cool, a holiday and generally a wonderful company.

Why hackathons - Kirill Chuvakov (our resident, participated and organized over9000 hakatons)

“In short: the first hackathon turned my life upside down - I started a startup. At one of the hakatons we made a prototype of the project, which we have been doing for half a year. This is a huge amount of dating. In general, a hackathon is about the process - a party, a competition, local jokes, unusual views on problems. ”

What it is

Hackathon is a short event. Here is what our CTO Misha says: “You come, you find a team. From the last I only remembered that we came, sat down, got laptops and something with ecstasy kodili. The guys say I drank about five liters of coffee. ” Actually, the way it happens. The real spirit of open source.

What will happen to us

There are 15 environmental issues. For example, “Visual visualization” - you need to create a convincing visualization of climate models and interactions to solve some applied problem. Or “Emergency Plan” - applications and tools for response to floods, storms, forest fires, and so on.

Social tasks, energy, motivation to plant trees, gamification of reforestation - a lot of things. You choose a topic and make an application or tool for it. At the end of the Deploy under strict deadline and prizes. Plus, if something is cool (and cool is always) - the real use of WWF.


What to do

Dmitry Kabanov, our mentor, the organizer of Launch48 in Russia, advises:

Coming on Friday to 19:00. The theme is ecology, there are 15 tasks. Look at the tasks, get acquainted, tell ideas, if any. There will be a special presenter who will not let you get lost if the idea is good, and you can’t explain it at all.

The WWF guys will be on the spot, they will give feedback on ideas, they will be able to prompt and correct something in terms of applicability and statistics. There will be a video connection from Geeklist - a speech from a project representative. They connect to each participating city separately. Following the evening, we form teams. And we begin to code.

Mentors - the most delicious

On Saturday in the morning, mentors begin to catch up - the guys with experience. Alexey Poimtsev from the Progress Engine, who understands Ruby and integrations. Grigory Sitnin - head of mobile and web development teams in various projects from TEDx Moscow to My-Apps. Valentin Dombrovsky - co-organizer of the Moscow Django. Anna Guncheva is the leader of web and mobile development in Dream Industries. Mikhail Asavkin - CTO Photozeen and one of the founders of the UX Club. Tatyana Smetanina is an expert on Microsoft strategic technologies.

They can ask any questions, and they are trying with all their might to direct you to the right path - product, shading, code, usability.


Mentors are the most important part to gain experience. On the hackathon for 2 days, you can check out some idea, which then will give you an understanding of the business. Take, run, ask questions to specialists. You get a lively, concentrated and concrete practical experience. Very cool. The main thing is that even if you know what to do exactly, still find at least 15 minutes and ask the mentor. Helpful

Team The team is new. This is just a wild drive if you work together: and teamwork skills, and observing how others work, and generally useful experience in the code, and in a joint project. It is important not to ruin the team, about this below.

Do not change the horse on the second day . We went to the hackathon - right away, discuss the concept directly in advance. And do not look at others, not enough time. Even if you make a mistake, it’s not scary, because a hackathon is only one long day, and it gives you six months of experience.

Toilet, water, food, cleanliness and rest are very important . Of course, the scale of luxury can vary, but still it is worth checking before the start, plus maybe take comfortable things, a thermos.

Communication So many developers immediately difficult to meet in other places. Even if you accidentally cross in the kitchen, there will be something interesting, definitely. For this we love hackathons.

How to continue hackathon, the practice of Gregory Sitnina

Says: “We are going to do a prog. Threesome I hit the hackathon three times between Nizhny and Moscow, one person actually coded, and the third turned out to be a beginner - with reference to the team, we trained him in parallel. He thought he would code, but he could not write code at a normal speed, and he didn’t know the approaches.

We were synchronized (this is when using Skype in voice), but we did a lot of things for a long time - we discussed and experimented. As a result, continued unloading the code to the server for 15 minutes. While deploy, the hackathon is over ...

But it was necessary: ​​one follows and keeps the development plan in the head, two coders. ”

Tips Alexey Poimtseva

“I came to PayPal-hakaton, but the dudes with whom I participated, fell apart in the middle of the night - the guys changed their mind. It is very important that the team was going. In the 11th year I participated in Kodforkantri, took the 3rd place, I did all the development, the rest kicked ...

The team needs to be driven, the success of the project depends on it. 4 chela - ideal: design, backend, frontend, product-generator of ideas (the idea must be initially cool). Mentors: we need diverse specialists - if they cannot close a particular direction, why should they? ”


Coffee in beans, unlimited. Food - feed, but not a buffet, if someone needs a lot of sweet - better take a little with you. Shower, we regularly change towels there. Rosettes everywhere on coworking, even in sofas. Kitchen. Wi-Fi per hundred. Electrified tables - from 4 to 10 people. Two chill out. Punching bag and horizontal bar. Locking cabinets for things laptops climb. All this is 800 square meters with a stunning view of Yauza, the place is between Taganskaya and Kurskaya.

What to do, cap?

Write code that will find real use. Languages ​​- any. At least the winner of the project gets a real use in a large organization with a crowd of fans.

Worth coming if I don't understand everything yet?

Yes, on Friday we are only determined, we begin to code by hardcore who is on a Saturday morning, and who is right away if we stay overnight. There will be many developers with excellent practical experience, many strange people, a festive atmosphere and a sea of ​​experience. Seriously, it's like a festival and a party for autists at the same time.

Come be cool. And there will be something to remember. Here is the link , there are all the details.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/236435/

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